7 research outputs found

    High-quality 3D shape measurement with binarized dual phase-shifting method

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    ABSTRACT 3-D technology is commonplace in today\u27s world. They are used in many dierent aspects of life. Researchers have been keen on 3-D shape measurement and 3-D reconstruction techniques in past decades as a result of inspirations from dierent applications ranging from manufacturing, medicine to entertainment. The techniques can be broadly divided into contact and non-contact techniques. The contact techniques like coordinate measuring machine (CMM) dates way back to 1950s. It has been used extensively in the industries since then. It becomes predominant in industrial inspections owing to its high accuracy in the order of m. As we know that quality control is an important part of modern industries hence the technology is enjoying great popularity. However, the main disadvantage of this method is its slow speeds due to its requirement of point-by-point touch. Also, since this is a contact process, it might deform a soft object while performing measurements. Such limitations led the researchers to explore non-contact measurement technologies (optical metrology techniques). There are a variety of optical techniques developed till now. Some of the well-known technologies include laser scanners, stereo vision, and structured light systems. The main limitation of laser scanners is its limited speed due to its point-by-point or line-by-line scanning process. The stereo vision uses two cameras which take pictures of the object at two dierent angles. Then epipolar geometry is used to determine the 3-D coordinates of points in real-world. Such technology imitates human vision, but it had a few limitations too like the diculty of correspondence detection for uniform or periodic textures. Hence structured light systems were introduced which addresses the aforementioned limitations. There are various techniques developed including 2-D pseudo-random codication, binary codication, N-ary codication and digital fringe projection (DFP). The limitation of 2-D pseudo-random codication technique is its inability to achieve high spatial resolution since any uniquely generated and projected feature requires a span of several projector pixels. The binary codication techniques reduce the requirement of 2-D features to 1-D ones. However, since there are only two intensities, it is dicult to differentiate between the individual pixels within each black or white stripe. The other disadvantage is that n patterns are required to encode 2n pixels, meaning that the measurement speeds will be severely affected if a scene is to be coded with high-resolution. Dierently, DFP uses continuous sinusoidal patterns. The usage of continuous patterns addresses the main disadvantage of binary codication (i.e. the inability of this technique to differentiate between pixels was resolved by using sinusoid patterns). Thus, the spatial resolution is increased up to camera-pixel-level. On the other hand, since the DFP technique used 8-bit sinusoid patterns, the speed of measurement is limited to the maximum refreshing rate of 8-bit images for many video projectors (e.g. 120 Hz). This made it inapplicable for measurements of highly dynamic scenes. In order to overcome this speed limitation, the binary defocussing technique was proposed which uses 1-bit patterns to produce sinusoidal prole by projector defocusing. Although this technique has signicantly boosted the measurement speed up to kHz-level, if the patterns are not properly defocused (nearly focused or overly defocused), increased phase noise or harmonic errors will deteriorate the reconstructed surface quality. In this thesis research, two techniques are proposed to overcome the limitations of both DFP and binary defocusing technique: binarized dual phase shifting (BDPS) technique and Hilbert binarized dual phase shifting technique (HBDPS). Both techniques were able to achieve high-quality 3-D shape measurements even when the projector is not sufficiently defocused. The harmonic error was reduced by 47% by the BDPS method, and 74% by the HBDPS method. Moreover, both methods use binary patterns which preserve the speed advantage of the binary technology, hence it is potentially applicable to simultaneous high-speed and high-accuracy 3D shape measurements

    A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns

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    Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision that obtains the shape of objects. One shot techniques are based on projecting a unique light pattern with an LCD projector so that grabbing an image with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be obtained. Then, a 3D reconstruction of the illuminated object can be recovered by means of triangulation. The most used strategy to encode one-shot patterns is based on De Bruijn sequences. In This work a new way to design patterns using this type of sequences is presented. The new coding strategy minimises the number of required colours and maximises both the resolution and the accurac

    A new optimised de bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns

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    Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision that obtains the shape of objects. Oneshot techniques are based on projecting a unique light pattern with an LCD projector so that grabbing an image with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be obtained. Then, a 3D reconstruction of the illuminated object can be recovered by means of triangulation. The most used strategy to encode one-shot patterns is based on De Bruijn sequences. In this paper a new way to design patterns using this type of sequences is presented. The new coding strategy minimises the number of required colours and maximises both the resolution and the accuracy. 1

    A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns

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    Chromatisch konfokale Triangulation - Hochgeschwindigkeits 3D-Sensorik auf Basis der Wellenlängenschätzung mit optimierten Filtern

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    Arbeit über einen chromatisch konfokalen 3D Sensor zur dreidimensionalen Erfassung einer Oberfläche. Anstatt des typischer Weise verwendeten Spektrometers zur Messung der Wellenlänge wird ein neuartiger Ansatz untersucht, bei dem nur wenige Kamerakanäle mit einer speziell optimierten spektralen Empfindlichkeit eingesetzt werden. Die Optimierung der technischen Umsetzung mittels Interferenzfilter ist der wesentliche Beitrag der Arbeit

    Chromatisch konfokale Triangulation - Hochgeschwindigkeits 3D-Sensorik auf Basis der Wellenlängenschätzung mit optimierten Filtern

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    Klassischer Weise wird das chromatische Messprinzip mit einem Spektrometer umgesetzt. In der Arbeit wird stattdessen eine multispektrale Kamera optimiert. Als Aufgabenstellung wird die Reduzierung der Messunsicherheit für ein chromatisches konfokales 3D-Mikroskop behandelt. Kern der Arbeit ist eine Optimierungsmethodik zum Filterdesign der multispektralen Kamera. Das Potenzial der Ergebnisse liegt in der Realisierung signifikant höherer Messgeschwindigkeiten

    Conception d'un dispositif d'acquisition d'images agronomiques 3D en extérieur et développement des traitements associés pour la détection et la reconnaissance de plantes et de maladies

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    Dans le cadre de l'acquisition de l'information de profondeur de scènes texturées, un processus d'estimation de la profondeur basé sur la méthode de reconstruction 3D Shape from Focus est présenté dans ce manuscrit. Les deux étapes fondamentales de cette approche sont l'acquisition de la séquence d'images de la scène par sectionnement optique et l'évaluation de la netteté locale pour chaque pixel des images acquises. Deux systèmes d'acquisition de cette séquence d'images sont présentés ainsi que les traitements permettant d'exploiter celle-ci pour la suite du processus d'estimation de la profondeur. L'étape d'évaluation de la netteté des pixels passe par la comparaison des différents opérateurs de mesure de netteté. En plus des opérateurs usuels, deux nouveaux opérateurs basés sur les descripteurs généralisés de Fourier sont proposés. Une méthode nouvelle et originale de comparaison est développée et permet une analyse approfondie de la robustesse à différents paramètres des divers opérateurs. Afin de proposer une automatisation du processus de reconstruction, deux méthodes d'évaluation automatique de la netteté sont détaillées. Finalement, le processus complet de reconstruction est appliqué à des scènes agronomiques, mais également à une problématique du domaine de l'analyse de défaillances de circuits intégrés afin d'élargir les domaines d'utilisationIn the context of the acquisition of depth information for textured scenes, a depth estimation process based on a 3D reconstruction method called "shape from focus" is proposed in this thesis. The two crucial steps of this approach are the image sequence acquisition of the scene by optical sectioning and the local sharpness evaluation for each pixel of the acquired images. Two acquisition systems have been developed and are presented as well as different image processing techniques that enable the image exploitation for the depth estimation process. The pixel sharpness evaluation requires comparison of different focus measure operators in order to determine the most appropriate ones. In addition to the usual focus measure operators, two news operators based on generalized Fourier descriptors are presented. A new and original comparison method is developped and provides a further analysis of the robustness to various parameters of the focus measure operators. In order to provide an automatic version of the reconstruction process, two automatic sharpness evaluation methods are detailed. Finally, the whole reconstruction process is applied to agronomic scenes, but also to a problematic in failure analysis domain aiming to expand to other applicationsDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF