323 research outputs found

    Mapping of ionospheric total electron content using global navigation satellite systems

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Bayesian approach to ionospheric imaging with Gaussian Markov random field priors

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    Ionosfääri on noin 60–1000 kilometrin korkeudella sijaitseva ilmakehän kerros, jossa kaasuatomien ja -molekyylien elektroneja on päässyt irtoamaan auringon säteilyn ja auringosta peräisin olevien nopeiden hiukkasten vaikutuksesta. Näin syntyneillä ioneilla ja vapailla elektroneilla on sähkö- ja magneettikenttien kanssa vuorovaikuttava sähkövaraus. Ionosfäärillä on siksi merkittävä rooli radioliikenteessä. Se voi mahdollistaa horisontin yli tapahtuvat pitkät radiolähetykset heijastamalla lähetetyn sähkömagneettisen signaalin takaisin maata kohti. Toisaalta ionosfääri vaikuttaa myös sen läpäiseviin korkeampitaajuuksisiin signaaleihin. Esimerkiksi satelliittipaikannuksessa ionosfäärin vaikutus on parhaassakin tapauksessa otettava huomioon, mutta huonoimmassa se voi estää paikannuksen täysin. Näkyvin ja tunnetuin ionosfääriin liittyvä ilmiö lienee revontulet. Yksi keskeisistä suureista ionosfäärin tutkimuksessa on vapaiden elektronien määrä kuutiometrin tilavuudessa. Käytännössä elektronitiheyden mittaaminen on mahdollista mm. tutkilla, kuten Norjan, Suomen ja Ruotsin alueilla sijaitsevalla EISCAT-tutkajärjestelmällä, sekä raketti- tai satelliittimittauksilla. Mittaukset voivat olla hyvinkin tarkkoja, mutta tietoa saadaan ainoastaan tutkakeilan suunnassa tai mittalaitteen läheisyydestä. Näillä menetelmillä ionosfäärin tutkiminen laajemmalla alueella on siten vaikeaa ja kallista. Olemassa olevat paikannussatelliitit ja vastaanotinverkot mahdollistavat ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden mittaamisen alueellisessa, ja jopa globaalissa mittakaavassa, ensisijaisen käyttötarkoituksensa sivutuotteena. Satelliittimittausten ajallinen ja paikallinen kattavuus on hyvä, ja kaiken aikaa kasvava, mutta esimerkiksi tarkkoihin tutkamittauksiin verrattuna yksittäisten mittausten tuottama informaatio on huomattavasti vähäisempää. Tässä väitöstyössä kehitettiin tietokoneohjelmisto ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden kolmiulotteiseen kuvantamiseen. Menetelmä perustuu matemaattisten käänteisongelmien teoriaan ja muistuttaa lääketieteessä käytettyjä viipalekuvausmenetelmiä. Satelliittimittausten puutteellisesta informaatiosta johtuen työssä on keskitytty etenkin siihen, miten ratkaisun löytymistä voidaan auttaa tilastollisesti esitetyllä fysikaalisella ennakkotiedolla. Erityisesti työssä sovellettiin gaussisiin Markovin satunnaiskenttiin perustuvaa uutta korrelaatiopriori-menetelmää. Menetelmä vähentää merkittävästi tietokonelaskennassa käytettävän muistin tarvetta, mikä lyhentää laskenta-aikaa ja mahdollistaa korkeamman kuvantamisresoluution.Ionosphere is the partly ionised layer of Earth's atmosphere caused by solar radiation and particle precipitation. The ionisation can start from 60 km and extend up to 1000 km altitude. Often the interest in ionosphere is in the quantity and distribution of the free electrons. The electron density is related to the ionospheric refractive index and thus sufficiently high densities affect the electromagnetic waves propagating in the ionised medium. This is the reason for HF radio signals being able to reflect from the ionosphere allowing broadcast over the horizon, but also an error source in satellite positioning systems. The ionospheric electron density can be studied e.g. with specific radars and satellite in situ measurements. These instruments can provide very precise observations, however, typically only in the vicinity of the instrument. To make observations in regional and global scales, due to the volume of the domain and price of the aforementioned instruments, indirect satellite measurements and imaging methods are required. Mathematically ionospheric imaging suffers from two main complications. First, due to very sparse and limited measurement geometry between satellites and receivers, it is an ill-posed inverse problem. The measurements do not have enough information to reconstruct the electron density and thus additional information is required in some form. Second, to obtain sufficient resolution, the resulting numerical model can become computationally infeasible. In this thesis, the Bayesian statistical background for the ionospheric imaging is presented. The Bayesian approach provides a natural way to account for different sources of information with corresponding uncertainties and to update the estimated ionospheric state as new information becomes available. Most importantly, the Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) priors are introduced for the application of ionospheric imaging. The GMRF approach makes the Bayesian approach computationally feasible by sparse prior precision matrices. The Bayesian method is indeed practicable and many of the widely used methods in ionospheric imaging revert back to the Bayesian approach. Unfortunately, the approach cannot escape the inherent lack of information provided by the measurement set-up, and similarly to other approaches, it is highly dependent on the additional subjective information required to solve the problem. It is here shown that the use of GMRF provides a genuine improvement for the task as this subjective information can be understood and described probabilistically in a meaningful and physically interpretative way while keeping the computational costs low

    Ionosphere Model Development using Regression Method

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    For earth survival an ionosphere is most important and utmost noteworthy for vital satellite communiqué for the navigation positioning exactness persistence. It encompasses different number of layers subject to the quantity of electron density based on distance. So many ionospheric models of its kind are available to guess electron density with temporal determinations based on different research done within this era. GPS data are habitually castoff in these models. Because of that the essentiality is, a required of progressing ionospheric models to cope up with dissimilar time period for low latitudes of nation. Apart from this, an ionospheric tomography is not a well-posed problem. Ionospheric TEC bring into being concurrently in copious locations, which can be determined by a number of methods to overcome electron density. This paper is projected for the research of developing a method to estimate of total electron density which cover entire Indian region. Largely we can utilized satellite data and placed together by number of calculations. The organization of massive figures are intended the usage of data mining algorithms, and artificial neural network algorithms intended to guesstimate. A thorough study on ionospheric model development using regression method and further proposed idea based on literature can be seen in current research paper

    Bayesian approach to ionospheric imaging with Gaussian Markov random field priors

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    Ionosphere is the partly ionised layer of Earth's atmosphere caused by solar radiation and particle precipitation. The ionisation can start from 60 km and extend up to 1000 km altitude. Often the interest in ionosphere is in the quantity and distribution of the free electrons. The electron density is related to the ionospheric refractive index and thus sufficiently high densities affect the electromagnetic waves propagating in the ionised medium. This is the reason for HF radio signals being able to reflect from the ionosphere allowing broadcast over the horizon, but also an error source in satellite positioning systems. The ionospheric electron density can be studied e.g. with specific radars and satellite in situ measurements. These instruments can provide very precise observations, however, typically only in the vicinity of the instrument. To make observations in regional and global scales, due to the volume of the domain and price of the aforementioned instruments, indirect satellite measurements and imaging methods are required. Mathematically ionospheric imaging suffers from two main complications. First, due to very sparse and limited measurement geometry between satellites and receivers, it is an ill-posed inverse problem. The measurements do not have enough information to reconstruct the electron density and thus additional information is required in some form. Second, to obtain sufficient resolution, the resulting numerical model can become computationally infeasible. In this thesis, the Bayesian statistical background for the ionospheric imaging is presented. The Bayesian approach provides a natural way to account for different sources of information with corresponding uncertainties and to update the estimated ionospheric state as new information becomes available. Most importantly, the Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) priors are introduced for the application of ionospheric imaging. The GMRF approach makes the Bayesian approach computationally feasible by sparse prior precision matrices. The Bayesian method is indeed practicable and many of the widely used methods in ionospheric imaging revert back to the Bayesian approach. Unfortunately, the approach cannot escape the inherent lack of information provided by the measurement set-up, and similarly to other approaches, it is highly dependent on the additional subjective information required to solve the problem. It is here shown that the use of GMRF provides a genuine improvement for the task as this subjective information can be understood and described probabilistically in a meaningful and physically interpretative way while keeping the computational costs low.Ionosfääri on noin 60–1000 kilometrin korkeudella sijaitseva ilmakehän kerros, jossa kaasuatomien ja -molekyylien elektroneja on päässyt irtoamaan auringon säteilyn ja auringosta peräisin olevien nopeiden hiukkasten vaikutuksesta. Näin syntyneillä ioneilla ja vapailla elektroneilla on sähkö- ja magneettikenttien kanssa vuorovaikuttava sähkövaraus. Ionosfäärillä on siksi merkittävä rooli radioliikenteessä. Se voi mahdollistaa horisontin yli tapahtuvat pitkät radiolähetykset heijastamalla lähetetyn sähkömagneettisen signaalin takaisin maata kohti. Toisaalta ionosfääri vaikuttaa myös sen läpäiseviin korkeampitaajuuksisiin signaaleihin. Esimerkiksi satelliittipaikannuksessa ionosfäärin vaikutus on parhaassakin tapauksessa otettava huomioon, mutta huonoimmassa se voi estää paikannuksen täysin. Näkyvin ja tunnetuin ionosfääriin liittyvä ilmiö lienee revontulet. Yksi keskeisistä suureista ionosfäärin tutkimuksessa on vapaiden elektronien määrä kuutiometrin tilavuudessa. Käytännössä elektronitiheyden mittaaminen on mahdollista mm. tutkilla, kuten Norjan, Suomen ja Ruotsin alueilla sijaitsevalla EISCAT-tutkajärjestelmällä, sekä raketti- tai satelliittimittauksilla. Mittaukset voivat olla hyvinkin tarkkoja, mutta tietoa saadaan ainoastaan tutkakeilan suunnassa tai mittalaitteen läheisyydestä. Näillä menetelmillä ionosfäärin tutkiminen laajemmalla alueella on siten vaikeaa ja kallista. Olemassa olevat paikannussatelliitit ja vastaanotinverkot mahdollistavat ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden mittaamisen alueellisessa, ja jopa globaalissa mittakaavassa, ensisijaisen käyttötarkoituksensa sivutuotteena. Satelliittimittausten ajallinen ja paikallinen kattavuus on hyvä, ja kaiken aikaa kasvava, mutta esimerkiksi tarkkoihin tutkamittauksiin verrattuna yksittäisten mittausten tuottama informaatio on huomattavasti vähäisempää. Tässä väitöstyössä kehitettiin tietokoneohjelmisto ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden kolmiulotteiseen kuvantamiseen. Menetelmä perustuu matemaattisten käänteisongelmien teoriaan ja muistuttaa lääketieteessä käytettyjä viipalekuvausmenetelmiä. Satelliittimittausten puutteellisesta informaatiosta johtuen työssä on keskitytty etenkin siihen, miten ratkaisun löytymistä voidaan auttaa tilastollisesti esitetyllä fysikaalisella ennakkotiedolla. Erityisesti työssä sovellettiin gaussisiin Markovin satunnaiskenttiin perustuvaa uutta korrelaatiopriori-menetelmää. Menetelmä vähentää merkittävästi tietokonelaskennassa käytettävän muistin tarvetta, mikä lyhentää laskenta-aikaa ja mahdollistaa korkeamman kuvantamisresoluution

    Ionospheric Specification and Forecasting

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    Dual-parameter regularization method in three-dimensional ionospheric reconstruction

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    Ionospheric tomography based on the total electron content (TEC) data along the ray path from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) satellites to ground receivers is a typical ill-posed inverse problem. The regularization method is an effective method to solve this problem, which incorporates prior constraints to approximate the real ionospheric variations. When two or more prior constraints are used, the corresponding multiple regularization parameters are introduced in the cost functional. Assuming that the ionospheric spatial variations can be separable in the horizontal and vertical directions, different prior constraints are used in each direction, and the dual-parameter regularization algorithm is established to reconstruct the three-dimensional ionospheric electron density in the present paper. To make the reconstruction results comprehensively reflect the observation information and background (prior) information, it is crucial to determine the optimal regularization parameters. The linear model function method is used to choose these regularization parameters. Both an ideal test and a real test show that this regularization algorithm can effectively improve the background model output.</p

    Optimizing MIDAS III over South Africa

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    In this thesis an ionospheric tomographic algorithm called Multi-Instrument Data Anal- ysis System (MIDAS) is used to reconstruct electron density profiles using the Global Positioning System (GPS) data recorded from 53 GPS receivers over the South African region. MIDAS, developed by the Invert group at the University of Bath in the UK, is an inversion algorithm that produces a time dependent 3D image of the electron density of the ionosphere. GPS receivers record the time delay and phase advance of the trans- ionospheric GPS signals that traverse through the ionosphere from which the ionospheric parameter called Total Electron Content (TEC) can be computed. TEC, the line integral of the electron density along the satellite-receiver signal path, is ingested by ionospheric tomographic algorithms such as MIDAS to produce a time dependent 3D electron density profile. In order to validate electron density profiles from MIDAS, MIDAS derived NmF2 values were compared with ionosonde derived NmF2 values extracted from their respective 1D electron density profiles at 15 minute intervals for all four South African ionosonde stations (Grahamstown, Hermanus, Louisvale, and Madimbo). MIDAS 2D images of the electron density showed good diurnal and seasonal patterns; where a comparison of the 2D images at 12h00 UT for all the validation days exhibited maximum electron concentration during the autumn and summer and a minimum during the winter. A root mean square error (rmse) value as small as 0.88x 10¹¹[el=m³] was calculated for the Louisvale ionosonde station during the winter season and a maximum rmse value of 1.92x 10¹¹[el=m³] was ob- tained during the autumn season. The r² values were the least during the autumn and relatively large during summer and winter; similarly the rmse values were found to be a maximum during the autumn and a minimum during the winter indicating that MIDAS performs better during the winter than during the autumn and spring seasons. It is also observed that MIDAS performs better at Louisvale and Madimbo than at Grahamstown and Hermanus. In conclusion, the MIDAS reconstruction has showed good agreement with the ionosonde measurements; therefore, MIDAS can be considered a useful tool to study the ionosphere over the South African region

    Ionospheric modelling and Data Assimilation

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    Elevation and Deformation Extraction from TomoSAR

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    3D SAR tomography (TomoSAR) and 4D SAR differential tomography (Diff-TomoSAR) exploit multi-baseline SAR data stacks to provide an essential innovation of SAR Interferometry for many applications, sensing complex scenes with multiple scatterers mapped into the same SAR pixel cell. However, these are still influenced by DEM uncertainty, temporal decorrelation, orbital, tropospheric and ionospheric phase distortion and height blurring. In this thesis, these techniques are explored. As part of this exploration, the systematic procedures for DEM generation, DEM quality assessment, DEM quality improvement and DEM applications are first studied. Besides, this thesis focuses on the whole cycle of systematic methods for 3D & 4D TomoSAR imaging for height and deformation retrieval, from the problem formation phase, through the development of methods to testing on real SAR data. After DEM generation introduction from spaceborne bistatic InSAR (TanDEM-X) and airborne photogrammetry (Bluesky), a new DEM co-registration method with line feature validation (river network line, ridgeline, valley line, crater boundary feature and so on) is developed and demonstrated to assist the study of a wide area DEM data quality. This DEM co-registration method aligns two DEMs irrespective of the linear distortion model, which improves the quality of DEM vertical comparison accuracy significantly and is suitable and helpful for DEM quality assessment. A systematic TomoSAR algorithm and method have been established, tested, analysed and demonstrated for various applications (urban buildings, bridges, dams) to achieve better 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. These include applying Cosmo-Skymed X band single-polarisation data over the Zipingpu dam, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China, to map topography; and using ALOS L band data in the San Francisco Bay region to map urban building and bridge. A new ionospheric correction method based on the tile method employing IGS TEC data, a split-spectrum and an ionospheric model via least squares are developed to correct ionospheric distortion to improve the accuracy of 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging. Meanwhile, a pixel by pixel orbit baseline estimation method is developed to address the research gaps of baseline estimation for 3D & 4D spaceborne SAR tomography imaging. Moreover, a SAR tomography imaging algorithm and a differential tomography four-dimensional SAR imaging algorithm based on compressive sensing, SAR interferometry phase (InSAR) calibration reference to DEM with DEM error correction, a new phase error calibration and compensation algorithm, based on PS, SVD, PGA, weighted least squares and minimum entropy, are developed to obtain accurate 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. The new baseline estimation method and consequent TomoSAR processing results showed that an accurate baseline estimation is essential to build up the TomoSAR model. After baseline estimation, phase calibration experiments (via FFT and Capon method) indicate that a phase calibration step is indispensable for TomoSAR imaging, which eventually influences the inversion results. A super-resolution reconstruction CS based study demonstrates X band data with the CS method does not fit for forest reconstruction but works for reconstruction of large civil engineering structures such as dams and urban buildings. Meanwhile, the L band data with FFT, Capon and the CS method are shown to work for the reconstruction of large manmade structures (such as bridges) and urban buildings