3,218 research outputs found

    Interview with Professor Gjuro Deželić, Former President of the Yugoslav Association of Medical Informatics and EFMI Council member (1990-1992), Honorary President of the Croatian Society for Medical Informatics

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    Gjuro Deželić, full member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences and full professor of Medical Informatics at several universities in former Yugoslavia, one of pioneers of Medical Informatics in Europe and the world. With pioneers of Medical Informatics professors Å tefan Adamič in Slovenia, Rajko VukaÅ”inović in Serbia and Izet MaÅ”ić in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the late 80s of the last century he formed the Yugoslav Association of Medical Informatics (YAMI), which became official member of EFMI and IMIA in 1990. This interview has been realized by two pioneers of Medical Informatics in South Eastern Europe, but, also, as some kind of interview of learner and teacher. Interview is realized during May 2020

    The Playful Learning Approach for Learning How to Program: A Structured Lesson Plan

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    IT-based learning has proven to be a useful approach to educate people regardless of their age or other characteristics. However, the developments in IT and its socio-economic implications have a high influence on education with new approaches and methods, such as the playful learning approach (PLA). This approach has been widely researched and can be applied to teach programming as one of the core digital skills. However, scientifically developed and validated structures for PLA units in programming are rare. In this paper, we offer a lesson structure for a PLA to programming by addressing the five core success factors of playful learning. Our structure includes six units and follows an iterative and agile procedure by combining game features with the educational content. Educators and teachers can use the presented results to design the lesson structure in their classes. Furthermore it offers a basis for further research in the area of PLA and can be used as a starting point for the development of educational games and concepts in teaching how to program

    Digital Education Policies in Europe and Beyond: Key Design Principles for More Effective Policies

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    This report offers policy-makers in digital education evidence on how, at the national or regional level, policies can be designed and implemented to foster digital-age learning. The presented findings are the result of a mixed methodological design comprising four parts: desk-research on digital education policy, the identification of national and regional policies worldwide, six in-depth case studies, and an expert workshop. The discussion of the cases identified and studied in depth leads to the formulation of eight core-guiding principles, which can serve as a reference point for policy-makers for the design and implementation of digital education policies: 1. Follow a holistic approach targeting systemic change; 2. Establish both a long-term vision and short-term achievable goals; 3. Deploy technology as a means not an end; 4. Embrace experimentation, risk-taking and failure; 5. Consider the importance and the limits of impact assessment; 6. Involve all stakeholders in a structured dialogue; 7. Let schools and teachers have a say; 8. Build up teaching competence.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za Å”kolstvo i sport financirali viÅ”e projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne Å”kole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteÅ”koća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je loÅ”ija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rjeÅ”enja e-građe


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za Å”kolstvo i sport financirali viÅ”e projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne Å”kole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteÅ”koća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je loÅ”ija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rjeÅ”enja e-građe

    A systematic review of the factors - enablers and barriers - affecting e-learning in health sciences education

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    Background: Recently, much attention has been given to e-learning in higher education as it provides better access to learning resources online, utilising technology ā€“ regardless of learnersā€™ geographical locations and timescale ā€“ to enhance learning. It has now become part of the mainstream in education in the health sciences, including medical, dental, public health, nursing, and other allied health professionals. Despite growing evidence claiming that e-learning is as effective as traditional means of learning, there is very limited evidence available about what works, and when and how e-learning enhances teaching and learning. This systematic review aimed to identify and synthesise the factors ā€“ enablers and barriers ā€“ affecting e-learning in health sciences education (el-HSE) that have been reported in the medical literature. Methods: A systemic review of articles published on e-learning in health sciences education (el-HSE) was performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Allied & Complementary Medicine, DH-DATA, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Global Health, from 1980 through 2019, using ā€˜Textwordā€™ and ā€˜Thesaurusā€™ search terms. All original articles fulfilling the following criteria were included: (1) e-learning was implemented in health sciences education, and (2) the investigation of the factors ā€“ enablers and barriers ā€“ about el-HSE related to learning performance or outcomes. Following the PRISMA guidelines, both relevant published and unpublished papers were searched. Data were extracted and quality appraised using QualSyst tools, and synthesised performing thematic analysis. Results: Out of 985 records identified, a total of 162 citations were screened, of which 57 were found to be of relevance to this study. The primary evidence base comprises 24 papers, with two broad categories identified, enablers and barriers, under eight separate themes: facilitate learning; learning in practice; systematic approach to learning; integration of e-learning into curricula; poor motivation and expectation; resource-intensive; not suitable for all disciplines or contents, and lack of IT skills. Conclusions: This study has identified the factors which impact on e-learning: interaction and collaboration between learners and facilitators; considering learnersā€™ motivation and expectations; utilising user-friendly technology; and putting learners at the centre of pedagogy. There is significant scope for better understanding of the issues related to enablers and facilitators associated with e-learning, and developing appropriate policies and initiatives to establish when, how and where they fit best, creating a broader framework for making e-learning effective

    Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues

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    This volume brings together the advanced research results obtained by the European COST Action 2102: ā€œCross Modal Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication.ā€ The research published in this book was discussed at the Third EUCOGII-COST 2102 International Training School entitled ā€œToward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues,ā€ held in Caserta, Italy, during March 15ā€“19, 2010. The school was jointly sponsored by: a) COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, www.cost.eu) in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for disseminating the advances of the research activities developed within the COST Action 2102 (cost2102.cs.stir.ac.uk) b) EUCogII: 2nd European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics (http://www.eucognition.org/)
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