184 research outputs found

    Short structure-preserving signatures

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. We construct a new structure-preserving signature scheme in the efficient Type-III asymmetric bilinear group setting with signatures shorter than all existing schemes. Our signatures consist of 3 group elements from the first source group and therefore they are shorter than those of existing schemes as existing ones have at least one component in the second source group whose elements bit size is at least double that of their first group counterparts. Besides enjoying short signatures, our scheme is fully re-randomizable which is a useful property for many applications. Our result also consti- tutes a proof that the impossibility of unilateral structure-preserving signatures in the Type-III setting result of Abe et al. (Crypto 2011) does not apply to constructions in which the message space is dual in both source groups. Besides checking the well-formedness of the message, verifying a signature in our scheme requires checking 2 Pairing Product Equations (PPE) and require the evaluation of only 5 pairings in total which matches the best existing scheme and outperforms many other existing ones. We give some examples of how using our scheme instead of existing ones improves the efficiency of some existing cryptographic pro- tocols such as direct anonymous attestation and group signature related constructions

    On the efficiency of revocation in RSA-based anonymous systems

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    © 2016 IEEEThe problem of revocation in anonymous authentication systems is subtle and has motivated a lot of work. One of the preferable solutions consists in maintaining either a whitelist L-W of non-revoked users or a blacklist L-B of revoked users, and then requiring users to additionally prove, when authenticating themselves, that they are in L-W (membership proof) or that they are not in L-B (non-membership proof). Of course, these additional proofs must not break the anonymity properties of the system, so they must be zero-knowledge proofs, revealing nothing about the identity of the users. In this paper, we focus on the RSA-based setting, and we consider the case of non-membership proofs to blacklists L = L-B. The existing solutions for this setting rely on the use of universal dynamic accumulators; the underlying zero-knowledge proofs are bit complicated, and thus their efficiency; although being independent from the size of the blacklist L, seems to be improvable. Peng and Bao already tried to propose simpler and more efficient zero-knowledge proofs for this setting, but we prove in this paper that their protocol is not secure. We fix the problem by designing a new protocol, and formally proving its security properties. We then compare the efficiency of the new zero-knowledge non-membership protocol with that of the protocol, when they are integrated with anonymous authentication systems based on RSA (notably, the IBM product Idemix for anonymous credentials). We discuss for which values of the size k of the blacklist L, one protocol is preferable to the other one, and we propose different ways to combine and implement the two protocols.Postprint (author's final draft

    A Pairing-Based DAA Scheme Further Reducing TPM Resources

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is an anonymous signature scheme designed for anonymous attestation of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) while preserving the privacy of the device owner. Since TPM has limited bandwidth and computational capability, one interesting feature of DAA is to split the signer role between two entities: a TPM and a host platform where the TPM is attached. Recently, Chen proposed a new DAA scheme that is more efficient than previous DAA schemes. In this paper, we construct a new DAA scheme requiring even fewer TPM resources. Our DAA scheme is about 5 times more efficient than Chen’s scheme for the TPM implementation using the Barreto-Naehrig curves. In addition, our scheme requires much smaller size of software code that needs to be implemented in the TPM. This makes our DAA scheme ideal for the TPM implementation. Our DAA scheme is efficient and provably secure in the random oracle model under the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption.

    Snarky Signatures: Minimal Signatures of Knowledge from Simulation-Extractable SNARKs

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    We construct a pairing based simulation-extractable SNARK (SE-SNARK) that consists of only 3 group elements and has highly efficient verification. By formally linking SE-SNARKs to signatures of knowledge, we then obtain a succinct signature of knowledge consisting of only 3 group elements. SE-SNARKs enable a prover to give a proof that they know a witness to an instance in a manner which is: (1) succinct - proofs are short and verifier computation is small; (2) zero-knowledge - proofs do not reveal the witness; (3) simulation-extractable - it is only possible to prove instances to which you know a witness, even when you have already seen a number of simulated proofs. We also prove that any pairing based signature of knowledge or SE-NIZK argument must have at least 3 group elements and 2 verification equations. Since our constructions match these lower bounds, we have the smallest size signature of knowledge and the smallest size SE-SNARK possible

    Security, privacy and trust in wireless mesh networks

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    With the advent of public key cryptography, digital signature schemes have been extensively studied in order to minimize the signature sizes and to accelerate their execution while providing necessary security properties. Due to the privacy concerns pertaining to the usage of digital signatures in authentication schemes, privacy-preserving signature schemes, which provide anonymity of the signer, have attracted substantial interest in research community. Group signature algorithms, where a group member is able to sign on behalf of the group anonymously, play an important role in many privacy-preserving authentication/ identification schemes. On the other hand, a safeguard is needed to hold users accountable for malicious behavior. To this end, a designated opening/revocation manager is introduced to open a given anonymous signature to reveal the identity of the user. If the identified user is indeed responsible for malicious activities, then s/he can also be revoked by the same entity. A related scheme named direct anonymous attestation is proposed for attesting the legitimacy of a trusted computing platform while maintaining its privacy. This dissertation studies the group signature and direct anonymous attestation schemes and their application to wireless mesh networks comprising resource-constrained embedded devices that are required to communicate securely and be authenticated anonymously, while malicious behavior needs to be traced to its origin. Privacy-aware devices that anonymously connect to wireless mesh networks also need to secure their communication via efficient symmetric key cryptography, as well. In this dissertation, we propose an efficient, anonymous and accountable mutual authentication and key agreement protocol applicable to wireless mesh networks. The proposed scheme can easily be adapted to other wireless networks. The proposed scheme is implemented and simulated using cryptographic libraries and simulators that are widely deployed in academic circles. The implementation and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is effective, efficient and feasible in the context of hybrid wireless mesh networks, where users can also act as relaying agents. The primary contribution of this thesis is a novel privacy-preserving anonymous authentication scheme consisting of a set of protocols designed to reconcile user privacy and accountability in an efficient and scalable manner in the same framework. The three-party join protocol, where a user can connect anonymously to the wireless mesh network with the help of two semi-trusted parties (comprising the network operator and a third party), is efficient and easily applicable in wireless networks settings. Furthermore, two other protocols, namely two-party identification and revocation protocols enable the network operator, with the help of the semi-trusted third party, to trace suspected malicious behavior back to its origins and revoke users when necessary. The last two protocols can only be executed when the two semi-trusted parties cooperate to provide accountability. Therefore, the scheme is protected against an omni-present authority (e.g. network operator) violating the privacy of network users at will. We also provide arguments and discussions for security and privacy of the proposed scheme

    Anonymous attestation with user-controlled linkability

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    This paper is motivated by the observation that existing security models for direct anonymous attestation (DAA) have problems to the extent that insecure protocols may be deemed secure when analysed under these models. This is particularly disturbing as DAA is one of the few complex cryptographic protocols resulting from recent theoretical advances actually deployed in real life. Moreover, standardization bodies are currently looking into designing the next generation of such protocols. Our first contribution is to identify issues in existing models for DAA and explain how these errors allow for proving security of insecure protocols. These issues are exhibited in all deployed and proposed DAA protocols (although they can often be easily fixed). Our second contribution is a new security model for a class of "pre-DAA scheme", that is, DAA schemes where the computation on the user side takes place entirely on the trusted platform. Our model captures more accurately than any previous model the security properties demanded from DAA by the trusted computing group (TCG), the group that maintains the DAA standard. Extending the model from pre-DAA to full DAA is only a matter of refining the trust models on the parties involved. Finally, we present a generic construction of a DAA protocol from new building blocks tailored for anonymous attestation. Some of them are new variations on established ideas and may be of independent interest. We give instantiations for these building blocks that yield a DAA scheme more efficient than the one currently deployed, and as efficient as the one about to be standardized by the TCG which has no valid security proof. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Anonymous Attestation for IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) have seen tremendous growth and are being deployed pervasively in areas such as home, surveillance, health-care and transportation. These devices collect and process sensitive data with respect to user\u27s privacy. Protecting the privacy of the user is an essential aspect of security, and anonymous attestation of IoT devices are critical to enable privacy-preserving mechanisms. Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) is an industry-standard cryptographic scheme that offers anonymous attestation. It is based on group signature scheme constructed from bilinear pairings, and provides anonymity and sophisticated revocation capabilities (private-key based revocation and signature-based revocation). Despite the interesting privacy-preserving features, EPID operations are very computational and memory intensive. In this paper, we present a small footprint anonymous attestation solution based on EPID that can meet the stringent resource requirements of IoT devices. A specific modular-reduction technique targeting the EPID prime number has been developed resulting in 50% latency reduction compared to conventional reduction techniques. Furthermore, we developed a multi-exponentiation technique that significantly reduces the runtime memory requirements. Our proposed design can be implemented as SW-only, or it can utilize an integrated Elliptic Curve and Galois Field HW accelerator. The EPID SW stack has a small object code footprint of 22kB. We developed a prototype on a 32-bit microcontroller that computes EPID signature generation in 17.9s at 32MHz

    DAA-TZ: An Efficient DAA Scheme for Mobile Devices using ARM TrustZone

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    Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) has been studied for applying to mobile devices based on ARM TrustZone. However, current solutions bring in extra performance overheads and security risks when adapting existing DAA schemes originally designed for PC platform. In this paper, we propose a complete and efficient DAA scheme (DAA-TZ) specifically designed for mobile devices using TrustZone. By considering the application scenarios, DAA-TZ extends the interactive model of original DAA and provides anonymity for a device and its user against remote service providers. The proposed scheme requires only one-time switch of TrustZone for signing phase and elaborately takes pre-computation into account. Consequently, the frequent on-line signing just needs at most three exponentiations on elliptic curve. Moreover, we present the architecture for trusted mobile devices. The issues about key derivation and sensitive data management relying on a root of trust from SRAM Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) are discussed. We implement a prototype system and execute DAA-TZ using MNT and BN curves with different security levels. The comparison result and performance evaluation indicate that our scheme meets the demanding requirement of mobile users in respects of both security and efficiency
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