33 research outputs found

    Multiple extensions of a finite Euler's pentagonal number theorem and the Lucas formulas

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    Motivated by the resemblance of a multivariate series identity and a finite analogue of Euler's pentagonal number theorem, we study multiple extensions of the latter formula. In a different direction we derive a common extension of this multivariate series identity and two formulas of Lucas. Finally we give a combinatorial proof of Lucas' formulas.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Discrete Mathematics. See also http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~gu

    Some congruences involving central q-binomial coefficients

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    Motivated by recent works of Sun and Tauraso, we prove some variations on the Green-Krammer identity involving central q-binomial coefficients, such as k=0n1(1)kq(k+12)[2kk]q(n5)qn4/5(modΦn(q)), \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}(-1)^kq^{-{k+1\choose 2}}{2k\brack k}_q \equiv (\frac{n}{5}) q^{-\lfloor n^4/5\rfloor} \pmod{\Phi_n(q)}, where (np)\big(\frac{n}{p}\big) is the Legendre symbol and Φn(q)\Phi_n(q) is the nnth cyclotomic polynomial. As consequences, we deduce that \sum_{k=0}^{3^a m-1} q^{k}{2k\brack k}_q &\equiv 0 \pmod{(1-q^{3^a})/(1-q)}, \sum_{k=0}^{5^a m-1}(-1)^kq^{-{k+1\choose 2}}{2k\brack k}_q &\equiv 0 \pmod{(1-q^{5^a})/(1-q)}, for a,m1a,m\geq 1, the first one being a partial q-analogue of the Strauss-Shallit-Zagier congruence modulo powers of 3. Several related conjectures are proposed.Comment: 16 pages, detailed proofs of Theorems 4.1 and 4.3 are added, to appear in Adv. Appl. Mat

    On Fourier integral transforms for qq-Fibonacci and qq-Lucas polynomials

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    We study in detail two families of qq-Fibonacci polynomials and qq-Lucas polynomials, which are defined by non-conventional three-term recurrences. They were recently introduced by Cigler and have been then employed by Cigler and Zeng to construct novel qq-extensions of classical Hermite polynomials. We show that both of these qq-polynomial families exhibit simple transformation properties with respect to the classical Fourier integral transform

    Some aspects of Fibonacci polynomial congruences

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    This paper formulates a definition of Fibonacci polynomials which is slightly different from the traditional definitions, but which is related to the classical polynomials of Bernoulli, Euler and Hermite. Some related congruence properties are developed and some unanswered questions are outlined. Keywords: Congruences, recurrence relations, Fibonacci sequence, Lucas sequences, umbral calculus