16 research outputs found

    Near Collisions in the RC4 Stream Cipher

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    In this paper we explore the intriguing factors involved in the non one-one nature of the RC4, and explore new techniques and present interesting findings regarding the same. The first part of this paper studies near colliding keys of the RC4, and discusses how these keys are localized into clusters in the key-space. The second part of this paper proposes a new collision search algorithm specifically for 16-byte keys. It is generally the practice to choose the byte that differs between two keys to be near the end of the key. However, this is not necessary for 16-byte keys, and the second part of this paper discusses how this may be used to grant us an additional degree of control

    D.STVL.9 - Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing (2008). The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Cryptography and Its Applications in Information Security

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    Nowadays, mankind is living in a cyber world. Modern technologies involve fast communication links between potentially billions of devices through complex networks (satellite, mobile phone, Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.). The main concern posed by these entangled complex networks is their protection against passive and active attacks that could compromise public security (sabotage, espionage, cyber-terrorism) and privacy. This Special Issue “Cryptography and Its Applications in Information Security” addresses the range of problems related to the security of information in networks and multimedia communications and to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industrials interested by such questions. It consists of eight peer-reviewed papers, however easily understandable, that cover a range of subjects and applications related security of information

    A New Class of RC4 Colliding Key Pairs With Greater Hamming Distance

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    In this paper, we discovered a new class of colliding key pairs of RC4, namely, two different secret keys generate the same internal state after RC4’s key scheduling algorithm. This is to our knowledge the first discovery of RC4 colliding keys with hamming distance greater than one, that is, the colliding key pairs we found can differ from each other at three different positions, and the value difference between these positions needs not be fixed. We analyzed the transition pattern and evaluated the probability of the existence of this new class of colliding key pairs. Our result shows that RC4 key collision could be achieved by two keys with greater hamming distance than the ones found in [1] and [2]. And this newly discovered class of colliding key pairs reveals the weakness that RC4’s key scheduling algorithm could generate even more colliding keys. We also proposed an algorithm for searching colliding key pairs within this new class. Some concrete colliding key pairs are demonstrated in this paper, among which 55-byte colliding key pair is the shortest one we found by using our algorithm within one hour time.Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, ISPEC 2010, Seoul, Korea, May 12-13, 2010

    Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    Symmetric key cryptographic primitives are the essential building blocks in modern information security systems. The overall security of such systems is crucially dependent on these mathematical functions, which makes the analysis of symmetric key primitives a goal of critical importance. The security argument for the majority of such primitives in use is only a heuristic one and therefore their respective security evaluation continually remains an open question. In this thesis, we provide cryptanalytic results for several relevant cryptographic hash functions and stream ciphers. First, we provide results concerning two hash functions: HAS-160 and SM3. In particular, we develop a new heuristic for finding compatible differential paths and apply it to the the Korean hash function standard HAS-160. Our heuristic leads to a practical second order collision attack over all of the HAS-160 function steps, which is the first practical-complexity distinguisher on this function. An example of a colliding quartet is provided. In case of SM3, which is a design that builds upon the SHA-2 hash and is published by the Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office for the use in the electronic authentication service system, we study second order collision attacks over reduced-round versions and point out a structural slide-rotational property that exists in the function. Next, we examine the security of the following three stream ciphers: Loiss, SNOW 3G and SNOW 2.0. Loiss stream cipher is designed by Dengguo Feng et al. aiming to be implemented in byte-oriented processors. By exploiting some differential properties of a particular component utilized in the cipher, we provide an attack of a practical complexity on Loiss in the related-key model. As confirmed by our experimental results, our attack recovers 92 bits of the 128-bit key in less than one hour on a PC with 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor. SNOW 3G stream cipher is used in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and the SNOW 2.0 cipher is an ISO/IEC standard (IS 18033-4). For both of these two ciphers, we show that the initialization procedure admits a sliding property, resulting in several sets of related-key pairs. In addition to allowing related-key key recovery attacks against SNOW 2.0 with 256-bit keys, the presented properties reveal non-random behavior of the primitives, yield related-key distinguishers for the two ciphers and question the validity of the security proofs of protocols based on the assumption that these ciphers behave like perfect random functions of the key-IV. Finally, we provide differential fault analysis attacks against two stream ciphers, namely, HC-128 and Rabbit. In this type of attacks, the attacker is assumed to have physical influence over the device that performs the encryption and is able to introduce random faults into the computational process. In case of HC-128, the fault model in which we analyze the cipher is the one in which the attacker is able to fault a random word of the inner state of the cipher but cannot control its exact location nor its new faulted value. Our attack requires about 7968 faults and recovers the complete internal state of HC-128 by solving a set of 32 systems of linear equations over Z2 in 1024 variables. In case of Rabbit stream cipher, the fault model in which the cipher is analyzed is the one in which a random bit of the internal state of the cipher is faulted, however, without control over the location of the injected fault. Our attack requires around 128 − 256 faults, precomputed table of size 2^41.6 bytes and recovers the complete internal state of Rabbit in about 2^38 steps

    Provable security for lightweight message authentication and encryption

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    The birthday bound often limits the security of a cryptographic scheme to half of the block size or internal state size. This implies that cryptographic schemes require a block size or internal state size that is twice the security level, resulting in larger and more resource-intensive designs. In this thesis, we introduce abstract constructions for message authentication codes and stream ciphers that we demonstrate to be secure beyond the birthday bound. Our message authentication codes were inspired by previous work, specifically the message authentication code EWCDM by Cogliati and Seurin, as well as the work by Mennink and Neves, which demonstrates easy proofs of security for the sum of permutations and an improved bound for EWCDM. We enhance the sum of permutations by incorporating a hash value and a nonce in our stateful design, and in our stateless design, we utilize two hash values. One advantage over EWCDM is that the permutation calls, or block cipher calls, can be parallelized, whereas in EWCDM they must be performed sequentially. We demonstrate that our constructions provide a security level of 2n/3 bits in the nonce-respecting setting. Subsequently, this bound was further improved to 3n/4 bits of security. Additionally, it was later discovered that security degrades gracefully with nonce repetitions, unlike EWCDM, where the security drops to the birthday bound with a single nonce repetition. Contemporary stream cipher designs aim to minimize the hardware module's resource requirements by incorporating an externally available resource, all while maintaining a high level of security. The security level is typically measured in relation to the size of the volatile internal state, i.e., the state cells within the cipher's hardware module. Several designs have been proposed that continuously access the externally available non-volatile secret key during keystream generation. However, there exists a generic distinguishing attack with birthday bound complexity. We propose schemes that continuously access the externally available non-volatile initial value. For all constructions, conventional or contemporary, we provide proofs of security against generic attacks in the random oracle model. Notably, stream ciphers that use the non-volatile initial value during keystream generation offer security beyond the birthday bound. Based on these findings, we propose a new stream cipher design called DRACO

    Design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms

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    LPN in Cryptography:an Algorithmic Study

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    The security of public-key cryptography relies on well-studied hard problems, problems for which we do not have efficient algorithms. Factorization and discrete logarithm are the two most known and used hard problems. Unfortunately, they can be easily solved on a quantum computer by Shor's algorithm. Also, the research area of cryptography demands for crypto-diversity which says that we should offer a range of hard problems for public-key cryptography. If one hard problem proves to be easy, we should be able to provide alternative solutions. Some of the candidates for post-quantum hard problems, i.e. problems which are believed to be hard even on a quantum computer, are the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN), the Learning with Errors (LWE) and the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP). A thorough study of these problems is needed in order to assess their hardness. In this thesis we focus on the algorithmic study of LPN. LPN is a hard problem that is attractive, as it is believed to be post-quantum resistant and suitable for lightweight devices. In practice, it has been employed in several encryption schemes and authentication protocols. At the beginning of this thesis, we take a look at the existing LPN solving algorithms. We provide the theoretical analysis that assesses their complexity. We compare the theoretical results with practice by implementing these algorithms. We study the efficiency of all LPN solving algorithms which allow us to provide secure parameters that can be used in practice. We push further the state of the art by improving the existing algorithms with the help of two new frameworks. In the first framework, we split an LPN solving algorithm into atomic steps. We study their complexity, how they impact the other steps and we construct an algorithm that optimises their use. Given an LPN instance that is characterized by the noise level and the secret size, our algorithm provides the steps to follow in order to solve the instance with optimal complexity. In this way, we can assess if an LPN instance provides the security we require and we show what are the secure instances for the applications that rely on LPN. The second framework handles problems that can be decomposed into steps of equal complexity. Here, we assume that we have an adversary that has access to a finite or infinite number of instances of the same problem. The goal of the adversary is to succeed in just one instance as soon as possible. Our framework provides the strategy that achieves this. We characterize an LPN solving algorithm in this framework and show that we can improve its complexity in the scenario where the adversary is restricted. We show that other problems, like password guessing, can be modeled in the same framework

    Cryptanalysis, Reverse-Engineering and Design of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

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    In this thesis, I present the research I did with my co-authors on several aspects of symmetric cryptography from May 2013 to December 2016, that is, when I was a PhD student at the university of Luxembourg under the supervision of Alex Biryukov. My research has spanned three different areas of symmetric cryptography. In Part I of this thesis, I present my work on lightweight cryptography. This field of study investigates the cryptographic algorithms that are suitable for very constrained devices with little computing power such as RFID tags and small embedded processors such as those used in sensor networks. Many such algorithms have been proposed recently, as evidenced by the survey I co-authored on this topic. I present this survey along with attacks against three of those algorithms, namely GLUON, PRINCE and TWINE. I also introduce a new lightweight block cipher called SPARX which was designed using a new method to justify its security: the Long Trail Strategy. Part II is devoted to S-Box reverse-engineering, a field of study investigating the methods recovering the hidden structure or the design criteria used to build an S-Box. I co-invented several such methods: a statistical analysis of the differential and linear properties which was applied successfully to the S-Box of the NSA block cipher Skipjack, a structural attack against Feistel networks called the yoyo game and the TU-decomposition. This last technique allowed us to decompose the S-Box of the last Russian standard block cipher and hash function as well as the only known solution to the APN problem, a long-standing open question in mathematics. Finally, Part III presents a unifying view of several fields of symmetric cryptography by interpreting them as purposefully hard. Indeed, several cryptographic algorithms are designed so as to maximize the code size, RAM consumption or time taken by their implementations. By providing a unique framework describing all such design goals, we could design modes of operations for building any symmetric primitive with any form of hardness by combining secure cryptographic building blocks with simple functions with the desired form of hardness called plugs. Alex Biryukov and I also showed that it is possible to build plugs with an asymmetric hardness whereby the knowledge of a secret key allows the privileged user to bypass the hardness of the primitive

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum