5 research outputs found

    Some remarks on connectors and groupoids in goursat categories

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    We prove that connectors are stable under quotients in any (regular) Goursat category. As a consequence, the category Conn(C) of connectors in C is a Goursat category whenever C is. This implies that Goursat categories can be characterised in terms of a simple property of internal groupoids.Portuguese Government through FCT/MCTES; European Regional Development Fun

    A new characterisation of Goursat categories

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    We present a new characterisation of Goursat categories in terms of special kind of pushouts, that we call Goursat pushouts. This allows one to prove that, for a regular category, the Goursat property is actually equivalent to the validity of the denormalised 3-by-3 Lemma. Goursat pushouts are also useful to clarify, from a categorical perspective, the existence of the quaternary operations characterising 3-permutable varieties

    A new characterization of Goursat categories

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    We present a new characterisation of Goursat categories in terms of special kind of pushouts, that we call Goursat pushouts. This allows one to prove that, for a regular category, the Goursat property is actually equivalent to the validity of the denormalised 3-by-3 Lemma. Goursat pushouts are also useful to clarify, from a categorical perspective, the existence of the quaternary operations characterising 3-permutable varietie

    Relative Goursat categories

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    We define relative Goursat categories and prove relative versions of the equivalent conditions defining regular Goursat categories. These include 3-permutability of equivalence relations, preservation of equivalence relations under direct images, a condition on so-called Goursat pushouts, and the denormalised 3×3 Lemma. This extends recent work by Gran and Rodelo on a new characterisation of Goursat categories to a relative context. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.