584 research outputs found

    Finding Hexahedrizations for Small Quadrangulations of the Sphere

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    This paper tackles the challenging problem of constrained hexahedral meshing. An algorithm is introduced to build combinatorial hexahedral meshes whose boundary facets exactly match a given quadrangulation of the topological sphere. This algorithm is the first practical solution to the problem. It is able to compute small hexahedral meshes of quadrangulations for which the previously known best solutions could only be built by hand or contained thousands of hexahedra. These challenging quadrangulations include the boundaries of transition templates that are critical for the success of general hexahedral meshing algorithms. The algorithm proposed in this paper is dedicated to building combinatorial hexahedral meshes of small quadrangulations and ignores the geometrical problem. The key idea of the method is to exploit the equivalence between quad flips in the boundary and the insertion of hexahedra glued to this boundary. The tree of all sequences of flipping operations is explored, searching for a path that transforms the input quadrangulation Q into a new quadrangulation for which a hexahedral mesh is known. When a small hexahedral mesh exists, a sequence transforming Q into the boundary of a cube is found; otherwise, a set of pre-computed hexahedral meshes is used. A novel approach to deal with the large number of problem symmetries is proposed. Combined with an efficient backtracking search, it allows small shellable hexahedral meshes to be found for all even quadrangulations with up to 20 quadrangles. All 54,943 such quadrangulations were meshed using no more than 72 hexahedra. This algorithm is also used to find a construction to fill arbitrary domains, thereby proving that any ball-shaped domain bounded by n quadrangles can be meshed with no more than 78 n hexahedra. This very significantly lowers the previous upper bound of 5396 n.Comment: Accepted for SIGGRAPH 201

    Geometrical and topological issues in octree based automatic meshing

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    Finite element meshes derived automatically from solid models through recursive spatial subdivision schemes (octrees) can be made to inherit the hierarchical structure and the spatial addressability intrinsic to the underlying grid. These two properties, together with the geometric regularity that can also be built into the mesh, make octree based meshes ideally suited for efficient analysis and self-adaptive remeshing and reanalysis. The element decomposition of the octal cells that intersect the boundary of the domain is discussed. The problem, central to octree based meshing, is solved by combining template mapping and element extraction into a procedure that utilizes both constructive solid geometry and boundary representation techniques. Boundary cells that are not intersected by the edge of the domain boundary are easily mapped to predefined element topology. Cells containing edges (and vertices) are first transformed into a planar polyhedron and then triangulated via element extractor. The modeling environments required for the derivation of planar polyhedra and for element extraction are analyzed

    All-Hex Meshing of Multiple-Region Domains without Cleanup

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new algorithm for all-hex meshing of domains with multiple regions without post-processing cleanup. Our method starts with a strongly balanced octree. In contrast to snapping the grid points onto the geometric boundaries, we move points a slight distance away from the common boundaries. Then we intersect the moved grid with the geometry. This allows us to avoid creating any flat angles, and we are able to handle two-sided regions and more complex topologies than prior methods. The algorithm is robust and cleanup-free; without the use of any pillowing, swapping, or smoothing. Thus, our simple algorithm is also more predictable than prior art

    HybridOctree_Hex: Hybrid Octree-Based Adaptive All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation with Jacobian Control

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    We present a new software package, "HybridOctree_Hex," for adaptive all-hexahedral mesh generation based on hybrid octree and quality improvement with Jacobian control. The proposed HybridOctree_Hex begins by detecting curvatures and narrow regions of the input boundary to identify key surface features and initialize an octree structure. Subsequently, a strongly balanced octree is constructed using the balancing and pairing rules. Inspired by our earlier preliminary hybrid octree-based work, templates are designed to guarantee an all-hexahedral dual mesh generation directly from the strongly balanced octree. With these pre-defined templates, the sophisticated hybrid octree construction step is skipped to achieve an efficient implementation. After that, elements outside and around the boundary are removed to create a core mesh. The boundary points of the core mesh are connected to their corresponding closest points on the surface to fill the buffer zone and build the final mesh. Coupled with smart Laplacian smoothing, HybridOctree_Hex takes advantage of a delicate optimization-based quality improvement method considering geometric fitting, Jacobian and scaled Jacobian, to achieve a minimum scaled Jacobian that is higher than 0.50.5. We empirically verify the robustness and efficiency of our method by running the HybridOctree_Hex software on dozens of complex 3D models without any manual intervention or parameter adjustment. We provide the HybridOctree_Hex source code, along with comprehensive results encompassing the input and output files and statistical data in the following repository: https://github.com/CMU-CBML/HybridOctree_Hex

    As-Built 3D Heritage City Modelling to Support Numerical Structural Analysis: Application to the Assessment of an Archaeological Remain

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    Terrestrial laser scanning is a widely used technology to digitise archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage. This allows for modelling the assets’ real condition in comparison with traditional data acquisition methods. This paper, based on the case study of the basilica in the Baelo Claudia archaeological ensemble (Tarifa, Spain), justifies the need of accurate heritage modelling against excessively simplified approaches in order to support structural safety analysis. To do this, after validating the 3Dmeshing process frompoint cloud data, the semi-automatic digital reconstitution of the basilica columns is performed. Next, a geometric analysis is conducted to calculate the structural alterations of the columns. In order to determine the structural performance, focusing both on the accuracy and suitability of the geometric models, static and modal analyses are carried out by means of the finite element method (FEM) on three different models for the most unfavourable column in terms of structural damage: (1) as-built (2) simplified and (3) ideal model without deformations. Finally, the outcomes show that the as-built modelling enhances the conservation status analysis of the 3D heritage city (in terms of realistic compliance factor values), although further automation still needs to be implemented in the modelling process

    A hierarchical structure for automatic meshing and adaptive FEM analysis

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    A new algorithm for generating automatically, from solid models of mechanical parts, finite element meshes that are organized as spatially addressable quaternary trees (for 2-D work) or octal trees (for 3-D work) is discussed. Because such meshes are inherently hierarchical as well as spatially addressable, they permit efficient substructuring techniques to be used for both global analysis and incremental remeshing and reanalysis. The global and incremental techniques are summarized and some results from an experimental closed loop 2-D system in which meshing, analysis, error evaluation, and remeshing and reanalysis are done automatically and adaptively are presented. The implementation of 3-D work is briefly discussed

    Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing

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    Hexahedral meshes are an ubiquitous domain for the numerical resolution of partial differential equations. Computing a pure hexahedral mesh from an adaptively refined grid is a prominent approach to automatic hexmeshing, and requires the ability to restore the all hex property around the hanging nodes that arise at the interface between cells having different size. The most advanced tools to accomplish this task are based on mesh dualization. These approaches use topological schemes to regularize the valence of inner vertices and edges, such that dualizing the grid yields a pure hexahedral mesh. In this paper we study in detail the dual approach, and propose four main contributions to it: (i) we enumerate all the possible transitions that dual methods must be able to handle, showing that prior schemes do not natively cover all of them; (ii) we show that schemes are internally asymmetric, therefore not only their implementation is ambiguous, but different implementation choices lead to hexahedral meshes with different singular structure; (iii) we explore the combinatorial space of dual schemes, selecting the minimum set that covers all the possible configurations and also yields the simplest singular structure in the output hexmesh; (iv) we enlarge the class of adaptive grids that can be transformed into pure hexahedral meshes, relaxing one of the tight requirements imposed by previous approaches, and ultimately permitting to obtain much coarser meshes for same geometric accuracy. Last but not least, for the first time we make grid-based hexmeshing truly reproducible, releasing our code and also revealing a conspicuous amount of technical details that were always overlooked in previous literature, creating an entry barrier that was hard to overcome for practitioners in the field

    Unstructured and semi-structured hexahedral mesh generation methods

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    Discretization techniques such as the finite element method, the finite volume method or the discontinuous Galerkin method are the most used simulation techniques in ap- plied sciences and technology. These methods rely on a spatial discretization adapted to the geometry and to the prescribed distribution of element size. Several fast and robust algorithms have been developed to generate triangular and tetrahedral meshes. In these methods local connectivity modifications are a crucial step. Nevertheless, in hexahedral meshes the connectivity modifications propagate through the mesh. In this sense, hexahedral meshes are more constrained and therefore, more difficult to gener- ate. However, in many applications such as boundary layers in computational fluid dy- namics or composite material in structural analysis hexahedral meshes are preferred. In this work we present a survey of developed methods for generating structured and unstructured hexahedral meshes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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