888 research outputs found

    A New Approach in Expanding the Hash Size of MD5

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    The enhanced MD5 algorithm has been developed by expanding its hash value up to 1280 bits from the original size of 128 bit using XOR and AND operators. Findings revealed that the hash value of the modified algorithm was not cracked or hacked during the experiment and testing using powerful bruteforce, dictionary, cracking tools and rainbow table such as CrackingStation, Hash Cracker, Cain and Abel and Rainbow Crack which are available online thus improved its security level compared to the original MD5. Furthermore, the proposed method could output a hash value with 1280 bits with only 10.9 ms additional execution time from MD5. Keywords: MD5 algorithm, hashing, client-server communication, modified MD5, hacking, bruteforce, rainbow table

    Multi-aspect, robust, and memory exclusive guest os fingerprinting

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    Precise fingerprinting of an operating system (OS) is critical to many security and forensics applications in the cloud, such as virtual machine (VM) introspection, penetration testing, guest OS administration, kernel dump analysis, and memory forensics. The existing OS fingerprinting techniques primarily inspect network packets or CPU states, and they all fall short in precision and usability. As the physical memory of a VM always exists in all these applications, in this article, we present OS-Sommelier+, a multi-aspect, memory exclusive approach for precise and robust guest OS fingerprinting in the cloud. It works as follows: given a physical memory dump of a guest OS, OS-Sommelier+ first uses a code hash based approach from kernel code aspect to determine the guest OS version. If code hash approach fails, OS-Sommelier+ then uses a kernel data signature based approach from kernel data aspect to determine the version. We have implemented a prototype system, and tested it with a number of Linux kernels. Our evaluation results show that the code hash approach is faster but can only fingerprint the known kernels, and data signature approach complements the code signature approach and can fingerprint even unknown kernels

    Naturally Rehearsing Passwords

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    We introduce quantitative usability and security models to guide the design of password management schemes --- systematic strategies to help users create and remember multiple passwords. In the same way that security proofs in cryptography are based on complexity-theoretic assumptions (e.g., hardness of factoring and discrete logarithm), we quantify usability by introducing usability assumptions. In particular, password management relies on assumptions about human memory, e.g., that a user who follows a particular rehearsal schedule will successfully maintain the corresponding memory. These assumptions are informed by research in cognitive science and validated through empirical studies. Given rehearsal requirements and a user's visitation schedule for each account, we use the total number of extra rehearsals that the user would have to do to remember all of his passwords as a measure of the usability of the password scheme. Our usability model leads us to a key observation: password reuse benefits users not only by reducing the number of passwords that the user has to memorize, but more importantly by increasing the natural rehearsal rate for each password. We also present a security model which accounts for the complexity of password management with multiple accounts and associated threats, including online, offline, and plaintext password leak attacks. Observing that current password management schemes are either insecure or unusable, we present Shared Cues--- a new scheme in which the underlying secret is strategically shared across accounts to ensure that most rehearsal requirements are satisfied naturally while simultaneously providing strong security. The construction uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem to achieve these competing goals

    In-packet Bloom filters: Design and networking applications

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    The Bloom filter (BF) is a well-known space-efficient data structure that answers set membership queries with some probability of false positives. In an attempt to solve many of the limitations of current inter-networking architectures, some recent proposals rely on including small BFs in packet headers for routing, security, accountability or other purposes that move application states into the packets themselves. In this paper, we consider the design of such in-packet Bloom filters (iBF). Our main contributions are exploring the design space and the evaluation of a series of extensions (1) to increase the practicality and performance of iBFs, (2) to enable false-negative-free element deletion, and (3) to provide security enhancements. In addition to the theoretical estimates, extensive simulations of the multiple design parameters and implementation alternatives validate the usefulness of the extensions, providing for enhanced and novel iBF networking applications.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, preprint submitted to Elsevier COMNET Journa

    Modified SHA1: A Hashing Solution to Secure Web Applications through Login Authentication

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    The modified SHA1 algorithm has been developed by expanding its hash value up to 1280 bits from the original size of 160 bit. This was done by allocating 32 buffer registers for variables A, B, C and D at 5 bytes each. The expansion was done by generating 4 buffer registers in every round inside the compression function for 8 times. Findings revealed that the hash value of the modified algorithm was not cracked or hacked during the experiment and testing using powerful online cracking tool, bruteforce and rainbow table such as CrackingStation and Rainbow Crack and bruteforcer which are available online thus improved its security level compared to the original SHA1

    Storytelling Security: User-Intention Based Traffic Sanitization

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    Malicious software (malware) with decentralized communication infrastructure, such as peer-to-peer botnets, is difficult to detect. In this paper, we describe a traffic-sanitization method for identifying malware-triggered outbound connections from a personal computer. Our solution correlates user activities with the content of outbound traffic. Our key observation is that user-initiated outbound traffic typically has corresponding human inputs, i.e., keystroke or mouse clicks. Our analysis on the causal relations between user inputs and packet payload enables the efficient enforcement of the inter-packet dependency at the application level. We formalize our approach within the framework of protocol-state machine. We define new application-level traffic-sanitization policies that enforce the inter-packet dependencies. The dependency is derived from the transitions among protocol states that involve both user actions and network events. We refer to our methodology as storytelling security. We demonstrate a concrete realization of our methodology in the context of peer-to-peer file-sharing application, describe its use in blocking traffic of P2P bots on a host. We implement and evaluate our prototype in Windows operating system in both online and offline deployment settings. Our experimental evaluation along with case studies of real-world P2P applications demonstrates the feasibility of verifying the inter-packet dependencies. Our deep packet inspection incurs overhead on the outbound network flow. Our solution can also be used as an offline collect-and-analyze tool

    A Case-Based Reasoning Method for Locating Evidence During Digital Forensic Device Triage

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    The role of triage in digital forensics is disputed, with some practitioners questioning its reliability for identifying evidential data. Although successfully implemented in the field of medicine, triage has not established itself to the same degree in digital forensics. This article presents a novel approach to triage for digital forensics. Case-Based Reasoning Forensic Triager (CBR-FT) is a method for collecting and reusing past digital forensic investigation information in order to highlight likely evidential areas on a suspect operating system, thereby helping an investigator to decide where to search for evidence. The CBR-FT framework is discussed and the results of twenty test triage examinations are presented. CBR-FT has been shown to be a more effective method of triage when compared to a practitioner using a leading commercial application

    Performance and Limitation Review of Secure Hash Function Algorithm

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    A cryptographic hash work is a phenomenal class of hash work that has certain properties which make it fitting for use in cryptography. It is a numerical figuring that maps information of emotional size to a bit string of a settled size (a hash) and is expected to be a confined limit, that is, a limit which is infeasible to adjust. Hash Functions are significant instrument in information security over the web. The hash functions that are utilized in different security related applications are called cryptographic hash functions. This property is additionally valuable in numerous different applications, for example, production of digital signature and arbitrary number age and so on. The vast majority of the hash functions depend on Merkle-Damgard development, for example, MD-2, MD-4, MD-5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3 and so on, which are not hundred percent safe from assaults. The paper talks about a portion of the secure hash function, that are conceivable on this development, and accordingly on these hash functions additionally face same attacks

    Database integrated analytics using R : initial experiences with SQL-Server + R

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Most data scientists use nowadays functional or semi-functional languages like SQL, Scala or R to treat data, obtained directly from databases. Such process requires to fetch data, process it, then store again, and such process tends to be done outside the DB, in often complex data-flows. Recently, database service providers have decided to integrate “R-as-a-Service” in their DB solutions. The analytics engine is called directly from the SQL query tree, and results are returned as part of the same query. Here we show a first taste of such technology by testing the portability of our ALOJA-ML analytics framework, coded in R, to Microsoft SQL-Server 2016, one of the SQL+R solutions released recently. In this work we discuss some data-flow schemes for porting a local DB + analytics engine architecture towards Big Data, focusing specially on the new DB Integrated Analytics approach, and commenting the first experiences in usability and performance obtained from such new services and capabilities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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