398 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for Hardware/Software Partitioning Using Mixed Integer Linear

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    One of the key problems in hardware/software codesign is hardware/software partitioning. This paper describes a new approach to hardware/software partitioning using integer programming (IP). The advantage of using IP is that optimal results are calculated for a chosen objective function. The partitioning approach works fully automatic and supports multi-processor systems, interfacing and hardware sharing. In contrast to other approaches where special estimators are used, we use compilation and synthesis tools for cost estimation. The increased time for calculating values for the cost metrics is compensated by an improved quality of the values. Therefore, fewer iteration steps for partitioning are needed. The paper presents an algorithm using integer programming for solving the hardware/software partitioning problem leading to promising results

    Advanced flight control system study

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    The architecture, requirements, and system elements of an ultrareliable, advanced flight control system are described. The basic criteria are functional reliability of 10 to the minus 10 power/hour of flight and only 6 month scheduled maintenance. A distributed system architecture is described, including a multiplexed communication system, reliable bus controller, the use of skewed sensor arrays, and actuator interfaces. Test bed and flight evaluation program are proposed

    Telemetry downlink interfaces and level-zero processing

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    The technical areas being investigated are as follows: (1) processing of space to ground data frames; (2) parallel architecture performance studies; and (3) parallel programming techniques. Additionally, the University administrative details and the technical liaison between New Mexico State University and Goddard Space Flight Center are addressed

    High Level Synthesis of Neural Network Chips

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    This thesis investigates the development of a silicon compiler dedicated to generate Application-Specific Neural Network Chips (ASNNCs) from a high level C-based behavioural specification language. The aim is to fully integrate the silicon compiler with the ESPRIT II Pygmalion neural programming environment. The integration of these two tools permits the translation of a neural network application specified in nC, the Pygmalion's C-based neural programming language, into either binary (for simulation) or silicon (for execution in hardware). Several applications benefit from this approach, in particular the ones that require real-time execution, for which a true neural computer is required. This research comprises two major parts: extension of the Pygmalion neural programming environment, to support automatic generation of neural network chips from the nC specification language; and implementation of the high level synthesis part of the neural silicon compiler. The extension of the neural programming environment has been developed to adapt the nC language to hardware constraints, and to provide the environment with a simulation tool to test in advance the performance of the neural chips. Firstly, new hardware-specific requisites have been incorporated to nC. However, special attention has been taken to avoid transforming nC into a hardware-oriented language, since the system assumes minimum (or even no) knowledge of VLSI design from the application developer. Secondly, a simulator for neural network hardware has been developed, which assesses how well the generated circuit will perform the neural computation. Lastly, a hardware library of neural network models associated with a target VLSI architecture has been built. The development of the neural silicon compiler focuses on the high level synthesis part of the process. The goal of the silicon compiler is to take nC as the input language and automatically translate it into one or more identical integrated circuits, which are specified in VHDL (the IEEE standard hardware description language) at the register transfer level. The development of the high level synthesis comprises four major parts: firstly, compilation and software-like optimisations of nC; secondly, transformation of the compiled code into a graph-based internal representation, which has been designed to be the basis for the hardware synthesis; thirdly, further transformations and hardware-like optimisations on the internal representation; and finally, creation of the neural chip's data path and control unit that implement the behaviour specified in nC. Special attention has been devoted to the creation of optimised hardware structures for the ASNNCs employing both phases of neural computing on-chip: recall and learning. This is achieved through the data path and control synthesis algorithms, which adopt a heuristic approach that targets the generated hardware structure of the neural chip in a specific VLSI architecture, namely the Generic Neuron. The viability, concerning the effective use of silicon area versus speed, has been evaluated through the automatic generation of a VHDL description for the neural chip employing the Back Propagation neural network model. This description is compared with the one created manually by a hardware designer

    System-level power optimization:techniques and tools

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    This tutorial surveys design methods for energy-efficient system-level design. We consider electronic sytems consisting of a hardware platform and software layers. We consider the three major constituents of hardware that consume energy, namely computation, communication, and storage units, and we review methods of reducing their energy consumption. We also study models for analyzing the energy cost of software, and methods for energy-efficient software design and compilation. This survery is organized around three main phases of a system design: conceptualization and modeling design and implementation, and runtime management. For each phase, we review recent techniques for energy-efficient design of both hardware and software

    Design of an asynchronous processor

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    Distributed real-time operating system (DRTOS) modeling in SpecC

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    System level design of an embedded computing system involves a multi-step process to refine the system from an abstract specification to an actual implementation by defining and modeling the system at various levels of abstraction. System level design supports evaluating and optimizing the system early in design exploration.;Embedded computing systems may consist of multiple processing elements, memories, I/O devices, sensors, and actors. The selection of processing elements includes instruction-set processors and custom hardware units, such as application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and field programmable gate array (FPGA). Real-time operating systems (RTOS) have been used in embedded systems as an industry standard for years and can offer embedded systems the characteristics such as concurrency and time constraints. Some of the existing system level design languages, such as SpecC, provide the capability to model an embedded system including an RTOS for a single processor. However, there is a need to develop a distributed RTOS modeling mechanism as part of the system level design methodology due to the increasing number of processing elements in systems and to embedded platforms having multiple processors. A distributed RTOS (DRTOS) provides services such as multiprocessor tasks scheduling, interprocess communication, synchronization, and distributed mutual exclusion, etc.;In this thesis, we develop a DRTOS model as the extension of the existing SpecC single RTOS model to provide basic functionalities of a DRTOS implementation, and present the refinement methodology for using our DRTOS model during system level synthesis. The DRTOS model and refinement process are demonstrated in the SpecC SCE environment. The capabilities and limitations of the DRTOS modeling approach are presented