33 research outputs found

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    Tumour auto-contouring on 2d cine MRI for locally advanced lung cancer: A comparative study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Radiotherapy guidance based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently becoming a clinical reality. Fast 2d cine MRI sequences are expected to increase the precision of radiation delivery by facilitating tumour delineation during treatment. This study compares four auto-contouring algorithms for the task of delineating the primary tumour in six locally advanced (LA) lung cancer patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-two cine MRI sequences were acquired using either a balanced steady-state free precession or a spoiled gradient echo imaging technique. Contours derived by the auto-contouring algorithms were compared against manual reference contours. A selection of eight image data sets was also used to assess the inter-observer delineation uncertainty. RESULTS: Algorithmically derived contours agreed well with the manual reference contours (median Dice similarity index: â©ľ0.91). Multi-template matching and deformable image registration performed significantly better than feature-driven registration and the pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN). Neither MRI sequence nor image orientation was a conclusive predictor for algorithmic performance. Motion significantly degraded the performance of the PCNN. The inter-observer variability was of the same order of magnitude as the algorithmic performance. CONCLUSION: Auto-contouring of tumours on cine MRI is feasible in LA lung cancer patients. Despite large variations in implementation complexity, the different algorithms all have relatively similar performance

    Encoding Enhanced Complex CNN for Accurate and Highly Accelerated MRI

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using hyperpolarized noble gases provides a way to visualize the structure and function of human lung, but the long imaging time limits its broad research and clinical applications. Deep learning has demonstrated great potential for accelerating MRI by reconstructing images from undersampled data. However, most existing deep conventional neural networks (CNN) directly apply square convolution to k-space data without considering the inherent properties of k-space sampling, limiting k-space learning efficiency and image reconstruction quality. In this work, we propose an encoding enhanced (EN2) complex CNN for highly undersampled pulmonary MRI reconstruction. EN2 employs convolution along either the frequency or phase-encoding direction, resembling the mechanisms of k-space sampling, to maximize the utilization of the encoding correlation and integrity within a row or column of k-space. We also employ complex convolution to learn rich representations from the complex k-space data. In addition, we develop a feature-strengthened modularized unit to further boost the reconstruction performance. Experiments demonstrate that our approach can accurately reconstruct hyperpolarized 129Xe and 1H lung MRI from 6-fold undersampled k-space data and provide lung function measurements with minimal biases compared with fully-sampled image. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic components and indicate that the proposed approach could be used for accelerated pulmonary MRI in research and clinical lung disease patient care

    Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases

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    Cardiothoracic and pulmonary diseases are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the lack of access to clinical care, the overburdened medical system, and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving medicine. There are a variety of diseases affecting the cardiopulmonary system including lung cancers, heart disease, tuberculosis (TB), etc., in addition to COVID-19-related diseases. Screening, diagnosis, and management of cardiopulmonary diseases has become difficult owing to the limited availability of diagnostic tools and experts, particularly in resource-limited regions. Early screening, accurate diagnosis and staging of these diseases could play a crucial role in treatment and care, and potentially aid in reducing mortality. Radiographic imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), chest X-rays (CXRs), and echo ultrasound (US) are widely used in screening and diagnosis. Research on using image-based AI and machine learning (ML) methods can help in rapid assessment, serve as surrogates for expert assessment, and reduce variability in human performance. In this Special Issue, “Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases”, we have highlighted exemplary primary research studies and literature reviews focusing on novel AI/ML methods and their application in image-based screening, diagnosis, and clinical management of cardiopulmonary diseases. We hope that these articles will help establish the advancements in AI

    Advanced machine learning methods for oncological image analysis

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    Cancer is a major public health problem, accounting for an estimated 10 million deaths worldwide in 2020 alone. Rapid advances in the field of image acquisition and hardware development over the past three decades have resulted in the development of modern medical imaging modalities that can capture high-resolution anatomical, physiological, functional, and metabolic quantitative information from cancerous organs. Therefore, the applications of medical imaging have become increasingly crucial in the clinical routines of oncology, providing screening, diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and non/minimally- invasive evaluation of disease prognosis. The essential need for medical images, however, has resulted in the acquisition of a tremendous number of imaging scans. Considering the growing role of medical imaging data on one side and the challenges of manually examining such an abundance of data on the other side, the development of computerized tools to automatically or semi-automatically examine the image data has attracted considerable interest. Hence, a variety of machine learning tools have been developed for oncological image analysis, aiming to assist clinicians with repetitive tasks in their workflow. This thesis aims to contribute to the field of oncological image analysis by proposing new ways of quantifying tumor characteristics from medical image data. Specifically, this thesis consists of six studies, the first two of which focus on introducing novel methods for tumor segmentation. The last four studies aim to develop quantitative imaging biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The main objective of Study I is to develop a deep learning pipeline capable of capturing the appearance of lung pathologies, including lung tumors, and integrating this pipeline into the segmentation networks to leverage the segmentation accuracy. The proposed pipeline was tested on several comprehensive datasets, and the numerical quantifications show the superiority of the proposed prior-aware DL framework compared to the state of the art. Study II aims to address a crucial challenge faced by supervised segmentation models: dependency on the large-scale labeled dataset. In this study, an unsupervised segmentation approach is proposed based on the concept of image inpainting to segment lung and head- neck tumors in images from single and multiple modalities. The proposed autoinpainting pipeline shows great potential in synthesizing high-quality tumor-free images and outperforms a family of well-established unsupervised models in terms of segmentation accuracy. Studies III and IV aim to automatically discriminate the benign from the malignant pulmonary nodules by analyzing the low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans. In Study III, a dual-pathway deep classification framework is proposed to simultaneously take into account the local intra-nodule heterogeneities and the global contextual information. Study IV seeks to compare the discriminative power of a series of carefully selected conventional radiomics methods, end-to-end Deep Learning (DL) models, and deep features-based radiomics analysis on the same dataset. The numerical analyses show the potential of fusing the learned deep features into radiomic features for boosting the classification power. Study V focuses on the early assessment of lung tumor response to the applied treatments by proposing a novel feature set that can be interpreted physiologically. This feature set was employed to quantify the changes in the tumor characteristics from longitudinal PET-CT scans in order to predict the overall survival status of the patients two years after the last session of treatments. The discriminative power of the introduced imaging biomarkers was compared against the conventional radiomics, and the quantitative evaluations verified the superiority of the proposed feature set. Whereas Study V focuses on a binary survival prediction task, Study VI addresses the prediction of survival rate in patients diagnosed with lung and head-neck cancer by investigating the potential of spherical convolutional neural networks and comparing their performance against other types of features, including radiomics. While comparable results were achieved in intra- dataset analyses, the proposed spherical-based features show more predictive power in inter-dataset analyses. In summary, the six studies incorporate different imaging modalities and a wide range of image processing and machine-learning techniques in the methods developed for the quantitative assessment of tumor characteristics and contribute to the essential procedures of cancer diagnosis and prognosis

    Medical Diagnosis with Multimodal Image Fusion Techniques

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    Image Fusion is an effective approach utilized to draw out all the significant information from the source images, which supports experts in evaluation and quick decision making. Multi modal medical image fusion produces a composite fused image utilizing various sources to improve quality and extract complementary information. It is extremely challenging to gather every piece of information needed using just one imaging method. Therefore, images obtained from different modalities are fused Additional clinical information can be gleaned through the fusion of several types of medical image pairings. This study's main aim is to present a thorough review of medical image fusion techniques which also covers steps in fusion process, levels of fusion, various imaging modalities with their pros and cons, and  the major scientific difficulties encountered in the area of medical image fusion. This paper also summarizes the quality assessments fusion metrics. The various approaches used by image fusion algorithms that are presently available in the literature are classified into four broad categories i) Spatial fusion methods ii) Multiscale Decomposition based methods iii) Neural Network based methods and iv) Fuzzy Logic based methods. the benefits and pitfalls of the existing literature are explored and Future insights are suggested. Moreover, this study is anticipated to create a solid platform for the development of better fusion techniques in medical applications