370 research outputs found

    A two-stage bivariate logistic-Tobit model for the safety analysis of signalized intersections

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    Crash frequency and crash severity models have explored the factors that influence intersection safety. However, most of these models address the frequency and severity independently, and miss the correlations between crash frequency models at different crash severity levels. We develop a two-stage bivariate logistic-Tobit model of the crash severity and crash risk at different severity levels. The first stage uses a binary logistic model to determine the overall crash severity level. The second stage develops a bivariate Tobit model to simultaneously evaluate the risk of a crash resulting in a slight injury and the risk of a crash resulting in a kill or serious injury (KSI). The model uses 420 observations from 262 signalized intersections in the Hong Kong metropolitan area, integrated with information on the traffic flow, geometric road design, road environment, traffic control and any crashes that occurred during 2002 and 2003. The results obtained from the first-stage binary logistic model indicate that the overall crash severity level is significantly influenced by the annual average daily traffic and number of pedestrian crossings. The results obtained from the second-stage bivariate Tobit model indicate that the factor that significantly influences the numbers of both slight injury and KSI crashes is the proportion of commercial vehicles. The existence of four or more approaches, the reciprocal of the average turning radius and the presence of a turning pocket increase the likelihood of slight injury crashes. The average lane width and cycle time affect the likelihood of KSI crashes. A comparison with existing approaches suggests that the bivariate logistic-Tobit model provides a good statistical fit and offers an effective alternative method for evaluating the safety performance at signalized intersections.postprin

    Dynamic Dilemma Zone Protection System: A Smart Machine Learning Based Approach to Countermeasure Drivers\u27s Yellow Light Dilemma

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    Drivers’ indecisions within the dilemma zone (DZ) during the yellow interval is a major safety concern of a roadway network. The present study develops a systematic framework of a machine learning (ML) based dynamic dilemma zone protection (DZP) system to protect drivers from potential intersection crashes due to such indecisions. For this, the present study first develops effective methods of quantifying DZ using important site-specific characteristics of signalized intersections. By this method, high-risk intersections in terms of DZ crashes could be identified using readily available intersection site-specific characteristics. Afterward, the present study develops an innovative framework for predicting driver behavior under varying DZ conditions using ML methods. The framework utilizes multiple ML techniques to process vehicle attribute data (e.g., speed, location, and time-of-arrival) collected at the onset of the yellow indication, and eventually predict drivers’ stop-or-go decisions based on the data. The DZP system discussed in the present study has two major components that work with synergy to ensure the total safety of a DZ affected vehicle: dynamic green extension (DGE), and dynamic green protection (DRP) system. Based on the continuous vehicle tracking data, the DGE system uninterruptedly monitors vehicle within the DZ and xiv predict vehicles that may face the decision dilemma if there is a sudden transition from green signal to yellow. After detecting such vehicles, the DGE system provides an exact amount of extended green time so that the detected vehicles could safely clear the intersection without any hesitation. There could be some vehicles that may end up running the red light due to various limitations. In this case, the DRP system provides an extended amount of all-red extensions after predicting potential red light running vehicles to nullify the likelihood of any intersection crashes. After the development, the DZP system is then implemented in several selected intersections in Alabama. Performance assessments are accomplished for the to see the safety and operation impact of the DZP system in implemented sites. The comprehensive assessment of the DGE system is accomplished with ten performance measures, which include percent green arrivals, percent yellow arrivals, percent red arrivals, dilemma zone length, and red-light running vehicles before and after the system implementation. Results show that the DGE system could significantly improve the overall intersection safety and efficiency. A short-term study on performance assessment of DRP systems shows that such a driver behavior prediction method could effectively predict 100% red-light-runners as well as efficiently provide the required amount of clearance time without hampering overall intersection efficiency. Based on the outcomes from the performance assessments of the DGE and DRP systems, it is safe to say the machine learning based DZP system would be able to promote intersection safety by protecting the dilemma zone impacted vehicles from potential intersection crashes as well as enhance the operational performance of intersections by intelligently allocate exact right-of-way to the vehicles and reducing the overall delays

    Comprehensive Analytical Investigation Of The Safety Of Unsignalized Intersections

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    According to documented statistics, intersections are among the most hazardous locations on roadway systems. Many studies have extensively analyzed safety of signalized intersections, but did not put their major focus on the most frequent type of intersections, unsignalized intersections. Unsignalized intersections are those intersections with stop control, yield control and no traffic control. Unsignalized intersections can be differentiated from their signalized counterparts in that their operational functions take place without the presence of a traffic signal. In this dissertation, multiple approaches of analyzing safety at unsignalized intersections were conducted. This was investigated in this study by analyzing total crashes, the most frequent crash types at unsignalized intersections (rear-end as well as angle crashes) and crash injury severity. Additionally, an access management analysis was investigated with respect to the different median types identified in this study. Some of the developed methodological techniques in this study are considered recent, and have not been extensively applied. In this dissertation, the most extensive data collection effort for unsignalized intersections was conducted. There were 2500 unsignalized intersections collected from six counties in the state of Florida. These six counties were Orange, Seminole, Hillsborough, Brevard, Leon and Miami-Dade. These selected counties are major counties representing the central, western, eastern, northern and southern parts in Florida, respectively. Hence, a geographic representation of the state of Florida was achieved. Important intersections\u27 geometric and roadway features, minor approach traffic control, major approach traffic flow and crashes were obtained. The traditional negative binomial (NB) regression model was used for modeling total crash frequency for two years at unsignalized intersections. This was considered since the NB technique is well accepted for modeling crash count data suffering from over-dispersion. The NB models showed several important variables affecting safety at unsignalized intersections. These include the traffic volume on the major road and the existence of stop signs, and among the geometric characteristics, the configuration of the intersection, number of right and/or left turn lanes, median type on the major road, and left and right shoulder widths. Afterwards, a new approach of applying the Bayesian updating concept for better crash prediction was introduced. Different non-informative and informative prior structures using the NB and log-gamma distributions were attempted. The log-gamma distribution showed the best prediction capability. Crash injury severity at unsignalized intersections was analyzed using the ordered probit, binary probit and nested logit frameworks. The binary probit method was considered the best approach based on its goodness-of-fit statistics. The common factors found in the fitted probit models were the logarithm of AADT on the major road, and the speed limit on the major road. It was found that higher severity (and fatality) probability is always associated with a reduction in AADT, as well as an increase in speed limit. A recently developed data mining technique, the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) technique, which is capable of yielding high prediction accuracy, was used to analyze rear-end as well as angle crashes. MARS yielded the best prediction performance while dealing with continuous responses. Additionally, screening the covariates using random forest before fitting MARS model was very encouraging. Finally, an access management analysis was performed with respect to six main median types associated with unsignalized intersections/access points. These six median types were open, closed, directional (allowing access from both sides), two-way left turn lane, undivided and mixed medians (e.g., directional median, but allowing access from one side only). Also, crash conflict patterns at each of these six medians were identified and applied to a dataset including median-related crashes. In this case, separating median-related and intersection-related crashes was deemed significant in the analysis. From the preliminary analysis, open medians were considered the most hazardous median type, and closed and undivided medians were the safest. The binomial logit and bivariate probit models showed significant median-related variables affecting median-related crashes, such as median width, speed limit on the major road, logarithm of AADT, logarithm of the upstream and downstream distances to the nearest signalized intersection and crash pattern. The results from the different methodological approaches introduced in this study could be applicable to diagnose safety deficiencies identified. For example, to reduce crash severity, prohibiting left turn maneuvers from minor intersection approaches is recommended. To reduce right-angle crashes, avoiding installing two-way left turn lanes at 4-legged intersections is essential. To reduce conflict points, closing median openings across from intersections is recommended. Since left-turn and angle crash patterns were the most dominant at undivided medians, it is recommended to avoid left turn maneuvers at unsignalized intersections having undivided medians at their approach. This could be enforced by installing a left-turn prohibition sign on both major and minor approaches

    Application of big data in transportation safety analysis using statistical and deep learning methods

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    The emergence of new sensors and data sources provides large scale high-resolution big data from instantaneous vehicular movements, driver decision and states, surrounding environment, roadway characteristics, weather condition, etc. Such a big data can be served to expand our understanding regarding the current state of the transportation and help us to proactively evaluate and monitor the system performance. The key idea behind this dissertation is to identify the moments and locations where drivers are exhibiting different behavior comparing to the normal behavior. The concept of driving volatility is utilized which quantifies deviation from normal driving in terms of variations in speed, acceleration/deceleration, and vehicular jerk. This idea is utilized to explore the association of volatility in different hierarchies of transportation system, i.e.: 1) Instance level; 2) Event level; 3) Driver level; 4) Intersection level; and 5) Network level. In summary, the main contribution of this dissertation is exploring the association of variations in driving behavior in terms of driving volatility at different levels by harnessing big data generated from emerging data sources under real-world condition, which is applicable to the intelligent transportation systems and smart cities. By analyzing real-world crashes/near-crashes and predicting occurrence of extreme event, proactive warnings and feedback can be generated to warn drivers and adjacent vehicles regarding potential hazard. Furthermore, the results of this study help agencies to proactively monitor and evaluate safety performance of the network and identify locations where crashes are waiting to happen. The main objective of this dissertation is to integrate big data generated from emerging sources into safety analysis by considering different levels in the system. To this end, several data sources including Connected Vehicles data (with more than 2.2 billion seconds of observations), naturalistic driving data (with more than 2 million seconds of observations from vehicular kinematics and driver behavior), conventional data on roadway factors and crash data are integrated

    Impact of Signal Timing Information on Safety and Efficiency of Signalized Intersections

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    Signalized intersections are provided in traffic networks to improve the safety and efficiency of vehicular and pedestrian movement. There are various measures under education, enforcement and engineering headings that are being attempted to improve safety and efficiency of operations at a signalized intersection. Provision of signal countdown timer, a timer showing the remaining red and green time in a phase, is one such measure and is commonly adopted in India. However, studies on effects of countdown timer under Indian traffic conditions are very scarce. Traffic heterogeneity and lack of lane discipline makes transferability of models developed in other countries (with more organized traffic) infeasible. The present study is an attempt to analyze the changes in queue discharge characteristics and red light violations (RLV) under Indian traffic conditions due to the presence of timer. A before and after analysis was carried out using the data collected from a selected intersection in Chennai, India. The analysis is carried out for different vehicle types in the presence and absence of timers separately for the start and end of red/green. Results showed that the information provided at the start of green (end of red) enhances efficiency, the startup lost time is reduced and there is an increase in red light violations. Two wheelers present at the start of the queue are found to be the category that is mostly affected by this information. However, the information provided at end of green (start of red) was found to reduce the red light violations. In the presence of information, it was found that the propensity of RLV (proportion of cycles having RLV) reduced from 59 % to 31 % at the end of green (start of red) and there was an increase from 12 % to 75 % at the start of green (end of red) with statistically significant drop in the headways (indicating an increased efficiency). Also, in presence of information, the intensity of RLV (Mean RLVs per RLV cycle) for both start of red and end of red reduced from 3.32 to 2.30 vehicles and 8.52 to 5.60 vehicles respectively. The impacts varied based on the vehicle types with major impacts on the two wheelers. The queue discharge models show a significant change in trend implying a need to update the signal timings when the timer’s are installed. These results also bring into light the trade-off between safety and efficiency and the choices drivers make in the presence of phase change information. These trade-offs should be carefully considered as the technology advances and drivers are provided more and more information. For example, with the advent of intellidrive technology (vehicle to infrastructure communications), the extent of information provided to the drivers should be tailored to achieve system optimality and results from studies such as the present one can help in decision making


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    Crashes at isolated rural intersections, particularly those involving vehicles traveling perpendicularly to each other, are especially dangerous due to the high speeds involved. Consequently, transportation agencies are interested in reducing the occurrence of this crash type. Many engineering treatments exist to improve safety at isolated, high-speed, signalized intersections. Intuitively, it is critical to know which safety treatments are the most effective for a given set of selection criteria at a particular intersection. Without a well-defined decision making methodology, it is difficult to decide which safety countermeasure, or set of countermeasures, is the best option. Additionally, because of the large number of possible intersection configurations, traffic volumes, and vehicle types, it would be impossible to develop a set of guidelines that could be applied to all signalized intersections. Therefore, a methodology was developed in in this paper whereby common countermeasures could be modeled and analyzed prior to being implemented in the field. Due to the dynamic and stochastic nature of the problem, the choice was made to employ microsimulation tools, such as VISSIM, to analyze the studied countermeasures. A calibrated and validated microsimulation model of a signalized intersection was used to model two common safety countermeasures. The methodology was demonstrated on a test site located just outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. The model was calibrated to the distribution of observed speeds collected at the test site. It was concluded that the methodology could be used for the preliminary analysis of safety treatments based on select safety and operational measures of effectiveness

    Quantifying the Mobility and Safety Benefits of Transit Signal Priority

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    The continuous growth of automobile traffic on urban and suburban arterials in recent years has created a substantial problem for transit, especially when it operates in mixed traffic conditions. As a result, there has been a growing interest in deploying Transit Signal Priority (TSP) to improve the operational performance of arterial corridors. TSP is an operational strategy that facilitates the movement of transit vehicles (e.g., buses) through signalized intersections that helps transit service be more reliable, faster, and more cost-effective. The goal of this research was to quantify the mobility and safety benefits of TSP. A microscopic simulation approach was used to estimate the mobility benefits of TSP. Microscopic simulation models were developed in VISSIM and calibrated to represent field conditions. Implementing TSP provided significant savings in travel time and average vehicle delay. Under the TSP scenario, the study corridor also experienced significant reduction in travel time and average vehicle delay for buses and all other vehicles. The importance and benefits of calibration of VISSIM model with TSP integration were also studied as a part of the mobility benefits. Besides quantifying the mobility benefits, the potential safety benefits of the TSP strategy were also quantified. An observational before-after full Bayes (FB) approach with a comparison-group was adopted to estimate the crash modification factors (CMFs) for total crashes, fatal/injury (FI) crashes, property damage only (PDO) crashes, rear-end crashes, sideswipe crashes, and angle crashes. The analysis was based on 12 corridors equipped with the TSP system and their corresponding 29 comparison corridors without the TSP system. Overall, the results indicated that the deployment of TSP improved safety. Specifically, TSP was found to reduce total crashes by 7.2% (CMF = 0.928), FI crashes by 14% (CMF = 0.860), PDO crashes by 8% (CMF = 0.920), rear-end crashes by 5.2% (CMF = 0.948), and angle crashes by 21.9% (CMF = 0.781). Alternatively, sideswipe crashes increased by 6% (CMF = 1.060), although the increase was not significant at a 95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI). These results may present key considerations for transportation agencies and practitioners when planning future TSP deployments

    Insights into Simulated Smart Mobility on Roundabouts: Achievements, Lessons Learned, and Steps Ahead

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    This paper explores the domain of intelligent transportation systems, specifically focusing on roundabouts as potential solutions in the context of smart mobility. Roundabouts offer a safer and more efficient driving environment compared to other intersections, thanks to their curvilinear trajectories promoting speed control and lower vehicular speeds for traffic calming. The synthesis review supported the authors in presenting current knowledge and emerging needs in roundabout design and evaluation. A focused examination of the models and methods used to assess safety and operational performance of roundabout systems was necessary. This is particularly relevant in light of new challenges posed by the automotive market and the influence of vehicle-to-vehicle communication on the conceptualization and design of this road infrastructure. Two case studies of roundabouts were analyzed in Aimsun to simulate the increasing market penetration rates of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and their traffic impacts. Through microscopic traffic simulation, the research evaluated safety and performance efficiency advancements in roundabouts. The paper concludes by outlining areas for further research and evolving perspectives on the role of roundabouts in the transition toward connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructures


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    Traffic crashes have resulted in significant cost to society in terms of life and economic losses, and comprehensive examination of crash injury outcome patterns is of practical importance. By inferring the parameters of interest from prior information and studied datasets, Bayesian models are efficient methods in data analysis with more accurate results, but their applications in traffic safety studies are still limited. By examining the driver injury severity patterns, this research is proposed to systematically examine the applicability of Bayesian methods in traffic crash driver injury severity prediction in traffic crashes. In this study, three types of Bayesian models are defined: hierarchical Bayesian regression model, Bayesian non-regression model and knowledge-based Bayesian non-parametric model, and a conceptual framework is developed for selecting the appropriate Bayesian model based on discrete research purposes. Five Bayesian models are applied accordingly to test their effectiveness in traffic crash driver injury severity prediction and variable impact estimation: hierarchical Bayesian binary logit model, hierarchical Bayesian ordered logit model, hierarchical Bayesian random intercept model with cross-level interactions, multinomial logit (MNL)-Bayesian Network (BN) model, and decision table/na\xefve Bayes (DTNB) model. A complete dataset containing all crashes occurring on New Mexico roadways in 2010 and 2011 is used for model analyses. The studied dataset is composed of three major sub-datasets: crash dataset, vehicle dataset and driver dataset, and all included variables are therefore divided into two hierarchical levels accordingly: crash-level variables and vehicle/driver variables. From all these five models, the model performance and analysis results have shown promising performance on injury severity prediction and variable influence analysis, and these results underscore the heterogeneous impacts of these significant variables on driver injury severity outcomes. The performances of these models are also compared among these methods or with traditional traffic safety models. With the analyzed results, tentative suggestions regarding countermeasures and further research efforts to reduce crash injury severity are proposed. The research results enhance the understandings of the applicability of Bayesian methods in traffic safety analysis and the mechanisms of crash injury severity outcomes, and provide beneficial inference to improve safety performance of the transportation system
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