342 research outputs found

    Power-Aware Design Methodologies for FPGA-Based Implementation of Video Processing Systems

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    The increasing capacity and capabilities of FPGA devices in recent years provide an attractive option for performance-hungry applications in the image and video processing domain. FPGA devices are often used as implementation platforms for image and video processing algorithms for real-time applications due to their programmable structure that can exploit inherent spatial and temporal parallelism. While performance and area remain as two main design criteria, power consumption has become an important design goal especially for mobile devices. Reduction in power consumption can be achieved by reducing the supply voltage, capacitances, clock frequency and switching activities in a circuit. Switching activities can be reduced by architectural optimization of the processing cores such as adders, multipliers, multiply and accumulators (MACS), etc. This dissertation research focuses on reducing the switching activities in digital circuits by considering data dependencies in bit level, word level and block level neighborhoods in a video frame. The bit level data neighborhood dependency consideration for power reduction is illustrated in the design of pipelined array, Booth and log-based multipliers. For an array multiplier, operands of the multipliers are partitioned into higher and lower parts so that the probability of the higher order parts being zero or one increases. The gating technique for the pipelined approach deactivates part(s) of the multiplier when the above special values are detected. For the Booth multiplier, the partitioning and gating technique is integrated into the Booth recoding scheme. In addition, a delay correction strategy is developed for the Booth multiplier to reduce the switching activities of the sign extension part in the partial products. A novel architecture design for the computation of log and inverse-log functions for the reduction of power consumption in arithmetic circuits is also presented. This also utilizes the proposed partitioning and gating technique for further dynamic power reduction by reducing the switching activities. The word level and block level data dependencies for reducing the dynamic power consumption are illustrated by presenting the design of a 2-D convolution architecture. Here the similarities of the neighboring pixels in window-based operations of image and video processing algorithms are considered for reduced switching activities. A partitioning and detection mechanism is developed to deactivate the parallel architecture for window-based operations if higher order parts of the pixel values are the same. A neighborhood dependent approach (NDA) is incorporated with different window buffering schemes. Consideration of the symmetry property in filter kernels is also applied with the NDA method for further reduction of switching activities. The proposed design methodologies are implemented and evaluated in a FPGA environment. It is observed that the dynamic power consumption in FPGA-based circuit implementations is significantly reduced in bit level, data level and block level architectures when compared to state-of-the-art design techniques. A specific application for the design of a real-time video processing system incorporating the proposed design methodologies for low power consumption is also presented. An image enhancement application is considered and the proposed partitioning and gating, and NDA methods are utilized in the design of the enhancement system. Experimental results show that the proposed multi-level power aware methodology achieves considerable power reduction. Research work is progressing In utilizing the data dependencies in subsequent frames in a video stream for the reduction of circuit switching activities and thereby the dynamic power consumption

    ORSP Research Newsletter - Fall 2012

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    ORSP Research Newsletter - Fall 2012

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    Worker and Public Health and Safety

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    This book on "Worker and Public Health and Safety: Current Views" brings together current scholarly work and opinions in the form of original papers and reviews related to this field of study. It provides important and recent scientific reading as well as topical medical and occupational information and research in areas of immediate relevance, such as chronic and occupational diseases, worker safety and performance, job strain, workload, injuries, accident and errors, risks and management, fitness, burnout, psychological and mental disorders including stress, therapy, job satisfaction, musculoskeletal symptoms and pain, socio-economic factors, dust pollution, pesticides, noise, pathogens, and related areas

    Toward a priori noise characterization for real-time edge-aware denoising in fluoroscopic devices

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    Background: Low-dose X-ray images have become increasingly popular in the last decades, due to the need to guarantee the lowest reasonable patient’s exposure. Dose reduction causes a substantial increase of quantum noise, which needs to be suitably suppressed. In particular, real-time denoising is required to support common interventional fluoroscopy procedures. The knowledge of noise statistics provides precious information that helps to improve denoising performances, thus making noise estimation a crucial task for effective denoising strategies. Noise statistics depend on different factors, but are mainly influenced by the X-ray tube settings, which may vary even within the same procedure. This complicates real-time denoising, because noise estimation should be repeated after any changes in tube settings, which would be hardly feasible in practice. This work investigates the feasibility of an a priori characterization of noise for a single fluoroscopic device, which would obviate the need for inferring noise statics prior to each new images acquisition. The noise estimation algorithm used in this study was tested in silico to assess its accuracy and reliability. Then, real sequences were acquired by imaging two different X-ray phantoms via a commercial fluoroscopic device at various X-ray tube settings. Finally, noise estimation was performed to assess the matching of noise statistics inferred from two different sequences, acquired independently in the same operating conditions. Results: The noise estimation algorithm proved capable of retrieving noise statistics, regardless of the particular imaged scene, also achieving good results even by using only 10 frames (mean percentage error lower than 2%). The tests performed on the real fluoroscopic sequences confirmed that the estimated noise statistics are independent of the particular informational content of the scene from which they have been inferred, as they turned out to be consistent in sequences of the two different phantoms acquired independently with the same X-ray tube settings. Conclusions: The encouraging results suggest that an a priori characterization of noise for a single fluoroscopic device is feasible and could improve the actual implementation of real-time denoising strategies that take advantage of noise statistics to improve the trade-off between noise reduction and details preservation

    Large-scale educational telecommunications systems for the US: An analysis of educational needs and technological opportunities

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    The needs to be served, the subsectors in which the system might be used, the technology employed, and the prospects for future utilization of an educational telecommunications delivery system are described and analyzed. Educational subsectors are analyzed with emphasis on the current status and trends within each subsector. Issues which affect future development, and prospects for future use of media, technology, and large-scale electronic delivery within each subsector are included. Information on technology utilization is presented. Educational telecommunications services are identified and grouped into categories: public television and radio, instructional television, computer aided instruction, computer resource sharing, and information resource sharing. Technology based services, their current utilization, and factors which affect future development are stressed. The role of communications satellites in providing these services is discussed. Efforts to analyze and estimate future utilization of large-scale educational telecommunications are summarized. Factors which affect future utilization are identified. Conclusions are presented

    The Inception Phase Approach:From a multi-party opportunity to a viable multi-partner initiative

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    The Inception Phase Approach:From a multi-party opportunity to a viable multi-partner initiative

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    Coping with Data Scarcity in Deep Learning and Applications for Social Good

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    The recent years are experiencing an extremely fast evolution of the Computer Vision and Machine Learning fields: several application domains benefit from the newly developed technologies and industries are investing a growing amount of money in Artificial Intelligence. Convolutional Neural Networks and Deep Learning substantially contributed to the rise and the diffusion of AI-based solutions, creating the potential for many disruptive new businesses. The effectiveness of Deep Learning models is grounded by the availability of a huge amount of training data. Unfortunately, data collection and labeling is an extremely expensive task in terms of both time and costs; moreover, it frequently requires the collaboration of domain experts. In the first part of the thesis, I will investigate some methods for reducing the cost of data acquisition for Deep Learning applications in the relatively constrained industrial scenarios related to visual inspection. I will primarily assess the effectiveness of Deep Neural Networks in comparison with several classical Machine Learning algorithms requiring a smaller amount of data to be trained. Hereafter, I will introduce a hardware-based data augmentation approach, which leads to a considerable performance boost taking advantage of a novel illumination setup designed for this purpose. Finally, I will investigate the situation in which acquiring a sufficient number of training samples is not possible, in particular the most extreme situation: zero-shot learning (ZSL), which is the problem of multi-class classification when no training data is available for some of the classes. Visual features designed for image classification and trained offline have been shown to be useful for ZSL to generalize towards classes not seen during training. Nevertheless, I will show that recognition performances on unseen classes can be sharply improved by learning ad hoc semantic embedding (the pre-defined list of present and absent attributes that represent a class) and visual features, to increase the correlation between the two geometrical spaces and ease the metric learning process for ZSL. In the second part of the thesis, I will present some successful applications of state-of-the- art Computer Vision, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence methods. I will illustrate some solutions developed during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic for controlling the disease vii evolution and for reducing virus spreading. I will describe the first publicly available dataset for the analysis of face-touching behavior that we annotated and distributed, and I will illustrate an extensive evaluation of several computer vision methods applied to the produced dataset. Moreover, I will describe the privacy-preserving solution we developed for estimating the \u201cSocial Distance\u201d and its violations, given a single uncalibrated image in unconstrained scenarios. I will conclude the thesis with a Computer Vision solution developed in collaboration with the Egyptian Museum of Turin for digitally unwrapping mummies analyzing their CT scan, to support the archaeologists during mummy analysis and avoiding the devastating and irreversible process of physically unwrapping the bandages for removing amulets and jewels from the body
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