22 research outputs found

    Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: The ParseTalk Model

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    A grammar model for concurrent, object-oriented natural language parsing is introduced. Complete lexical distribution of grammatical knowledge is achieved building upon the head-oriented notions of valency and dependency, while inheritance mechanisms are used to capture lexical generalizations. The underlying concurrent computation model relies upon the actor paradigm. We consider message passing protocols for establishing dependency relations and ambiguity handling.Comment: 90kB, 7pages Postscrip

    A layered abduction model of perception: Integrating bottom-up and top-down processing in a multi-sense agent

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    A layered-abduction model of perception is presented which unifies bottom-up and top-down processing in a single logical and information-processing framework. The process of interpreting the input from each sense is broken down into discrete layers of interpretation, where at each layer a best explanation hypothesis is formed of the data presented by the layer or layers below, with the help of information available laterally and from above. The formation of this hypothesis is treated as a problem of abductive inference, similar to diagnosis and theory formation. Thus this model brings a knowledge-based problem-solving approach to the analysis of perception, treating perception as a kind of compiled cognition. The bottom-up passing of information from layer to layer defines channels of information flow, which separate and converge in a specific way for any specific sense modality. Multi-modal perception occurs where channels converge from more than one sense. This model has not yet been implemented, though it is based on systems which have been successful in medical and mechanical diagnosis and medical test interpretation

    Intensional Updates

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    A Conceptual Reasoning Approach to Textual Ellipsis

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    We present a hybrid text understanding methodology for the resolution of textual ellipsis. It integrates conceptual criteria (based on the well-formedness and conceptual strength of role chains in a terminological knowledge base) and functional constraints reflecting the utterances' information structure (based on the distinction between context-bound and unbound discourse elements). The methodological framework for text ellipsis resolution is the centering model that has been adapted to these constraints.Comment: 5 pages, uuencoded gzipped PS file (see also Technical Report at: http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/public/papers/ecai96.ps.gz

    The relevance of Relevance for fiction

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