536 research outputs found

    Partial-Matching and Hausdorff RMS Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms

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    We consider the RMS distance (sum of squared distances between pairs of points) under translation between two point sets in the plane, in two different setups. In the partial-matching setup, each point in the smaller set is matched to a distinct point in the bigger set. Although the problem is not known to be polynomial, we establish several structural properties of the underlying subdivision of the plane and derive improved bounds on its complexity. These results lead to the best known algorithm for finding a translation for which the partial-matching RMS distance between the point sets is minimized. In addition, we show how to compute a local minimum of the partial-matching RMS distance under translation, in polynomial time. In the Hausdorff setup, each point is paired to its nearest neighbor in the other set. We develop algorithms for finding a local minimum of the Hausdorff RMS distance in nearly linear time on the line, and in nearly quadratic time in the plane. These improve substantially the worst-case behavior of the popular ICP heuristics for solving this problem.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    CSD: Discriminance with Conic Section for Improving Reverse k Nearest Neighbors Queries

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    The reverse kk nearest neighbor (RkkNN) query finds all points that have the query point as one of their kk nearest neighbors (kkNN), where the kkNN query finds the kk closest points to its query point. Based on the characteristics of conic section, we propose a discriminance, named CSD (Conic Section Discriminance), to determine points whether belong to the RkkNN set without issuing any queries with non-constant computational complexity. By using CSD, we also implement an efficient RkkNN algorithm CSD-RkkNN with a computational complexity at O(k1.5⋅log k)O(k^{1.5}\cdot log\,k). The comparative experiments are conducted between CSD-RkkNN and other two state-of-the-art RkNN algorithms, SLICE and VR-RkkNN. The experimental results indicate that the efficiency of CSD-RkkNN is significantly higher than its competitors

    From Proximity to Utility: A Voronoi Partition of Pareto Optima

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    We present an extension of Voronoi diagrams where when considering which site a client is going to use, in addition to the site distances, other site attributes are also considered (for example, prices or weights). A cell in this diagram is then the locus of all clients that consider the same set of sites to be relevant. In particular, the precise site a client might use from this candidate set depends on parameters that might change between usages, and the candidate set lists all of the relevant sites. The resulting diagram is significantly more expressive than Voronoi diagrams, but naturally has the drawback that its complexity, even in the plane, might be quite high. Nevertheless, we show that if the attributes of the sites are drawn from the same distribution (note that the locations are fixed), then the expected complexity of the candidate diagram is near linear. To this end, we derive several new technical results, which are of independent interest. In particular, we provide a high-probability, asymptotically optimal bound on the number of Pareto optima points in a point set uniformly sampled from the dd-dimensional hypercube. To do so we revisit the classical backward analysis technique, both simplifying and improving relevant results in order to achieve the high-probability bounds

    Optimal relay location and power allocation for low SNR broadcast relay channels

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    We consider the broadcast relay channel (BRC), where a single source transmits to multiple destinations with the help of a relay, in the limit of a large bandwidth. We address the problem of optimal relay positioning and power allocations at source and relay, to maximize the multicast rate from source to all destinations. To solve such a network planning problem, we develop a three-faceted approach based on an underlying information theoretic model, computational geometric aspects, and network optimization tools. Firstly, assuming superposition coding and frequency division between the source and the relay, the information theoretic framework yields a hypergraph model of the wideband BRC, which captures the dependency of achievable rate-tuples on the network topology. As the relay position varies, so does the set of hyperarcs constituting the hypergraph, rendering the combinatorial nature of optimization problem. We show that the convex hull C of all nodes in the 2-D plane can be divided into disjoint regions corresponding to distinct hyperarcs sets. These sets are obtained by superimposing all k-th order Voronoi tessellation of C. We propose an easy and efficient algorithm to compute all hyperarc sets, and prove they are polynomially bounded. Using the switched hypergraph approach, we model the original problem as a continuous yet non-convex network optimization program. Ultimately, availing on the techniques of geometric programming and pp-norm surrogate approximation, we derive a good convex approximation. We provide a detailed characterization of the problem for collinearly located destinations, and then give a generalization for arbitrarily located destinations. Finally, we show strong gains for the optimal relay positioning compared to seemingly interesting positions.Comment: In Proceedings of INFOCOM 201

    Higher-order Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects

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    Higher-order Voronoi diagrams are fundamental geometric structures which encode the k-nearest neighbor information. Thus, they aid in computations that require proximity information beyond the nearest neighbor. They are related to various favorite structures in computational geometry and are a fascinating combinatorial problem to study. While higher-order Voronoi diagrams of points have been studied a lot, they have not been considered for other types of sites. Points lack dimensionality which makes them unable to represent various real-life instances. Points are the simplest kind of geometric object and therefore higher- order Voronoi diagrams of points can be considered as the corner case of all higher-order Voronoi diagrams. The goal of this dissertation is to move away from the corner and bring the higher-order Voronoi diagram to more general geometric instances. We focus on certain polygonal objects as they provide flexibility and are able to represent real-life instances. Before this dissertation, higher-order Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects had been studied only for the nearest neighbor and farthest Voronoi diagrams. In this dissertation we investigate structural and combinatorial properties and discover that the dimensionality of geometric objects manifests itself in numerous ways which do not exist in the case of points. We prove that the structural complexity of the order-k Voronoi diagram of non-crossing line segments is O(k(n-k)), as in the case of points. We study disjoint line segments, intersecting line segments, line segments forming a planar straight-line graph and extend the results to the Lp metric, 1<=p<=infty. We also establish the connection between two mathematical abstractions: abstract Voronoi diagrams and the Clarkson-Shor framework. We design several construction algorithms that cover the case of non-point sites. While computational geometry provides several approaches to study the structural complexity that give tight realizable bounds, developing an effective construction algorithm is still a challenging problem even for points. Most of the construction algorithms are designed to work with points as they utilize their simplicity and relations with data-structures that work specifically for points. We extend the iterative and the sweepline approaches that are quite efficient in constructing all order-i Voronoi diagrams, for i<=k and we also give three randomized construction algorithms for abstract higher-order Voronoi diagrams that deal specifically with the construction of the order-k Voronoi diagrams

    Exact Generalized Voronoi Diagram Computation using a Sweepline Algorithm

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    Voronoi Diagrams can provide useful spatial information. Little work has been done on computing exact Voronoi Diagrams when the sites are more complex than a point. We introduce a technique that measures the exact Generalized Voronoi Diagram from points, line segments and, connected lines including lines that connect to form simple polygons. Our technique is an extension of Fortune’s method. Our approach treats connected lines (or polygons) as a single site
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