17 research outputs found

    Multiple Access Techniques for Next Generation Wireless: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

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    The advances in multiple access techniques has been one of the key drivers in moving from one cellular generation to another. Starting from the first generation, several multiple access techniques have been explored in different generations and various emerging multiplexing/multiple access techniques are being investigated for the next generation of cellular networks. In this context, this paper first provides a detailed review on the existing Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) related works. Subsequently, it highlights the main features and the drawbacks of various existing and emerging multiplexing/multiple access techniques. Finally, we propose a novel concept of clustered orthogonal signature division multiple access for the next generation of cellular networks. The proposed concept envisions to employ joint antenna coding in order to enhance the orthogonality of SDMA beams with the objective of enhancing the spectral efficiency of future cellular networks

    Multiple Access Techniques for Next Generation Wireless: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

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    The advances in multiple access techniques has been one of the key drivers in moving from one cellular generation to another. Starting from the first generation, several multiple access techniques have been explored in different generations and various emerging multiplexing/multiple access techniques are being investigated for the next generation of cellular networks. In this context, this paper first provides a detailed review on the existing Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) related works. Subsequently, it highlights the main features and the drawbacks of various existing and emerging multiplexing/multiple access techniques. Finally, we propose a novel concept of clustered orthogonal signature division multiple access for the next generation of cellular networks. The proposed concept envisions to employ joint antenna coding in order to enhance the orthogonality of SDMA beams with the objective of enhancing the spectral efficiency of future cellular networks

    Novel Efficient Precoding Techniques for Multiuser MIMO Systems

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    In Multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) systems, precoding is essential to eliminate or minimize the multiuser interference (MUI). However, the design of a suitable precoding algorithm with good overall performance and low computational complexity at the same time is quite challenging, especially with the increase of system dimensions. In this thesis, we explore the art of novel low-complexity high-performance precoding algorithms with both linear and non-linear processing strategies. Block diagonalization (BD)-type based precoding techniques are well-known linear precoding strategies for MU-MIMO systems. By employing BD-type precoding algorithms at the transmit side, the MU-MIMO broadcast channel is decomposed into multiple independent parallel SU-MIMO channels and achieves the maximum diversity order at high data rates. The main computational complexity of BD-type precoding algorithms comes from two singular value decomposition (SVD) operations, which depend on the number of users and the dimensions of each user's channel matrix. In this thesis, two categories of low-complexity precoding algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational complexity and improve the performance of BD-type precoding algorithms. One is based on multiple LQ decompositions and lattice reductions. The other one is based on a channel inversion technique, QR decompositions, and lattice reductions to decouple the MU-MIMO channel into equivalent SU-MIMO channels. Both of the two proposed precoding algorithms can achieve a comparable sum-rate performance as BD-type precoding algorithms, substantial bit error rate (BER) performance gains, and a simplified receiver structure, while requiring a much lower complexity. Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) is a prominent nonlinear processing technique employed at the transmit side and is a dual to the successive interference cancelation (SIC) detection at the receive side. Like SIC detection, the performance of THP strongly depends on the ordering of the precoded symbols. The optimal ordering algorithm, however, is impractical for MU-MIMO systems with multiple receive antennas. We propose a multi-branch THP (MB-THP) scheme and algorithms that employ multiple transmit processing and ordering strategies along with a selection scheme to mitigate interference in MU-MIMO systems. Two types of multi-branch THP (MB-THP) structures are proposed. The first one employs a decentralized strategy with diagonal weighted filters at the receivers of the users and the second uses a diagonal weighted filter at the transmitter. The MB-MMSE-THP algorithms are also derived based on an extended system model with the aid of an LQ decomposition, which is much simpler compared to the conventional MMSE-THP algorithms. Simulation results show that a better BER performance can be achieved by the proposed MB-MMSE-THP precoder with a small computational complexity increase

    Data retrieval in MIMO systems and the effects of correlation on the channel capacity

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna design as used in communication is today, easily the most important field in the wireless field; as capacities of data are increased based on the inherent capability of the technology, without an increase in spectrum bandwidth.This thesis analyses the ways through which data sent over some channel from a number of transmitters are recovered at the intended receivers; Maximum likelihood (ML) and Zero-forcing (ZF), are used for the data decoding; how effective these retrieval processes are and the imminent effects of correlation on the bit error rates as variants of signal to noise ratio, on the retrieved data capacities of the MIMO channels created, are all examined.This is simply very important as wireless systems continue to impact on lives globally.To drive the point home, the MIMO technology as it relates to this thesis is explicitly dissected to attempt a sound understanding of its modus operandi

    Energy Efficient Massive MIMO and Beamforming for 5G Communications

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been a key technique in the next generation of wireless communications for its potential to achieve higher capacity and data rates. However, the exponential growth of data traffic has led to a significant increase in the power consumption and system complexity. Therefore, we propose and study wireless technologies to improve the trade-off between system performance and power consumption of wireless communications. This Thesis firstly proposes a strategy with partial channel state information (CSI) acquisition to reduce the power consumption and hardware complexity of massive MIMO base stations. In this context, the employment of partial CSI is proposed in correlated communication channels with user mobility. By exploiting both the spatial correlation and temporal correlation of the channel, our analytical results demonstrate significant gains in the energy efficiency of the massive MIMO base station. Moreover, relay-aided communications have experienced raising interest; especially, two-way relaying systems can improve spectral efficiency with short required operating time. Therefore, this Thesis focuses on an uncorrelated massive MIMO two-way relaying system and studies power scaling laws to investigate how the transmit powers can be scaled to improve the energy efficiency up to several times the energy efficiency without power scaling while approximately maintaining the system performance. In a similar line, large antenna arrays deployed at the space-constrained relay would give rise to the spatial correlation. For this reason, this Thesis presents an incomplete CSI scheme to evaluate the trade-off between the spatial correlation and system performance. In addition, the advantages of linear processing methods and the effects of channel aging are investigated to further improve the relay-aided system performance. Similarly, large antenna arrays are required in millimeter-wave communications to achieve narrow beams with higher power gain. This poses the problem that locating the best beam direction requires high power and complexity consumption. Therefore, this Thesis presents several low-complexity beam alignment methods with respect to the state-of-the-art to evaluate the trade-off between complexity and system performance. Overall, extensive analytical and numerical results show an improved performance and validate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Distributed Massive MIMO in Millimetre Wave Communication

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    This thesis considers a distributed massive MIMO (D-MaMIMO) system for millimetre wave (mmWave) communication for an outdoor coverage area, as the wavelength of mmWave makes it easier and the free space path loss necessitates the use of relatively large distributed antenna arrays. We assume that the line-of-sight (LoS) links are available between the access points (APs) and user equipment (UEs). We have examined different AP arrangements to serve a given square area using the beamforming (BF) for a single user case. Furthermore, the zero-forcing (ZF) pre-coding is applied at a central processing unit (CPU) on the downlink to separate multiple users. We focus on these multi-user scenarios with varying numbers of APs to demonstrate the extent to which closely spaced users can be separated by ZF processing. We examine the determinant of the effective composite channel matrix to demonstrate the conditions under which the ZF problem may become ill-conditioned. We then show that nearly perfect separation is attainable, even when the UEs are only a few metres apart. Subsequently, an eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) based ZF is proposed to improve the performance of multi-antenna UEs. It has been observed that 3DBF has limited scope in circumstances when users are distributed horizontally, near to the same height as the APs and it is advantageous to employ non-square AP antenna arrays to maximize azimuth separation, especially for multi-user environments. The throughput per UE indicates how many users could be served effectively using the aforementioned schemes and AP arrangements for these multi-user cases. We further explore the significant issue of multipath propagation characteristics for mmWave communication and propose the novel distinction between the effective and the environmental K-factor for Ricean channels. A closed-form approximation for the effective K-factor is derived and corroborated by comparison with numerical results

    Un-coordinated multi-user and inter-cell interference alignment based on partial and outdated information for large cellular networks

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    The cellular networks have gone through rapid evolution during the past decade. However, their performance is still limited due to the problem of interference. Therefore, interference management in current and future cellular networks is still an ongoing research topic. Interference Alignment is one of the techniques to manage the interference efficiently by using "align" and "suppression" strategy. In the first part of this thesis we focus on Coordinated inter cell interference alignment in a large cellular network. We assess the performance of interference alignment based transmit precoding under specific receiver strategies and coordination scenarios by comparing with different state of the art precoding schemes. We continue our assessment by considering imperfect channel state information at the transmitter. The results show that the gains of coordinated alignment based transmission are very sensitive to the receiver strategies and imperfections as compared to the other precoding schemes. However, in case of the availability of good channel conditions with very slow moving users, coordinated interference alignment outperforms the other baselines even with imperfect channel state information. In addition to that, we propose efficient user selection methods to enhance the performance of coordinated alignment. The results of our assessment draws important conclusions about the application of coordinated interference alignment in practical systems. In the second part of the thesis we consider a cellular system where each cell is serving multiple users simultaneously using the same radio resource. In this scenario, we have to manage not only the inter cell interference but also the multi user interference. For this purpose, we propose a novel Uncoordinated transmit precoding scheme for multi user cellular networks which is based on the alignment of multi user interference with partial and outdated inter cell interference. We show analytically that our scheme approaches the performance optimal transmission scheme. With the help of simulations we show that our proposal outperforms the state of the art non-alignment based multi user transmit precoding schemes We further propose user selection methods which exploit the diversity gains and improve the system spectral efficiency. In order to assess the feasibility of our proposal in a real system, we evaluate our scheme with practical constraints like imperfect information at the transmitter and limited feedback in uplink channel. For the proof of concept we also evaluate the performance of our scheme with measured channels using a software defined measurement platform. Finally, we also assess the application of our proposal in future heterogeneous networks. The outcome of our efforts states that as an interference alignment based transmission scheme, our scheme is a good candidate to manage the two dimensional interference in multi user cellular networks. It outperforms the non-alignment baselines in many scenarios even with practical constraints

    Resource allocation in future green wireless networks : applications and challenges

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    Over the past few years, green radio communication has been an emerging topic since the footprint from the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is predicted to increase 7.3% annually and then exceed 14% of the global footprint by 2040. Moreover, the explosive progress of ICT, e.g., the fifth generation (5G) networks, has resulted in expectations of achieving 10-fold longer device battery lifetime, and 1000-fold higher global mobile data traffic over the fourth generation (4G) networks. Therefore, the demands for increasing the data rate and the lifetime while reducing the footprint in the next-generation wireless networks call for more efficient utilization of energy and other resources. To overcome this challenge, the concepts of small-cell, energy harvesting, and wireless information and power transfer networks can be evaluated as promising solutions for re-greening the world. In this dissertation, the technical contributions in terms of saving economical cost, protecting the environment, and guaranteeing human health are provided. More specifically, novel communication scenarios are proposed to minimize energy consumption and hence save economic costs. Further, energy harvesting (EH) techniques are applied to exploit available green resources in order to reduce carbon footprint and then protect the environment. In locations where implemented user devices might not harvest energy directly from natural resources, base stations could harvest-and-store green energy and then use such energy to power the devices wirelessly. However, wireless power transfer (WPT) techniques should be used in a wise manner to avoid electromagnetic pollution and then guarantee human health. To achieve all these aspects simultaneously, this thesis proposes promising schemes to optimally manage and allocate resources in future networks. Given this direction, in the first part, Chapter 2 mainly studies a transmission power minimization scheme for a two-tier heterogeneous network (HetNet) over frequency selective fading channels. In addition, the HetNet backhaul connection is unable to support a sufficient throughput for signaling an information exchange between two tiers. A novel idea is introduced in which the time reversal (TR) beamforming technique is used at a femtocell while zero-forcing-based beamforming is deployed at a macrocell. Thus, a downlink power minimizationscheme is proposed, and optimal closed-form solutions are provided. In the second part, Chapters 3, 4, and 5 concentrate on EH and wireless information and power transfer (WIPT) using RF signals. More specifically, Chapter 3 presents an overview of the recent progress in green radio communications and discusses potential technologies for some emerging topics on the platforms of EH and WPT. Chapter 4 develops a new integrated information and energy receiver architecture based on the direct use of alternating current (AC) for computation. It is shown that the proposed approach enhances not only the computational ability but also the energy efficiency over the conventional one. Furthermore, Chapter 5 proposes a novel resource allocation scheme in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) networks where three crucial issues: power-efficient improvement, user-fairness guarantee, and non-ideal channel reciprocity effect mitigation, are jointly addressed. Hence, novel methods to derive optimal and suboptimal solutions are provided. In the third part, Chapters 6, 7, and 8 focus on simultaneous lightwave information and power transfer (SLIPT) for indoor applications, as a complementary technology to RF SWIPT. In this research, Chapter 6 investigates a hybrid RF/visible light communication (VLC) ultrasmall cell network where optical transmitters deliver information and power using the visible light, whereas an RF access point works as a complementary power transfer system. Thus, a novel resource allocation scheme exploiting RF and visible light for power transfer is devised. Chapter 7 proposes the use of lightwave power transfer to enable future sustainable Federated Learning (FL)-based wireless networks. FL is a new data privacy protection technique for training shared machine learning models in a distributed approach. However, the involvement of energy-constrained mobile devices in the construction of the shared learning models may significantly reduce their lifetime. The proposed approach can support the FL-based wireless network to overcome the issue of limited energy at mobile devices. Chapter 8 introduces a novel framework for collaborative RF and lightwave power transfer for wireless communication networks. The constraints on the transmission power set by safety regulations result in significant challenges to enhance the power transfer performance. Thus, the study of technologies complementary to conventional RF SWIPT is essential. To cope with this isue, this chapter proposes a novel collaborative RF and lightwave power transfer technology for next-generation wireless networks

    Future cellular systems: fundamentals and the role of large antenna arrays

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    In this thesis, we analyze the performance of three promising technologies being considered for future fifth generation (5G) and beyond wireless communication systems, with primary goals to: i) render 10-100 times higher user data rate, ii) serve 10-100 times more users simultaneously, iii) 1000 times more data volume per unit area, iv) improve energy efficiency on the order of 100 times, and iv) provide higher bandwidths. Accordingly, we focus on massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and other future wireless technologies, namely millimeter wave (mmWave) and full-duplex (FD) systems that are being considered to fulfill the above requirements. We begin by focusing on fundamental performance limits of massive MIMO systems under practical constraints such as low complexity processing, array size and limited physical space. First, we analyze the performance of a massive MIMO base station (BS) serving spatially distributed multi-antenna users within a fixed coverage area. Stochastic geometry is used to characterize the spatially distributed users while large dimensional random matrix theory is used to achieve deterministic approximations of the sum rate of the system. We then examine the deployment of a massive MIMO BS and the resulting energy efficiency (EE) by considering a more realistic set-up of a rectangular array with increasing antenna elements within a fixed physical space. The effects of mutual coupling and correlation among the BS antennas are incorporated by deriving a practical mutual coupling matrix which considers coupling among all antenna elements within the BS. Accordingly, the optimum number of antennas that can be deployed for a particular antenna spacing when EE is considered as a design criteria is derived. Also, it is found that mutual coupling effect reduces the EE of the massive system by around 40-45% depending on the precoder/receiver used and the physical space available for antenna deployment. After establishing the constraints of antenna spacing on massive MIMO systems for the current microwave spectrum, we shift our focus to mmWave frequencies (more than 100GHz available bandwidth), where the wavelength is very small and as a result more antennas can be rigged within a constrained space. Accordingly, we integrate the massive MIMO technology with mmWave networks. In particular, we analyze the performance of a mmWave network consisting of spatially distributed BS equipped with very large uniform circular arrays (UCA) serving spatially distributed users within a fixed coverage area. The use of UCA is due to its capability of scanning through both the azimuth as well as elevation dimensions. We show that using such 3D massive MIMO techniques in mmWave systems yield significant performance gains. Further, we show the effect of blockages and path loss on mmWave networks. Since blockages are found to be quite detrimental to mmWave networks, we create alternative propagation paths with the aid of relays. In particular, we consider the deployment of relays in outdoor mmWave networks and then derive expressions for the coverage probability and transmission capacity from sources to a destination for such relay aided mmWave networks using stochastic geometric tools. Overall, relay aided mmWave transmission is seen to improve the signal to noise ratio at the destination by around 5-10dB with respect to specific coverage probabilities. Finally, due to the fact that the current half duplex (HD) mode transmission only utilizes half the spectrum at the same time in the same frequency, we consider a multiuser MIMO cellular system, where a FD BS serves multiple HD users simultaneously. However, since FD systems are plagued by severe self-interference (SI), we focus on the design of robust transceivers, which can cancel the residual SI left after antenna and analog cancellations. In particular, we address the sum mean-squared-errors (MSE) minimization problem by transforming it into an equivalent semidefinite programming (SDP) problem. We propose iterative alternating algorithms to design the transceiver matrices jointly and accordingly show the gains of FD over HD systems. We show that with proper SI cancellation, it is possible to achieve gains on sum rate of up to 70-80% over HD systems