3 research outputs found

    Ciudades inteligentes en colaboración con internet de las cosas

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    The use of the Internet has Reached a point in the world in Which it has Become essential in everyday life, the need to Have information at hand in the shortest possible time has generated a technological revolution That incurs the constant connection to this tool, from our Personal life to the same objects That we use in daily life, creating a need to check what surrounds us to Improve our quality of life, reason for the birth of the Internet of Things (IoT, for acronym in English), as well as the convergence of our environment through the creation with Technology of smart cities (Smart City in English). In view of the above, this article addresses concepts about the future of smart cities in collaboration with the Internet of things, the advantages and Disadvantages of these, their comparison, reception, adaptability.El uso de Internet ha llegado a un punto en el mundo en el que se ha vuelto esencial en la vida cotidiana, la necesidad de tener información a la mano en el menor tiempo posible ha generado una revolución tecnológica que incurre en la conexión constante a Internet, creando la necesidad de verificar lo que nos rodea para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, razón por la cual nace Internet de las cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés), también como la convergencia de nuestro entorno a través de la creación con de ciudades inteligentes (Smart City en inglés). En vista de lo anterior, este artículo aborda conceptos sobre el futuro de las ciudades inteligentes en colaboración con Internet de las Cosas, las ventajas y desventajas de estas, su comparación, recepción, adaptabilidad

    Towards a framework for the transformation to smart and resilient cities on the road to recovery from (Covid-19)

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    : Cities are facing many pressures due to the spread of Corona virus (COVID-19). As a result, cities are focusing on stopping the spread of the virus (COVID-19) and maintaining urban health. So cities have become a double-edged weapon. First,cities are a large part of the problem because cities intensify the spread and transmission of infectious diseases by increasing human contact. Second, Cities can play a central role in mitigating epidemics and their effects by activating effective smart data and information management systems to Confrontation challenges in all fields. With the rapid spread of the virus ,the growing number of deaths and the emergence of cases that can’t be followed within the cities’ boundaries, Which may be far away from the hotbeds of the known outbreak in most countries of the world. This required cities to adopt a flexible smart framework to confront current and future epidemics. This framework focuses on achieving flexibility and continuity, and this requires new levels of urban digital integration. In this context, the importance of smart cities has emerged, and it has become necessary to transform into cities whose structure and management are based on advanced and sustainable technological solutions to improve the citizens’ lives and preserve their health.The research was based on the construction of a comprehensive theoretical framework through the study of theoretical concepts about epidemics, The devlopment of epidemics spreadation in cities and its connection to the urbanization process, The theoretical literature of the concept of smart cities, Its dimensions and requirements. And identifying the weaknesses of current cities in facing the emerging challenges during the spread of (COVID-19). Moreover, identifying the smart and technical capabilities that can support the current cities to face this epidemic and the upcoming epidemics. By reviewing and analyzing a set of global and regional experiences. In an attempt to devise a framework to build effective and resilient smart cities to manage crises associated with the epidemics spreadation, infectious diseases and maintain urban health includes the overall results of the search and recommendations

    Smart system signalization prototype for flow control of people in crosswalks

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáBad lighting conditions on crosswalks is a common problem on the urban environment. This scenery entail a large number of pedestrians fatalities and it shows a demand for solutions able to ensure their safety using lighting resources. The present work proposes a crosswalk’s crossing process oriented by a system which is compound for a pair of Smart Devices that fit themselves in the Smart City idea. Inside this propose, they are capable to signalize for pedestrians the safe moment to enter on the crosswalk. These devices are a prototype of a system programmed in Python language and based in the Raspberry Pi and LoRa technologies. The work is split, mainly, on the hardware and software components development. In hardware level, it shows a circuit schematic design based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module operating with the RFM95W LoRa module. In software level, it shows the incremental development of a Embedded System which reads inputs, gives lighting outputs and implements the communication, with encrypted messages, between the devices. Finally, this thesis shows a circuit schematic implementation wiled in KiCAD software and a embedded system focused in ensure well lighting and signalization on crosswalks. To validate the system are made hypothetical tests toward pedestrians behavior to cross the street on crosswalks.As más condições de iluminação em passadeiras são um problema recorrente no ambiente urbano. Esse cenário implica em um grande número de fatalidades e deixa evidente a demanda por uma solução capaz de garantir a segurança do pedestre usando recursos de iluminação. O presente trabalho propõe um processo de travessia em faixas de pedestres orientado por um sistema composto por um par de dipositivos inteligentes que se encaixam na ideia de cidades inteligentes. Dentro dessa proposta, eles são capazes de sinalizar para os pedestres o momento seguro para entrar na passadeira. Esses dispositivos são um protótipo de sistema programado em linguagem Python e baseado nas tecnologias Raspberry Pi e LoRa. O trabalho é dividido, principalmente, no desenvolvimento das componentes de hardware e software. A nível de hardware, ele mostra um projeto esquemático do circuito baseado no Raspberry Pi Compute Module que opera com o módulo LoRa RFM95W. A nível de software, ele mostra o desenvolvimento incremental de um sistema incorporado que lê entradas, fornece saídas de iluminação e implementa a comunicação, com mensagens criptografadas, entre os dispositivos. Finalmente, esta tese mostra a implementação do esquemático de um circuito usando o software KiCAD e um sistema embarcado focado em garantir iluminação e a sinalização nas passadeiras. Para validar o sistema são feitos testes hipotéticos em relação ao comportamento dos pedestres para atravessar a rua em faixas de pedestres