70 research outputs found

    Providing Dynamic TXOP for QoS Support of Video Transmission in IEEE 802.11e WLANs

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    The IEEE 802.11e standard introduced by IEEE 802.11 Task Group E (TGe) enhances the Quality of Service (QoS) by means of HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA). The scheduler of HCCA allocates Transmission Opportunities (TXOPs) to QoS-enabled Station (QSTA) based on their TS Specifications (TSPECs) negotiated at the traffic setup time so that it is only efficient for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) applications. However, Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffics are not efficiently supported as they exhibit nondeterministic profile during the time. In this paper, we present a dynamic TXOP assignment Scheduling Algorithm for supporting the video traffics transmission over IEEE 802.11e wireless networks. This algorithm uses a piggybacked information about the size of the subsequent video frames of the uplink traffic to assist the Hybrid Coordinator accurately assign the TXOP according to the fast changes in the VBR profile. The proposed scheduling algorithm has been evaluated using simulation with different variability level video streams. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the delay experienced by VBR traffic streams comparable to HCCA scheduler due to the accurate assignment of the TXOP which preserve the channel time for transmission.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0369

    QoS support in satellite and wireless networks : study under the network simulator (NS-2)

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    Aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi de l'oferiment de qualitat de servei en xarxes wireless i satel·litals. Per això l'estudi de les tècniques de cross-layer i del IEEE 802.11e ha sigut el punt clau per al desenvolupament teòric d'aquest estudi. Usant el simulador de xarxes network simulator, a la part de simulacions es plantegen tres situacions: l'estudi de la xarxa satel·lital, l'estudi del mètode d'accés HCCA i la interconnexió de la xarxa satel·lital amb la wireless. Encara que aquest últim punt, incomplet en aquest projecte, ha de ser la continuació per a futures investigacions.Este proyecto se basa en el estudio del ofrecimiento de calidad de servicio en redes wireless y satelitales. Por eso el estudio de las técnicas de cross-layer y del IEEE 802.11eha sido el punto clave para el desarrollo teórico de este estudio. Usando el simulador de redes network simulator, en la parte de simulaciones se plantean tres situaciones: el estudio de la red satelital, el estudio del método de acceso HCCA y la interconexión de la red satelital con la wireless. Aunque este último punto, incompleto en este proyecto, tiene que ser la continuación para futuras investigaciones.This project is based on the study of offering quality of service in satellite and wireless networks. For that reason the study of the techniques of cross-layer and the IEEE 802.11e has been the key point for the theoretical development of this study. Using the software network simulator, in the part of simulations three situations consider: the study of the satellite network, the study of the access method HCCA and the interconnection of the satellite network with the wireless. Although this last point, incomplete in this work, must be the continuation for future investigations


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     An ad hoc network does not rely on the fixed network infrastructure; it uses a distributed network management method. With the popularity of the smart devices, ad hoc network has received more and more attention, supporting QoS in ad hoc network has become inevitable. Many researches have been done for provision of QoS in ad hoc networks. These researches can be divided into three types. The first type is contention-based approach which is the most widely used. IEEE 802.11e MAC (media access control) protocol belongs to this type which is an extension of IEEE 802.11 DCF(Distributed Coordination Function). It specifies a procedure to guarantee QoS by providing more transmission opportunities for high priority data. However, since IEEE 802.11eis designed based on the premise that access points are used, when the number of QoS flows increases, packet collisions could occur in multi-hop ad hoc network. The second type is using TDMA-based approach. The TDMA approach can provide contention-free access for QoS traffics through the appropriate time slot reservation. The current TDMA approaches reserve time slots for both QoS traffics and best-effort traffics. However, it is difficult for TDMA as the only approach to allocating channel access time for best-effort traffics sincet he required bandwidth of the best-effort traffics changes frequently. We propose a QoS scheme, which takes advantage of both contention-based approach and TDMA-based approach. In the proposed scheme, contention-based approach DCF provides easy and fair channel time for best-effort traffics, and TDMA approach serves the QoS traffics. A time frame structure is designed to manage the bandwidth allocation. A time frame is divided into two periods, specifically the TDMA periods and the DCF periods. The proportion of two periods is decided by QoS traffics. Therefore the QoS traffics are given absolutely higher priority than best-effort traffics. In order to guarantee the transmission of each QoS packet in TDMA period, a time slot assignment algorithm based on QoS data rate has been proposed. The proposed scheme also employs an admission control scheme, which rejects the new QoS user when the channel capacity is reached. In addition, we provide the configuration of the proposed scheme in the mobile environment. The procedures are designed for route changes and new-adding users.  The proposed scheme is simulated in the QualNet simulator. In the static environment, the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in the case of a gradual increase in the number TCP flows and in the case of gradual increase in QoS data rate. Simulation results show that in the static environment the proposed scheme can not only provide effective QoS performance, but also can provide good support for best-effort flows. In the mobile environment, we simulated the performance of the proposed scheme at different moving speed (maximum is 5 Km/h) when the ARF (Auto Rate Fallback) is available. From the simulation results, in a specific mobile environment, the proposed scheme can support the QoS transmission well.電気通信大学201

    Quality of service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless LANs

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    Delivering multimedia content to heterogeneous devices over a variable networking environment while maintaining high quality levels involves many technical challenges. The research reported in this thesis presents a solution for Quality of Service (QoS)-based service differentiation when delivering multimedia content over the wireless LANs. This thesis has three major contributions outlined below: 1. A Model-based Bandwidth Estimation algorithm (MBE), which estimates the available bandwidth based on novel TCP and UDP throughput models over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. MBE has been modelled, implemented, and tested through simulations and real life testing. In comparison with other bandwidth estimation techniques, MBE shows better performance in terms of error rate, overhead, and loss. 2. An intelligent Prioritized Adaptive Scheme (iPAS), which provides QoS service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless networks. iPAS assigns dynamic priorities to various streams and determines their bandwidth share by employing a probabilistic approach-which makes use of stereotypes. The total bandwidth to be allocated is estimated using MBE. The priority level of individual stream is variable and dependent on stream-related characteristics and delivery QoS parameters. iPAS can be deployed seamlessly over the original IEEE 802.11 protocols and can be included in the IEEE 802.21 framework in order to optimize the control signal communication. iPAS has been modelled, implemented, and evaluated via simulations. The results demonstrate that iPAS achieves better performance than the equal channel access mechanism over IEEE 802.11 DCF and a service differentiation scheme on top of IEEE 802.11e EDCA, in terms of fairness, throughput, delay, loss, and estimated PSNR. Additionally, both objective and subjective video quality assessment have been performed using a prototype system. 3. A QoS-based Downlink/Uplink Fairness Scheme, which uses the stereotypes-based structure to balance the QoS parameters (i.e. throughput, delay, and loss) between downlink and uplink VoIP traffic. The proposed scheme has been modelled and tested through simulations. The results show that, in comparison with other downlink/uplink fairness-oriented solutions, the proposed scheme performs better in terms of VoIP capacity and fairness level between downlink and uplink traffic

    A differentiated Services Architecture for Quality of Service Provisioning in Wireless Local Area Networks

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    Currently the issue of Quality of Service (QoS) is a major problem in IP networks due to the growth in multimedia traffic (e.g. voice and video applications) and therefore many mechanisms like IntServ, DiffServ, etc. have been proposed. Since the IEEE 802.11b (or Wi-Fi) standard was approved in 1999, it has gained in popularity to become the leading Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology with millions of such networks deployed worldwide. Wireless networks have a limited capacity (11 Mbits/s in the case of Wi-Fi networks) owing to the limited amount of frequency spectrum available. At any given time there may be a large number of users contending for access which results in the bandwidth available to each user being severely limited. Moreover, the system does not differentiate between traffic types which means that all traffic, regardless of its importance or priority, experiences the same QoS. An important network application requiring QoS guarantees is the provision of time-bounded services, such as voice over IP and video streaming, where the combination of packet delay, jitter and packet loss will impact on the perceived QoS. Consequently this has led to a large amount of research work focussing mainly on QoS enhancement schemes for the 802.11 MAC mechanism. The Task Group E of the IEEE 802.11 working group has been developing an extension to the Wi-Fi standard that proposes to make changes to the MAC mechanism to support applications with QoS requirements. The 802.11e QoS standard is currently undergoing final revisions before approval expected sometime in 2004. As 802.11e WLAN equipment is not yet available, performance reports can only be based on simulation. The objective of this thesis was to develop a computer simulator that implements the upcoming IEEE 802.11e standard and to use this simulator to evaluate the QoS performance enhancement potential of 802.11e. This thesis discusses the QoS facilities, analyses the MAC protocol enhancements and compares them with the original 802.11 standard. The issue of QoS provisioning is primarily concerned with providing predictable performance guarantees with regard to throughput, packet delay, jitter and packet loss. The simulated results indicate that the proposed QoS enhancements to the MAC will considerably improve QoS performance in 802.11b WLANs. However, in order for the proposed 802.11e QoS mechanism to be effective the 802.11e parameters will need to be continually adjusted in order to ensure QoS guarantees are fulfilled for all traffic loads

    Internet Access and QoS in Ad Hoc Networks

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    It is likely that the increased popularity of wireless local area networks (WLANs) together with the continuous technological advances in wireless communication, also increase the interest for ad hoc networks. An ad hoc network is a wireless, autonomous, infrastructure-less network composed of stations that communicate with each other directly in a peer-to-peer fashion. When discussing mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), we often refer to an ad hoc network where the stations cooperate in forwarding packets on behalf of each other to allow communication beyond their transmission range over multi-hop paths. In order to realize the practical benefits of ad hoc networks, two challenges (among others) need to be considered: distributed quality of service (QoS) guarantees and multi-hop Internet access. This thesis presents conceivable solutions to both of these problems. The first two papers focus on the network layer and consider the provisioning of Internet access to ad hoc networks whereas the last two papers focus on the data link layer and investigate the provisioning of QoS to ad hoc networks. The first paper studies the interconnection between a MANET and the Internet. In addition, it evaluates three approaches for gateway discovery, which can be initiated by the gateway (proactive method), by the mobile station (reactive method) or by mixing these two approaches (hybrid method). The second paper also studies Internet access for MANETs, but with focus on micro mobility, i.e. mobile stations moving from one gateway to another. In particular, it evaluates a solution that allows mobile stations to access the Internet and roam from gateway to gateway. The third paper, gives an overview of the medium access mechanisms in IEEE 802.11 and their QoS limitations. Moreover, it proposes an enhancement to the contention-free medium access mechanism of IEEE 802.11e to provide QoS guarantees in WLANs operating in ad hoc network configuration. The fourth paper continues the work from the third paper by enhancing the scheme and dealing with the problems that occur due to hidden stations. Furthermore, it discusses how to deal with the problems that occur when moving from single-hop ad hoc networks (i.e. WLANs in ad hoc network configuration) to multi-hop ad hoc networks