288 research outputs found

    Controle coordenado em microrredes de baixa tensão baseado no algoritmo power-based control e conversor utility interface

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    Orientadores: José Antenor Pomilio, Fernando Pinhabel MarafãoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta tese apresenta uma possível arquitetura e sua respectiva estratégia de controle para microrredes de baixa tensão, considerando-se a existência de geradores distribuídos pela rede. A técnica explora totalmente a capacidade dos geradores distribuídos em ambos os modos de operação: conectado à rede e ilhado. Quando conectado à rede, sob o modo de otimização global, o controle busca a operação quase ótima da microrrede, reduzindo as perdas de distribuição e os desvios de tensão. Quando em modo ilhado, a técnica regula de forma eficaz os geradores distribuídos disponíveis, garantindo a operação autônoma, segura e suave da microrrede. A estratégia de controle é aplicada a uma estrutura de microrrede completamente despachável, baseada em uma arquitetura de controle mestre-escravo, em que as unidades distribuídas são coordenadas por meio do recém-desenvolvido algoritmo Power-Based Control. As principais vantagens da arquitetura proposta são a expansividade e a capacidade de operar sem sincronização ou sem conhecimento das impedâncias de linha. Além disso, a microrrede regula as interações com a rede por meio do conversor chamado de Utility Interface, o qual é um inversor trifásico com armazenador de energia. Esta estrutura de microrrede permite algumas vantagens como: compensação de desbalanço e reativo, rápida resposta aos transitórios de carga e de rede, e suave transição entre os modos de operação. Em contrapartida, para compartilhar a potência ativa e reativa proporcionalmente entre as unidades distribuídas, controlar a circulação de reativos, e maximizar a operação, a comunicação da microrrede requer em um canal de comunicação confiável, ainda que sem grandes exigências em termos de resolução ou velocidade de transmissão. Neste sentido, foi demonstrado que uma falha na comunicação não colapsa o sistema, apenas prejudica o modo de otimização global. Entretanto, o sistema continua a operar corretamente sob o modo de otimização local, que é baseado em um algoritmo de programação linear que visa otimizar a compensação de reativos, harmônicos e desbalanço de cargas por meio dos gerador distribuído, particularmente, quando sua capacidade de potência é limitada. Esta formulação consiste em atingir melhores índices de qualidade de energia, definidos pelo lado da rede e dentro de uma região factível em termos de capacidade do conversor. Baseado nas medições de tensão e corrente de carga e uma determinada função objetiva, o algoritmo rastreia as correntes da rede ótima, as quais são utilizadas para calcular os coeficientes escalares e finalmente estes são aplicados para encontrar as referências da corrente de compensação. Finalmente, ainda é proposta uma técnica eficiente para controlar os conversores monofásicos conectados arbitrariamente ao sistema de distribuição trifásico, sejam conectados entre fase e neutro ou entre fase e fase, com o objetivo de compensar o desbalanço de carga e controlar o fluxo de potência entre as diferentes fases da microrrede. Isto melhora a qualidade da energia elétrica no ponto de acoplamento comum, melhora o perfil de tensão nas linhas, e reduz as perdas de distribuição. A arquitetura da microrrede e a estratégia de controle foi analisada e validada através de simulações computacionais e resultados experimentais, sob condições de tensão senoidal/simétrica e não-senoidal/assimétrica, avaliando-se o comportamento em regime permanente e dinâmico do sistema. O algoritmo de programação linear que visa otimizar a compensação foi analisado por meio de resultados de simulaçãoAbstract: This thesis presents a flexible and robust architecture and corresponding control strategy for modern low voltage microgrids with distributed energy resources. The strategy fully exploits the potential of distributed energy resources, under grid-connected and islanded operating modes. In grid-connected mode, under global optimization mode, the control strategy pursues quasi-optimum operation of the microgrid, so as to reduce distribution loss and voltage deviations. In islanded mode, it effectively manages any available energy source to ensure a safe and smooth autonomous operation of the microgrid. Such strategy is applied to a fully-dispatchable microgrid structure, based on a master-slave control architecture, in which the distributed units are coordinated by means of the recently developed power-based control. The main advantages of the proposed architecture are the scalability (plug-and-play) and capability to run the distributed units without synchronization or knowledge of line impedances. Moreover, the proposed microgrid topology manages promptly the interaction with the mains by means of a utility interface, which is a grid-interactive inverter equipped with energy storage. This allows a number of advantages, including compensation of load unbalance, reduction of harmonic injection, fast reaction to load and line transients, and smooth transition between operating mode. On the other hand, in order to provide demand response, proportional power sharing, reactive power control, and full utilization of distributed energy resources, the microgrid employs a reliable communication link with limited bit rate that does not involve time-critical communications among distributed units. It has been shown that a communication failure does not jeopardize the system, and just impairs the global optimization mode. However, the system keeps properly operating under the local optimization mode, which is managed by a linear algorithm in order to optimize the compensation of reactive power, harmonic distortion and load unbalance by means of distributed electronic power processors, for example, active power filters and other grid-connected inverters, especially when their capability is limited. It consists in attain several power quality performance indexes, defined at the grid side and within a feasible power region in terms of the power converter capability. Based on measured load quantities and a certain objective function, the algorithm tracks the expected optimal source currents, which are thereupon used to calculate some scaling coefficients and, therefore, the optimal compensation current references. Finally, the thesis also proposes an efficient technique to control single-phase converters, arbitrarily connected to a three-phase distribution system (line-to-neutral or line-to-line), aiming for reduce unbalance load and control the power flow among different phases. It enhances the power quality at the point-of-common-coupling of the microgrid, improve voltage profile through the lines, and reduce the overall distribution loss. The master-slave microgrid architecture has been analyzed and validated by means of computer simulations and experimental results under sinusoidal/symmetrical and nonsinusoidal/asymmetrical voltage conditions, considering both the steady-state and dynamic performances. The local optimization mode, i.e., linear algorithm for optimized compensation, has been analyzed by simulation resultsDoutoradoEnergia EletricaDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica2012/24309-8, 2013/21922-3FAPES

    Smart PV Inverter Control for Distribution Systems

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    PV solar systems employ inverters to transform dc power from solar panels into ac power for injecting into the power grids. Inverters that perform multiple functions in addition to real power production are known as “smart inverters”. This thesis presents a novel control of PV inverter as a dynamic reactive power compensator – STATCOM. This “smart PV inverter” control enables a PV solar inverter to operate in three modes – i) Full PV, ii) Partial STATCOM, and iii) Full STATCOM, depending upon system needs. The novel control is developed and demonstrated for the objectives of a) symmetrical voltage regulation, b) temporary overvoltage reduction, c) power factor correction, and d) reactive power control. In Full PV mode, the inverter performs only real power production based on solar radiation. In Partial STATCOM mode, the controller uses the remaining capacity of the inverter for voltage control, power factor correction and reactive power control. The Full STATCOM mode is invoked in emergency scenarios, such as faults, or severe voltage fluctuations. In this mode, the real power production is shut down temporarily and the entire inverter capacity is utilized for voltage regulation or TOV curtailment for providing critical support to the power system. This thesis presents a comprehensive design of the proposed smart inverter controller with all its associated system components. The performance of the smart inverter is simulated using the electromagnetic transients software PSCAD/EMTDC. It is further validated through Real Time Digital Simulation and Control Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) simulation. Finally the successful performance of the smart inverter controller is demonstrated on a 10 kW inverter in the laboratory on a simulated feeder of Bluewater Power, Sarnia, where this smart inverter is proposed to be installed. The smart PV inverter control is further shown to enhance the connectivity of PV solar farms in a realistic 44 kV Hydro One distribution feeder. It is demonstrated that if such a novel control is implemented on a 10 MW solar farm, the need for the actually installed STATCOM for voltage regulation and TOV control can be either minimized or altogether eliminated, bringing a significant savings for the utility PV solar systems employ inverters to transform dc power from solar panels into ac power for injecting into the power grids. Inverters that perform multiple functions in addition to real power production are known as “smart inverters”. This thesis presents a novel control of PV inverter as a dynamic reactive power compensator – STATCOM. This “smart PV inverter” control enables a PV solar inverter to operate in three modes – i) Full PV, ii) Partial STATCOM, and iii) Full STATCOM, depending upon system needs. The novel control is developed and demonstrated for the objectives of a) symmetrical voltage regulation, b) temporary overvoltage reduction, c) power factor correction, and d) reactive power control. In Full PV mode, the inverter performs only real power production based on solar radiation. In Partial STATCOM mode, the controller uses the remaining capacity of the inverter for voltage control, power factor correction and reactive power control. The Full STATCOM mode is invoked in emergency scenarios, such as faults, or severe voltage fluctuations. In this mode, the real power production is shut down temporarily and the entire inverter capacity is utilized for voltage regulation or TOV curtailment for providing critical support to the power system. This thesis presents a comprehensive design of the proposed smart inverter controller with all its associated system components. The performance of the smart inverter is simulated using the electromagnetic transients software PSCAD/EMTDC. It is further validated through Real Time Digital Simulation and Control Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) simulation. Finally the successful performance of the smart inverter controller is demonstrated on a 10 kW inverter in the laboratory on a simulated feeder of Bluewater Power, Sarnia, where this smart inverter is proposed to be installed. The smart PV inverter control is further shown to enhance the connectivity of PV solar farms in a realistic 44 kV Hydro One distribution feeder. It is demonstrated that if such a novel control is implemented on a 10 MW solar farm, the need for the actually installed STATCOM for voltage regulation and TOV control can be either minimized or altogether eliminated, bringing a significant savings for the utilit

    A review on power electronics technologies for power quality improvement

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    Nowadays, new challenges arise relating to the compensation of power quality problems, where the introduction of innovative solutions based on power electronics is of paramount importance. The evolution from conventional electrical power grids to smart grids requires the use of a large number of power electronics converters, indispensable for the integration of key technologies, such as renewable energies, electric mobility and energy storage systems, which adds importance to power quality issues. Addressing these topics, this paper presents an extensive review on power electronics technologies applied to power quality improvement, highlighting, and explaining the main phenomena associated with the occurrence of power quality problems in smart grids, their cause and effects for different activity sectors, and the main power electronics topologies for each technological solution. More specifically, the paper presents a review and classification of the main power quality problems and the respective context with the standards, a review of power quality problems related to the power production from renewables, the contextualization with solid-state transformers, electric mobility and electrical railway systems, a review of power electronics solutions to compensate the main power quality problems, as well as power electronics solutions to guarantee high levels of power quality. Relevant experimental results and exemplificative developed power electronics prototypes are also presented throughout the paper.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017 and by the FCT Project newERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEIEEE/30283/2017

    Synchrophasor Based Islanding & Open phase fault Protection in Distribution Systems

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    With the rapid growth of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency initiatives, electric vehicles, energy storage, etc., distribution systems are becoming more complex such that conventional protection, control, and measurement infrastructure – typically concentrated at the main substation, with little to no access to information along the feeder – cannot maintain the reliability of the system without some sort of additional protection, control and measurement functionalities. As an example, a dedicated communication channel for carrying the transfer trip signal from the substation to the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) to prevent islanding operation of alternative resources, has been a requirement for many utilities. In the transformation of the distribution system from a simple radial system to a bidirectional energy flow network, integration of many intelligent devices and applications will also be required. Thus, this situation calls for investment in communication infrastructure, and augmentation of protection, control, and measurement functionalities. The value of power system communication technologies such as synchrophasor measurement technology – which includes the Phasor Measurement Unit (measuring and providing voltage and current phasors in the real time via communication), communication infrastructure, and Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) – is being recognized through large-scale deployments around the world. However, these implementations are predominantly limited to some monitoring-type applications and are being realized primarily in transmission systems and bulk power systems (≥100 kV), where performance requirements are much more stringent compared to distribution systems. So contrary to transmission systems, the current status of synchrophasor measurement technology can be utilized to its full extent in distribution systems, as shown in current research for anti-islanding and open-phase faults in the distribution feeder protection application, where the number of PMUs and performance required is somewhat lower than the bulk of power energy. Thus, the opportunity to invest in the implementation of synchronized measurement technology in distribution system is timely as it can be coordinated with other investments in feeder modernization, distributed generation (DG) integration, and infrastructure enhancements that are underway, including “smart grid” initiatives. In the first use case of this research, the behavior of the major DG types during islanding is studied through accurate transient modeling of utility type distribution systems using PSCAD-EMTDC and MATLAB. The study proposes augmentation of PMU-based solutions to the current passive islanding protection elements, such as voltage and frequency, and improving the non-detection zone of the passive elements by adapting their settings based on normal loading conditions at closest known instant prior to the fault or islanding occurrence. The solution proposes a system architecture that requires one PMU at each PCC bus and in the main substation. The communication aspect is based on the IEC 6850-90-5 report, where the PMU can subscribe directly to the data stream of the remote PMUs such that the need for PDCs in this application is eliminated, yielding better performance. In the second use case, an open-phase fault – a major concern for distribution utilities from safety of public and equipment perspective – has been studied. Clearing the open-phase fault without identifying the type of fault could result in an attempt by the recloser to reenergize the downed wire; conversely, an undetected open-phase fault could initiate ferro-resonance, thereby stressing equipment and increasing the risk to public safety, both urban and rural. This work discusses comprehensive analysis of symmetrical components of various types of open-phase faults in the distribution feeder with the presence of distributed generators (DGs) and proposes the use of phasor measurement data located at substation and PCC to identify the open-phase fault. The proposed algorithm relies on the rate of change of the various current and voltage sequence components. In the study conducted, the utility type feeder and substation are modeled in PSCAD-EMTDC, and different types of open-phase fault and shunt faults are studied to verify the dependability and security of proposed algorithm

    Recent Developments and Challenges on AC Microgrids Fault Detection and Protection Systems–A Review

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    The protection of AC microgrids (MGs) is an issue of paramount importance to ensure their reliable and safe operation. Designing reliable protection mechanism, however, is not a trivial task, as many practical issues need to be considered. The operation mode of MGs, which can be grid-connected or islanded, employed control strategy and practical limitations of the power electronic converters that are utilized to interface renewable energy sources and the grid, are some of the practical constraints that make fault detection, classification, and coordination in MGs different from legacy grid protection. This article aims to present the state-of-the-art of the latest research and developments, including the challenges and issues in the field of AC MG protection. A broad overview of the available fault detection, fault classification, and fault location techniques for AC MG protection and coordination are presented. Moreover, the available methods are classified, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed

    Photovoltaics, Batteries, and Silicon Carbide Power Electronics Based Infrastructure for Sustainable Power Networks

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    The consequences of climate change have emphasized the need for a power network that is centered around clean, green, and renewable sources of energy. Currently, Photovoltaics (PV) and wind turbines are the only two modes of technology that can convert renewable energy of the sun and wind respectively into large-scale power for the electricity network. This dissertation aims at providing a novel solution to implement these sources of power (majorly PV) coupled with Lithium-ion battery storage in an efficient and sustainable approach. Such a power network can enable efficiency, reliability, low-cost, and sustainability with minimum impact to the environment. The first chapter illustrates the utilization of PV- and battery-based local power networks for low voltage loads as well as the significance of local DC power in the transportation sector. Chapter two focuses on the most efficient and maximum utilization of PV and battery power in an AC infrastructure. A simulated use-case for load satisfaction and feasibility analysis of 10 university-scale buildings is illustrated. The role of PV- and battery-based networks to fulfill the new demand from the electrification of the surface transportation sector discussed in Chapter three. Chapter four analyzes the PV- and battery- based network on a global perspective and proposes a DC power network with PV and complementary wind power to fulfill the power needs across the globe. Finally, the role of SiC power electronics and the design concept for an SiC based DC-to-DC converter for maximum utilization of PV/wind and battery power through enabling HVDC transmission is discussed in Chapter six

    Advanced Power Electronic Interfaces for Distributed Energy Systems Part 1: Systems and Topologies

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    Smart grid

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016The SG concept arises from the fact that there is an increase in global energy consumption. One of the factors delaying an energetic paradigm change worldwide is the electric grids. Even though there is no specific definition for the SG concept there are several characteristics that describe it. Those features represent several advantages relating to reliability and efficiency. The most important one is the two way flow of energy and information between utilities and consumers. The infrastructures in standard grids and the SG can classified the same way but the second one has several components contributing for monitoring and management improvement. The SG’s management system allows peak reduction, using several techniques underlining many advantages like controlling costs and emissions. Furthermore, it presents a new concept called demand response that allows consumers to play an important role in the electric systems. This factor brings benefits for utilities, consumers and the whole grid but it increases problems in security and that is why the SG relies in a good protection system. There are many schemes and components to create it. The MG can be considered has an electric grid in small scale which can connect to the whole grid. To implement a MG it is necessary economic and technical studies. For that, software like HOMER can be used. However, the economic study can be complex because there are factors that are difficult to evaluate beyond energy selling. On top of that, there are legislation and incentive programs that should be considered. Two case studies prove that MG can be profitable. In the first study, recurring to HOMER, and a scenario with energy selling only, it was obtained a 106% reduction on production cost and 32% in emissions. The installer would have an 8000000profitintheMGslifetime.Inthesecondcase,itwasconsideredeconomicservicesrelatedtopeakloadreduction,reliability,emissionreductionandpowerquality.TheDNOhadaprofitof8 000 000 profit in the MG’s lifetime. In the second case, it was considered economic services related to peak load reduction, reliability, emission reduction and power quality. The DNO had a profit of 41,386, the MG owner had 29,319profitandtheconsumershada29,319 profit and the consumers had a 196,125 profit. We can conclude that the MG with SG concepts can be profitable in many cases

    Metering and adaptive protection for a microgrid with distributed generation

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    The main objective of this project is to develop an adaptive relaying system that will protect the microgrid both in connected and isolated modes. Therefore the settings for the different relays will be observed for the two modes of operation. This will determine whether they are correctly coordinated in order to operate as an adaptive relaying system. A secondary but also important objective is to identify load management techniques through smart metering that could facilitate power system operation and in turn power system protection. To achieve the goal of this project the proposed relaying system will have to prove appropriate in all the test cases. Based on the results obtained in the simulations, conclusions about the relaying scheme were drawn. Based on cases where the scheme seemed inappropriate or could be improved, recommendations were made. The relaying scheme proposed in this project proved highly successful in detecting abnormalities and protecting the power system when necessary