Photovoltaics, Batteries, and Silicon Carbide Power Electronics Based Infrastructure for Sustainable Power Networks


The consequences of climate change have emphasized the need for a power network that is centered around clean, green, and renewable sources of energy. Currently, Photovoltaics (PV) and wind turbines are the only two modes of technology that can convert renewable energy of the sun and wind respectively into large-scale power for the electricity network. This dissertation aims at providing a novel solution to implement these sources of power (majorly PV) coupled with Lithium-ion battery storage in an efficient and sustainable approach. Such a power network can enable efficiency, reliability, low-cost, and sustainability with minimum impact to the environment. The first chapter illustrates the utilization of PV- and battery-based local power networks for low voltage loads as well as the significance of local DC power in the transportation sector. Chapter two focuses on the most efficient and maximum utilization of PV and battery power in an AC infrastructure. A simulated use-case for load satisfaction and feasibility analysis of 10 university-scale buildings is illustrated. The role of PV- and battery-based networks to fulfill the new demand from the electrification of the surface transportation sector discussed in Chapter three. Chapter four analyzes the PV- and battery- based network on a global perspective and proposes a DC power network with PV and complementary wind power to fulfill the power needs across the globe. Finally, the role of SiC power electronics and the design concept for an SiC based DC-to-DC converter for maximum utilization of PV/wind and battery power through enabling HVDC transmission is discussed in Chapter six

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