6,633 research outputs found

    A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Rebalancing Dockless Bike Sharing Systems

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    Bike sharing provides an environment-friendly way for traveling and is booming all over the world. Yet, due to the high similarity of user travel patterns, the bike imbalance problem constantly occurs, especially for dockless bike sharing systems, causing significant impact on service quality and company revenue. Thus, it has become a critical task for bike sharing systems to resolve such imbalance efficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning framework for incentivizing users to rebalance such systems. We model the problem as a Markov decision process and take both spatial and temporal features into consideration. We develop a novel deep reinforcement learning algorithm called Hierarchical Reinforcement Pricing (HRP), which builds upon the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm. Different from existing methods that often ignore spatial information and rely heavily on accurate prediction, HRP captures both spatial and temporal dependencies using a divide-and-conquer structure with an embedded localized module. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate HRP, based on a dataset from Mobike, a major Chinese dockless bike sharing company. Results show that HRP performs close to the 24-timeslot look-ahead optimization, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both service level and bike distribution. It also transfers well when applied to unseen areas

    Studying Solutions of the p-Median Problem for the Location of Public Bike Stations

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    The use of bicycles as a means of transport is becoming more and more popular today, especially in urban areas, to avoid the disadvantages of individual car traffic. In fact, city managers react to this trend and actively promote the use of bicycles by providing a network of bicycles for public use and stations where they can be stored. Establishing such a network involves the task of finding best locations for stations, which is, however, not a trivial task. In this work, we examine models to determine the best location of bike stations so that citizens will travel the shortest distance possible to one of them. Based on real data from the city of Malaga, we formulate our problem as a p-median problem and solve it with a variable neighborhood search algorithm that was automatically configured with irace. We compare the locations proposed by the algorithm with the real ones used currently by the city council. We also study where new locations should be placed if the network grows.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research was partially funded by the University of Málaga, Andalucı́a Tech, the Spanish MINECO and FEDER projects: TIN2014- 57341-R, TIN2016-81766-REDT, and TIN2017-88213-R. C. Cintrano is supported by a FPI grant (BES-2015-074805) from Spanish MINECO

    No Spare Parts: Sharing Part Detectors for Image Categorization

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    This work aims for image categorization using a representation of distinctive parts. Different from existing part-based work, we argue that parts are naturally shared between image categories and should be modeled as such. We motivate our approach with a quantitative and qualitative analysis by backtracking where selected parts come from. Our analysis shows that in addition to the category parts defining the class, the parts coming from the background context and parts from other image categories improve categorization performance. Part selection should not be done separately for each category, but instead be shared and optimized over all categories. To incorporate part sharing between categories, we present an algorithm based on AdaBoost to jointly optimize part sharing and selection, as well as fusion with the global image representation. We achieve results competitive to the state-of-the-art on object, scene, and action categories, further improving over deep convolutional neural networks

    A dynamic approach to rebalancing bike-sharing systems

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    Bike-sharing services are flourishing in Smart Cities worldwide. They provide a low-cost and environment-friendly transportation alternative and help reduce traffic congestion. However, these new services are still under development, and several challenges need to be solved. A major problem is the management of rebalancing trucks in order to ensure that bikes and stalls in the docking stations are always available when needed, despite the fluctuations in the service demand. In this work, we propose a dynamic rebalancing strategy that exploits historical data to predict the network conditions and promptly act in case of necessity. We use Birth-Death Processes to model the stations' occupancy and decide when to redistribute bikes, and graph theory to select the rebalancing path and the stations involved. We validate the proposed framework on the data provided by New York City's bike-sharing system. The numerical simulations show that a dynamic strategy able to adapt to the fluctuating nature of the network outperforms rebalancing schemes based on a static schedule

    A metaheuristic approach for the repositioning problem in bike sharing systems (bss): a study case in Toluca, México

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    The impact of Bike Sharing Systems (BSS) in the world had experienced such success that nowadays most iconic cities in the world have adopted its own system. The particular characteristics of the user’s mobility in every city have not allowed developing a generalized procedure to operate the systems. Moreover, the lack of symmetry in the mobility patterns, and the dynamic users’ behavior lead to eventually “unbalance” the system, this is, to a lack of bikes at stations, and therefore bikes have to be repositioned to stations where effective demand is present, and there is no unified or scientifically supported methodology. In this paper we deal with a study case in Toluca city (Huizi system), in which the entity in charge of current operational activities wants to design a procedure scientifically based to perform repositioning daily activities at the minimum operational cost guarantying the availability of bikes for the users (service level). Due to operational requirements, this bi-objective problem was formulated using a dynamic scope and stated as a combinatorial optimization model and finally solved using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

    D3P : Data-driven demand prediction for fast expanding electric vehicle sharing systems

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    The future of urban mobility is expected to be shared and electric. It is not only a more sustainable paradigm that can reduce emissions, but can also bring societal benefits by offering a more affordable on-demand mobility option to the general public. Many car sharing service providers as well as automobile manufacturers are entering the competition by expanding both their EV fleets and renting/returning station networks, aiming to seize a share of the market and to bring car sharing to the zero emissions level. During their fast expansion, one determinant for success is the ability of predicting the demand of stations as the entire system is growing continuously. There are several challenges in this demand prediction problem: First, unlike most of the existing work which predicts demand only for static systems or at few stages of expansion, in the real world we often need to predict the demand as or even before stations are being deployed or closed, to provide information and decision support. Second, for the new stations to be deployed, there is no historical data available to help the prediction of their demand. Finally, the impact of deploying/closing stations on the other stations in the system can be complex. To address these challenges, we formulate the demand prediction problem in the context of fast expanding electric vehicle sharing systems, and propose a data-driven demand prediction approach which aims to model the expansion dynamics directly from the data. We use a local temporal encoding process to handle the historical data for each existing station, and a dynamic spatial encoding process to take correlations between stations into account with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCN). The encoded features are fed to a multi-scale predictor, which forecasts both the long-term expected demand of the stations and their instant demand in the near future. We evaluate the proposed approach with real-world data collected from a major EV sharing platform for one year. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms the state of the art, showing up to three-fold performance gain in predicting demand for the expanding EV sharing systems