22,579 research outputs found

    Modeling Epistemological Principles for Bias Mitigation in AI Systems: An Illustration in Hiring Decisions

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used extensively in automatic decision making in a broad variety of scenarios, ranging from credit ratings for loans to recommendations of movies. Traditional design guidelines for AI models focus essentially on accuracy maximization, but recent work has shown that economically irrational and socially unacceptable scenarios of discrimination and unfairness are likely to arise unless these issues are explicitly addressed. This undesirable behavior has several possible sources, such as biased datasets used for training that may not be detected in black-box models. After pointing out connections between such bias of AI and the problem of induction, we focus on Popper's contributions after Hume's, which offer a logical theory of preferences. An AI model can be preferred over others on purely rational grounds after one or more attempts at refutation based on accuracy and fairness. Inspired by such epistemological principles, this paper proposes a structured approach to mitigate discrimination and unfairness caused by bias in AI systems. In the proposed computational framework, models are selected and enhanced after attempts at refutation. To illustrate our discussion, we focus on hiring decision scenarios where an AI system filters in which job applicants should go to the interview phase

    Generic dialogue modeling for multi-application dialogue systems

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    We present a novel approach to developing interfaces for multi-application dialogue systems. The targeted interfaces allow transparent switching between a large number of applications within one system. The approach, based on the Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology (RDPM) and the Vector Space model techniques from Information Retrieval, is composed of three main steps: (1) producing finalized dia logue models for applications using the RDPM, (2) designing an application interaction hierarchy, and (3) navigating between the applications based on the user's application of interest

    Structuring the decision process : an evaluation of methods in the structuring the decision process

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    This chapter examines the effectiveness of methods that are designed to provide structure and support to decision making. Those that are primarily aimed at individual decision makers are examined first and then attention is turned to groups. In each case weaknesses of unaided decision making are identified and how successful the application of formal methods is likely to be in mitigating these weaknesses is assessed

    Data Science: Measuring Uncertainties

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    With the increase in data processing and storage capacity, a large amount of data is available. Data without analysis does not have much value. Thus, the demand for data analysis is increasing daily, and the consequence is the appearance of a large number of jobs and published articles. Data science has emerged as a multidisciplinary field to support data-driven activities, integrating and developing ideas, methods, and processes to extract information from data. This includes methods built from different knowledge areas: Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Information Science, and Engineering. This mixture of areas has given rise to what we call Data Science. New solutions to the new problems are reproducing rapidly to generate large volumes of data. Current and future challenges require greater care in creating new solutions that satisfy the rationality for each type of problem. Labels such as Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistical Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are demanding more sophistication in the foundations and how they are being applied. This point highlights the importance of building the foundations of Data Science. This book is dedicated to solutions and discussions of measuring uncertainties in data analysis problems

    A heuristic approach for the allocation of resources in large-scale computing infrastructures

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    An increasing number of enterprise applications are intensive in their consumption of IT, but are infrequently used. Consequently, organizations either host an oversized IT infrastructure or they are incapable of realizing the benefits of new applications. A solution to the challenge is provided by the large-scale computing infrastructures of Clouds and Grids which allow resources to be shared. A major challenge is the development of mechanisms that allow efficient sharing of IT resources. Market mechanisms are promising, but there is a lack of research in scalable market mechanisms. We extend the Multi-Attribute Combinatorial Exchange mechanism with greedy heuristics to address the scalability challenge. The evaluation shows a trade-off between efficiency and scalability. There is no statistical evidence for an influence on the incentive properties of the market mechanism. This is an encouraging result as theory predicts heuristics to ruin the mechanism’s incentive properties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Testing of methods for reducing motivational bias in multi - criteria decision analysis problems

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    The idea of multi-criteria decision making has been around for quite a while. All judgement tasks are potential points of bias introduction. Each judgement task was assessed to identify common biases introduced through an extensive literature review for each task and bias. In several other studies, the distinction is made between cognitive and motivational biases. Cognitive biases are widely studied and well known with mitigations that have been validated. Motivational biases are judgements influenced by the decision maker’s desire for a specific outcome, also referred to as intentional bias, that are hard to correct and received very little testing and exploration. This study tested the techniques that are identified for reducing motivational bias and tested an instrument to identify characteristics within a decision maker that would increase the likelihood that they would be motivationally biased. The results of this study provide a methodology for assessing the susceptibility to motivational biases of the decision makers and provides a framework for reducing the motivational bias within the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) process using the general steps applicable to all multi-criteria decision analyses. Given that the general steps are used, this methodology is generalizable to any MCDM problem or domain and was found to be reliable and consistent with previous instruments and tools. A summary of the future research to further the explore the methodology and additional techniques for reducing motivational bias is proposed