308 research outputs found

    Apropriasi Perguruan Tinggi Nahdlatul Ulama pada Era Reformasi

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    The Reformation era in Indonesia presents a political ecosystem that has an impact on the development of Nahdlatul Ulama Universities (PTNU). The development of PTNU is important to study so that there is a better understanding of the development of education in NU, which has long been known for its religious education model, both in the form of pesantren and madrasah. Specifically, this study aims to map the changes that have occurred in PTNU since the reform era in Indonesia.  This study is a qualitative research using data collection including documents, interviews, and observations. This research found that there was an attempt to centralize management with the establishment of the Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Institution by the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU), a significant increase in the number of general study programs, and demographic changes on the PTNU campus so that it became more heterogeneous from a religious background.  The conclusion of this research is that the reform era became an era of change in PTNU from the management of educational institutions on a local scale to a national scale, changes in the type of religious universities towards general universities, and changes in campus residents who were originally homogeneous to heterogeneous. The development and changing trends in PTNU are evidence of the appropriation process in PTNU which absorbs external values and is modified so that PTNU can grow and develop in line with the times


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    The Article covers the problem of forming form the seventh and eighth-graders’ environmental responsibility in additional (informal education), which is caused by focus of the modern education on forming  the environment-orientated moral personality qualities, which can assure the switching of the society over to the sustainable development; by significant possibilities of the children environmental associations in developing the  environmental responsibility, and the lack of scientifically substantiated, approbated practice-oriented programs favoring the solution to this problem. The article is aimed at substantiating the specificity of a goal, content-related, procedural and technological components of the program of activities of the children environmental association “My environmental responsibility: to the co-creation with the nature”; opening of the pedagogical раскрытие педагогического tools of diagnostics of its efficiency, presentation of results of the program implementation in the educational practice.   As the leading theoretical methods, simulation and designing were used, which make it possible to develop the key structural components of the program.     The basic empirical method of the research is a pedagogical experiment, during which the program efficiency was diagnosed in terms of criteria and indicators of maturity of the environmental responsibility components with 210 members of the children environmental associations at the age from 11 to 14 years old.    The article considers the theoretical and methodological basis of the program, which includes the ideas of ecohumanism, coevolution and sustainable development; an axiological, personal-activity and ecopsychological approaches, which provide for an organization of the developing ecology-оriented educational environment of the children association as a tool of  forming the environmental responsibility. The article presents the program content, which consists of two components (external and internal components), discusses the succession of forming the environmental responsibility, which includes four stages and substantiates a technology of forming the environmental responsibility in the children association, which is presented by a system of environmentally responsible businesses. The article materials are of practical value to school teachers, additional education teachers, students of pedagogical specialties and advisers of children environmental associations. 

    The Office at Home: Information Technology and Work-Life Balance among Women in Developing Countries

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    The use of information technology (IT) has increased in developing countries, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic era, since many have been forced to stay indoors to stop the spread of the virus. IT use means the acquisition and use of smart devices and Apps that make work and communication from home efficient. Women in developing countries who also have to work from home have challenges of acquiring IT. They must solely care for the family as it is the norm. This potentially increases burnout. This study, therefore, seeks to understand how women in developing countries appropriate IT for work-life balance during COVID-19. This study employs qualitative autoethnography methodology and theoretical lens of technology appropriation to recount how female academics appropriate IT in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic. We present an analysis and discussion of the empirical finding through the three levels of the technology appropriation process that support Work-Life balance

    Analysis of the Effect of Games the Sims as an Attitude Change to Millennial Generations

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    Video games or online games have appeared in Indonesia since 2001. Since then, video games have grown rapidly and are in great demand. One of them is The Sims, a simulation game of daily activities in great demand by Indonesian people. The purpose of this study is to analyse changes in the behavior of the millennial generation with the emergence of the sims game. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach and conducted interviews with four informants using focus group discussion interviews as a data collection method. Using Perloff (2017), it can be concluded that this research provides a persuasive effect on players so as to create changes in behavior in terms of developing creativity and ideas that arise in the minds of players, there are changes in playing time, style of appearance, makeup, and emotional players.Video game atau permainan daring muncul di Indonesia sejak tahun 2001. Sejak saat itu seiring berjalannya waktu pertumbuhan video game pun semakin pesat dan banyak diminati. The Sims yang merupakan permainan simulasi aktivitas sehari-hari yang diminati masyarakat Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan perilaku generasi milenial dengan munculnya permainan The Sims. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan melakukan wawancara kepada empat narasumber dengan wawancara focus group discussion sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Menggunakan teori Komunikasi Persuasif oleh Perloff (2017), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini memberikan adanya efek persuasif kepada pemain sehingga menciptakan perubahan perilaku dari segi mengembangkan kreativitas maupun ide yang muncul di benak pemain, adanya perubahan dalam waktu bermain, gaya berpenampilan, makeup, dan emosional pemai

    Interaksi Sosial pada Remaja Kecanduan Game Online

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    The phenomenon of online games addiction is currently rife in adolescents. This study aims to describe social in adolescents who are addicted to online games using qualitative research methods. Informants in this study were 5 people with characteristic adolescents aged between 18 to 20 years old, who play online games in a day at least 5 hours. From the results of the study, revealed that the subject is a gamers with the level of online game addiction that includes moderate, it is shown from the results of research in the form of several goals in social interaction conducted by gamers, such as learning of live in the community, strap relationships, and establish cooperation. How to communicate well directly with the person you are talking to, adjust the other person via WA or social media. Interaction activities are woven as well as news and sharing courses with friends of the organization. News and conditions, status, are commonly raised in the topic of speech. Neighbors, close friends and family are the people who are subjected to gamers in interactions. Activities on campus such as helping children, participating in community service activities in the village, scouting activities, and mentoring. With the activation of the material makes gamers unable to talk passively, and quiet


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    The Article covers the problem of forming form the seventh and eighth-graders’ environmental responsibility in additional (informal education), which is caused by focus of the modern education on forming  the environment-orientated moral personality qualities, which can assure the switching of the society over to the sustainable development; by significant possibilities of the children environmental associations in developing the  environmental responsibility, and the lack of scientifically substantiated, approbated practice-oriented programs favoring the solution to this problem. The article is aimed at substantiating the specificity of a goal, content-related, procedural and technological components of the program of activities of the children environmental association “My environmental responsibility: to the co-creation with the nature”; opening of the pedagogical раскрытие педагогического tools of diagnostics of its efficiency, presentation of results of the program implementation in the educational practice.   As the leading theoretical methods, simulation and designing were used, which make it possible to develop the key structural components of the program.     The basic empirical method of the research is a pedagogical experiment, during which the program efficiency was diagnosed in terms of criteria and indicators of maturity of the environmental responsibility components with 210 members of the children environmental associations at the age from 11 to 14 years old.    The article considers the theoretical and methodological basis of the program, which includes the ideas of ecohumanism, coevolution and sustainable development; an axiological, personal-activity and ecopsychological approaches, which provide for an organization of the developing ecology-оriented educational environment of the children association as a tool of  forming the environmental responsibility. The article presents the program content, which consists of two components (external and internal components), discusses the succession of forming the environmental responsibility, which includes four stages and substantiates a technology of forming the environmental responsibility in the children association, which is presented by a system of environmentally responsible businesses. The article materials are of practical value to school teachers, additional education teachers, students of pedagogical specialties and advisers of children environmental associations. 


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    *ABSTRAK* Kegiatan bermain merupakan kegiatan yang penting bagi anak, melalui anak-anak dapat memperoleh kegiatan fisik, proses berpikir memahami dan mengikuti peraturan, belajar bersosialisasi dan bekerja sama dengan anak yang lain (Erwin, 2008). Dalam Penulisan ini, Peneliti akan meneliti anak shorinji kempo dituntut untuk memiliki teknik dasar yang baik maka untuk perkembangan anak usia remaja terutama usia 10-14 tahun ini perlu perlakuan khusus untuk dapat dikembangkan secara modern sehingga anak dapat menerima latihan dengan baik dan ini akan memberikan dampak positif sehingga anak dapat menangkap dan menerima materi yang diberikan. Dengan lima tahapan yang ada didalam model pengembangan ADDIE yang sesuai dengan namanya, peneliti merasa bahwa penelitian ADDIE lebih memudahkan dalam proses penelitian dan akan lebih memudahkan dalam menerima pengembangan Model Latihan Shorinji Kempo Usia Anak 10-14 Tahun Berbasis Permainan Pada Dojo Rorotan Jakarta Utara. Selain itu model ADDIE juga memiliki sifat umum yang bertujuan untuk mudah dipahami dan dimengerti. Model ini terdiri atas lima langkah, yaitu: (1) analisis (analyze), (2) perancangan (design), (3) pengembangan (development), (4) implementasi (implementation), dan (5) evaluasi (evaluation). Secara visual tahapan ADDIE Model Hasil dari produk yang dikembangkan ditulis dalam bentuk naskah, video, dan berupa buku Model Latihan Shorinji Kempo Usia Anak 10-14 Tahun Berbasis Permainan Pada Dojo Rorotan Jakarta Utara. Model yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan menurut ADDIE. Serta pengembangan model yang diperoleh secara keselurahan dari ahli olahraga shorinji kempo bahwa model yang dikembangkan termasuk kategori sesuai dan layak digunakan, maka peniliti dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa Model Latihan Shorinji Kempo Usia Anak 10-14 Tahun Berbasis Permainan Pada Dojo Rorotan Jakarta Utara ini dapat di terapkan pada anak usia tersebut serta tujuan dari latihan tercapai. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 15 model latihan shorinji kempo berbasis permainan yang layak dan dapat di terapkan. Kata Kunci : Model Latihan, Shorinji Kempo. *ABSTRACT* Playing activities are important activities for children, through children can get physical activity, thought processes understand and follow rules, learn to get along and work together with other children (Erwin, 2008). In this writing, researchers will examine shorinji kempo children who are required to have good basic techniques, so for the development of adolescents, especially those aged 10-14 years, special treatment is needed so that they can be developed in a modern way so that children can receive good training and this will have an impact positive so that children can capture and accept the material provided. With the five stages included in the ADDIE development model as the name implies, researchers feel that ADDIE's research makes it easier for the research process and will find it easier to accept the development of the Shorinji Kempo Training Model for Children Age 10-14 Years Based on Permainan at Rorotan Dojo, North Jakarta. In addition, the ADDIE model also has general characteristics that aim to make it easy to understand and understand. This model consists of five steps, namely: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. Visually, the stages of the ADDIE Model. The results of the product being developed are written in the form of scripts, videos, and in the form of a book. The model used is the development model according to ADDIE. As well as the development of the model obtained as a whole from shorinji kempo sports experts that the model developed is in the appropriate category and is suitable for use, the researcher can draw the conclusion that the Shorinji Kempo Training Model for Children Age 10-14 Years Based on Permainan at Dojo Rorotan North Jakarta can be implemented apply to children of that age and the objectives of the exercise are achieved. In this study, 15 game-based shorinji kempo training models were found that were feasible and applicable. Keyword : Practice Models, Shorinji Kemp