115 research outputs found

    Implementation and evaluation of the sensornet protocol for Contiki

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    Sensornet Protocol (SP) is a link abstraction layer between the network layer and the link layer for sensor networks. SP was proposed as the core of a future-oriented sensor node architecture that allows flexible and optimized combination between multiple coexisting protocols. This thesis implements the SP sensornet protocol on the Contiki operating system in order to: evaluate the effectiveness of the original SP services; explore further requirements and implementation trade-offs uncovered by the original proposal. We analyze the original SP design and the TinyOS implementation of SP to design the Contiki port. We implement the data sending and receiving part of SP using Contiki processes, and the neighbor management part as a group of global routines. The evaluation consists of a single-hop traffic throughput test and a multihop convergecast test. Both tests are conducted using both simulation and experimentation. We conclude from the evaluation results that SP's link-level abstraction effectively improves modularity in protocol construction without sacrificing performance, and our SP implementation on Contiki lays a good foundation for future protocol innovations in wireless sensor networks

    Dynamic Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Numerous routing protocols have been proposed for wireless sensor networks. Each such protocol carries with it a set of assumptions about the trafï¬c type that it caters to, and hence has limited interoperability. Also, most protocols are validated over workloads which only form a fraction of an actual deployment’s requirement. Most real world and commercial deployments, however, would generate multiple trafï¬c types simultaneously throughout the lifetime of the network. For example, most deployments would want all of the following to happen concurrently from the network: periodic reliable sense and disseminate, real time streams, patched updates, network reprogramming, query-response dialogs, mission critical alerts and so on. Naturally, no one routing protocol can completely cater to all of a deployments requirements. This chapter presents a routing framework that captures the communication intent of an application by using just three bits. The traditional routing layer is replaced with a collection of routing components that can cater to various communication patterns. The framework dynamically switches routing component for every packet in question. Data structure requirements of component protocols are regularized, and core protocol features are distilled to build a highly composable collection of routing modules. This creates a framework for developing, testing, integrating, and validating protocols that are highly portable from one deployment to another. Communication patterns can be easily described to lower layer protocols using this framework. One such real world application scenario is also investigated: that of predictive maintenance (PdM). The requirements of a large scale PdM are used to generate a fairly complete and realistic trafï¬c workload to drive an evaluation of such a framework

    A personalized rehabilitation system based on wireless motion capture sensors

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    We live in an aging society, an issue that will be exacerbated in the coming decades, due to low birth rates and increasing life expectancy. With the decline in physical and cognitive functions with age, it is of the utmost importance to maintain regular physical activity,in order to preserve an individual’s mobility, motor capabilities and coordination. Within this context, thispaper describes the development of a wireless sensor network and its application in a human motion capturesystem based on wearable inertial and magnetic sensors. The goal is to enable, through continuous real-time monitoring, the creation of a personalized home-based rehabilitation system for the elderly population and/or injured people. Within this system, the user can benefit from an assisted mode, in which their movements can be compared to a reference motion model of the same movements, resulting in visual feedback alerts given by the application. This motion model can be created previously, in a ‘learning phase’, under supervision of a caregiver.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Hierarchical Routing in Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    Steen, M.R. van [Promotor
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