5,489 research outputs found

    Evaluating Next Cell Predictors with Extensive Wi-Fi Mobility Data

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    Location is an important feature for many applications, and wireless networks can better serve their clients by anticipating client mobility. As a result, many location predictors have been proposed in the literature, though few have been evaluated with empirical evidence. This paper reports on the results of the first extensive empirical evaluation of location predictors, using a two-year trace of the mobility patterns of over 6,000 users on Dartmouth\u27s campus-wide Wi-Fi wireless network. The surprising results provide critical evidence for anyone designing or using mobility predictors. \par We implemented and compared the prediction accuracy of several location predictors drawn from four major families of domain-independent predictors, namely Markov-based, compression-based, PPM, and SPM predictors. We found that low-order Markov predictors performed as well or better than the more complex and more space-consuming compression-based predictors

    On Prediction Using Variable Order Markov Models

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    This paper is concerned with algorithms for prediction of discrete sequences over a finite alphabet, using variable order Markov models. The class of such algorithms is large and in principle includes any lossless compression algorithm. We focus on six prominent prediction algorithms, including Context Tree Weighting (CTW), Prediction by Partial Match (PPM) and Probabilistic Suffix Trees (PSTs). We discuss the properties of these algorithms and compare their performance using real life sequences from three domains: proteins, English text and music pieces. The comparison is made with respect to prediction quality as measured by the average log-loss. We also compare classification algorithms based on these predictors with respect to a number of large protein classification tasks. Our results indicate that a "decomposed" CTW (a variant of the CTW algorithm) and PPM outperform all other algorithms in sequence prediction tasks. Somewhat surprisingly, a different algorithm, which is a modification of the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm, significantly outperforms all algorithms on the protein classification problems

    Evaluating Mobility Predictors in Wireless Networks for Improving Handoff and Opportunistic Routing

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    We evaluate mobility predictors in wireless networks. Handoff prediction in wireless networks has long been considered as a mechanism to improve the quality of service provided to mobile wireless users. Most prior studies, however, were based on theoretical analysis, simulation with synthetic mobility models, or small wireless network traces. We study the effect of mobility prediction for a large realistic wireless situation. We tackle the problem by using traces collected from a large production wireless network to evaluate several major families of handoff-location prediction techniques, a set of handoff-time predictors, and a predictor that jointly predicts handoff location and time. We also propose a fallback mechanism, which uses a lower-order predictor whenever a higher-order predictor fails to predict. We found that low-order Markov predictors, with our proposed fallback mechanisms, performed as well or better than the more complex and more space-consuming compression-based handoff-location predictors. Although our handoff-time predictor had modest prediction accuracy, in the context of mobile voice applications we found that bandwidth reservation strategies can benefit from the combined location and time handoff predictor, significantly reducing the call-drop rate without significantly increasing the call-block rate. We also developed a prediction-based routing protocol for mobile opportunistic networks. We evaluated and compared our protocol\u27s performance to five existing routing protocols, using simulations driven by real mobility traces. We found that the basic routing protocols are not practical for large-scale opportunistic networks. Prediction-based routing protocols trade off the message delivery ratio against resource usage and performed well and comparable to each other

    Convective-reactive proton-C12 combustion in Sakurai's object (V4334 Sagittarii) and implications for the evolution and yields from the first generations of stars

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    Depending on mass and metallicity as well as evolutionary phase, stars occasionally experience convective-reactive nucleosynthesis episodes. We specifically investigate the situation when nucleosynthetically unprocessed, H-rich material is convectively mixed with a He-burning zone, for example in convectively unstable shell on top of electron-degenerate cores in AGB stars, young white dwarfs or X-ray bursting neutron stars. Such episodes are frequently encountered in stellar evolution models of stars of extremely low or zero metal content [...] We focus on the convective-reactive episode in the very-late thermal pulse star Sakurai's object (V4334 Sagittarii). Asplund etal. (1999) determined the abundances of 28 elements, many of which are highly non-solar, ranging from H, He and Li all the way to Ba and La, plus the C isotopic ratio. Our simulations show that the mixing evolution according to standard, one-dimensional stellar evolution models implies neutron densities in the He that are too low to obtain a significant neutron capture nucleosynthesis on the heavy elements. We have carried out 3D hydrodynamic He-shell flash convection [...] we assume that the ingestion process of H into the He-shell convection zone leads only after some delay time to a sufficient entropy barrier that splits the convection zone [...] we obtain significantly higher neutron densities (~few 10^15 1/cm^3) and reproduce the key observed abundance trends found in Sakurai's object. These include an overproduction of Rb, Sr and Y by about 2 orders of magnitude higher than the overproduction of Ba and La. Such a peculiar nucleosynthesis signature is impossible to obtain with the mixing predictions in our one-dimensional stellar evolution models. [...] We determine how our results depend on uncertainties of nuclear reaction rates, for example for the C13(\alpha, n)O16 reaction.Comment: ApJ in press, this revision contains several changes that improve clarity of presentation reflecting the suggestions made by the referee; this version represents no change in substance compared to version 1; some technical material has been moved to an appendix; an additional appendix deals in more detail with the combustion time scales; this version is practically identical to the ApJ versio

    Techniques of data prefetching, replication, and consistency in the Internet

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    Internet has become a major infrastructure for information sharing in our daily life, and indispensable to critical and large applications in industry, government, business, and education. Internet bandwidth (or the network speed to transfer data) has been dramatically increased, however, the latency time (or the delay to physically access data) has been reduced in a much slower pace. The rich bandwidth and lagging latency can be effectively coped with in Internet systems by three data management techniques: caching, replication, and prefetching. The focus of this dissertation is to address the latency problem in Internet by utilizing the rich bandwidth and large storage capacity for efficiently prefetching data to significantly improve the Web content caching performance, by proposing and implementing scalable data consistency maintenance methods to handle Internet Web address caching in distributed name systems (DNS), and to handle massive data replications in peer-to-peer systems. While the DNS service is critical in Internet, peer-to-peer data sharing is being accepted as an important activity in Internet.;We have made three contributions in developing prefetching techniques. First, we have proposed an efficient data structure for maintaining Web access information, called popularity-based Prediction by Partial Matching (PB-PPM), where data are placed and replaced guided by popularity information of Web accesses, thus only important and useful information is stored. PB-PPM greatly reduces the required storage space, and improves the prediction accuracy. Second, a major weakness in existing Web servers is that prefetching activities are scheduled independently of dynamically changing server workloads. Without a proper control and coordination between the two kinds of activities, prefetching can negatively affect the Web services and degrade the Web access performance. to address this problem, we have developed a queuing model to characterize the interactions. Guided by the model, we have designed a coordination scheme that dynamically adjusts the prefetching aggressiveness in Web Servers. This scheme not only prevents the Web servers from being overloaded, but it can also minimize the average server response time. Finally, we have proposed a scheme that effectively coordinates the sharing of access information for both proxy and Web servers. With the support of this scheme, the accuracy of prefetching decisions is significantly improved.;Regarding data consistency support for Internet caching and data replications, we have conducted three significant studies. First, we have developed a consistency support technique to maintain the data consistency among the replicas in structured P2P networks. Based on Pastry, an existing and popular P2P system, we have implemented this scheme, and show that it can effectively maintain consistency while prevent hot-spot and node-failure problems. Second, we have designed and implemented a DNS cache update protocol, called DNScup, to provide strong consistency for domain/IP mappings. Finally, we have developed a dynamic lease scheme to timely update the replicas in Internet

    Identification of alternative splice variants in Aspergillus flavus through comparison of multiple tandem MS search algorithms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Database searching is the most frequently used approach for automated peptide assignment and protein inference of tandem mass spectra. The results, however, depend on the sequences in target databases and on search algorithms. Recently by using an alternative splicing database, we identified more proteins than with the annotated proteins in <it>Aspergillus flavus</it>. In this study, we aimed at finding a greater number of eligible splice variants based on newly available transcript sequences and the latest genome annotation. The improved database was then used to compare four search algorithms: Mascot, OMSSA, X! Tandem, and InsPecT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The updated alternative splicing database predicted 15833 putative protein variants, 61% more than the previous results. There was transcript evidence for 50% of the updated genes compared to the previous 35% coverage. Database searches were conducted using the same set of spectral data, search parameters, and protein database but with different algorithms. The false discovery rates of the peptide-spectrum matches were estimated < 2%. The numbers of the total identified proteins varied from 765 to 867 between algorithms. Whereas 42% (1651/3891) of peptide assignments were unanimous, the comparison showed that 51% (568/1114) of the RefSeq proteins and 15% (11/72) of the putative splice variants were inferred by all algorithms. 12 plausible isoforms were discovered by focusing on the consensus peptides which were detected by at least three different algorithms. The analysis found different conserved domains in two putative isoforms of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We were able to detect dozens of new peptides using the improved alternative splicing database with the recently updated annotation of the <it>A. flavus </it>genome. Unlike the identifications of the peptides and the RefSeq proteins, large variations existed between the putative splice variants identified by different algorithms. 12 candidates of putative isoforms were reported based on the consensus peptide-spectrum matches. This suggests that applications of multiple search engines effectively reduced the possible false positive results and validated the protein identifications from tandem mass spectra using an alternative splicing database.</p