155 research outputs found

    A New Method to Solve the Constraint Satisfaction Problem Using the Hopfield Neural Network

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    The constraint satisfaction problem is constituted by several condition formulas, which makes it difficult to be solved. In this paper, using the Hopfield neural network, a new method is proposed to solve the constraint satisfaction problem by simplifying its condition formula. In this method, all restriction conditions of a constraint satisfaction problem are divided into two restrictions: restriction I and restriction II. In processing step, restriction II is satisfied by setting its value to be 0 and the value of restriction I is always made on the decreasing direction. The optimum solution could be obtained when the values of energy, restriction I and restriction II become 0 at the same time. To verify the validity of the proposed method, we apply it to two typical constraint satisfaction problems: N-queens problem and four-coloring problem. The simulation results show that the optimum solution can be obtained in high speed and high convergence rate. Moreover, compared with other methods, the proposed method is better than other methods. (author abst.

    The min-conflicts heuristic: Experimental and theoretical results

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    This paper describes a simple heuristic method for solving large-scale constraint satisfaction and scheduling problems. Given an initial assignment for the variables in a problem, the method operates by searching through the space of possible repairs. The search is guided by an ordering heuristic, the min-conflicts heuristic, that attempts to minimize the number of constraint violations after each step. We demonstrate empirically that the method performs orders of magnitude better than traditional backtracking techniques on certain standard problems. For example, the one million queens problem can be solved rapidly using our approach. We also describe practical scheduling applications where the method has been successfully applied. A theoretical analysis is presented to explain why the method works so well on certain types of problems and to predict when it is likely to be most effective

    Investigation of automated task learning, decomposition and scheduling

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    The details and results of research conducted in the application of neural networks to task planning and decomposition are presented. Task planning and decomposition are operations that humans perform in a reasonably efficient manner. Without the use of good heuristics and usually much human interaction, automatic planners and decomposers generally do not perform well due to the intractable nature of the problems under consideration. The human-like performance of neural networks has shown promise for generating acceptable solutions to intractable problems such as planning and decomposition. This was the primary reasoning behind attempting the study. The basis for the work is the use of state machines to model tasks. State machine models provide a useful means for examining the structure of tasks since many formal techniques have been developed for their analysis and synthesis. It is the approach to integrate the strong algebraic foundations of state machines with the heretofore trial-and-error approach to neural network synthesis

    Common Radio Resource Management Strategies for Quality of Service Support in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Hoy en día existen varias tecnologías que coexisten en una misma zona formando un sistema heterogéneo. Además, este hecho se espera que se vuelva más acentuado con todas las nuevas tecnologías que se están estandarizando actualmente. Hasta ahora, generalmente son los usuarios los que eligen la tecnología a la que se van a conectar, ya sea configurando sus terminales o usando terminales distintos. Sin embargo, esta solución es incapaz de aprovechar al máximo todos los recursos. Para ello es necesario un nuevo conjunto de estrategias. Estas estrategias deben gestionar los recursos radioeléctricos conjuntamente y asegurar la satisfacción de la calidad de servicio de los usuarios. Siguiendo esta idea, esta Tesis propone dos nuevos algoritmos. El primero es un algoritmo de asignación dinámica de recusos conjunto (JDRA) capaz de asignar recursos a usuarios y de distribuir usuarios entre tecnologías al mismo tiempo. El algoritmo está formulado en términos de un problema de optimización multi-objetivo que se resuelve usando redes neuronales de Hopfield (HNNs). Las HNNs son interesantes ya que se supone que pueden alcanzar soluciones sub-óptimas en cortos periodos de tiempo. Sin embargo, implementaciones reales de las HNNs en ordenadores pierden esta rápida respuesta. Por ello, en esta Tesis se analizan las causas y se estudian posibles mejoras. El segundo algoritmo es un algoritmo de control de admisión conjunto (JCAC) que admite y rechaza usuarios teniendo en cuenta todas las tecnologías al mismo tiempo. La principal diferencia con otros algorimos propuestos es que éstos últimos toman las dicisiones de admisión en cada tecnología por separado. Por ello, se necesita de algún mecanismo para seleccionar la tecnología a la que los usuarios se van a conectar. Por el contrario, la técnica propuesta en esta Tesis es capaz de tomar decisiones en todo el sistema heterogéneo. Por lo tanto, los usuarios no se enlazan con ninguna tecnología antes de ser admitidos.Calabuig Soler, D. (2010). Common Radio Resource Management Strategies for Quality of Service Support in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7348Palanci

    Neural networks in control?

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