1,324 research outputs found

    Making Distributed User Interfaces Interruption-Resistant : A Model-Based Approach

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    International audienceDistributed User Interfaces (DUIs) have gone beyond the fact that traditional user interfaces run on the same computing platform in the same environment. This new interaction paradigm affects the way these novel systems are designed and developed. New features need to be taken into account from the very beginning of the development process and new models and tools need to be considered for the correct development of interactive systems based on DUIs. The starting point of this paper is that DUI-based systems are susceptible of being interrupted in several ways as they are dependent on connectivity. In this proposal this issue is assessed from a conceptual point of view, asking the question of what new features should be considered and how should they be included within the development process? The model-based approach presented provides developers with means to make DUIs resilient or resistant to interruptions

    A disruption management system for automotive inbound networks: concepts and challenges

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    Production processes in the automotive industry are highly dependent on reliable inbound logistics processes, because in lean production systems delays or mistakes often result in expensive interruptions of production processes. However, transport processes are always subject to unavoidable disturbances, delays, or mistakes. The goal of the research project ProveIT is to provide an IT system improving the transparency by monitoring transport processes in real-time: deviations from the transport plans are identified predictively, and classified dynamically as disruptions if they have negative impacts on the subsequent processes. If a disruption occurs, the operations managers are provided with mitigation actions automatically generated by escalation-based online optimization algorithms. In this contribution, we introduce the use cases, the architecture and main concepts of the ProveIT disruption management system, and report on challenges faced during field experiments with our application partners, Bosch, ZF, and Geis

    Student perceptions of emergency remote teaching and learning at a South African university

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    Mini Dissertation (MA (Research Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2023.Towards the end of 2019, China reported a case of unknown pneumonia to the World Health Organization (WHO), and in response, on the 11th of March 2020, they classified COVID-19 a pandemic, prohibiting the movement of people and goods worldwide. As a solution to the social distancing mandate, teaching and learning went online when South African Universities (SAUs) were required by law to physically close their campuses. Currently, published academic literature referred to this learning transformation as emergency remote teaching and learning (ERT/L). The sudden, unplanned educational change disrupted and impacted the way lecturer’s lectured and interacted with their students within a traditional classroom environment. For this reason, the online shift created a research opportunity to ask the following research question: What are university students’ perceptions of ERT/L at a South African University? Guided by the TPACK perspective, students positively perceived the overall experience, drawing on both the advantages and disadvantages.PsychologyMA (Research Psychology)UnrestrictedFaculty of HumanitiesSDG-04: Quality EducationSDG-05: Gender equalitySDG-10: Reduces inequalitiesSDG-17: Partnerships for the goal


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    Life as we know it in modern society relies on the smooth functioning of the electric Grid – the Critical Infrastructure system that generates and delivers electricity to our homes, businesses, and factories. Virtually all other Critical Infrastructure systems depend on the Grid for the electricity they require to execute other essential societal functions such as telecommunications, water supply and waste water services, fuel delivery, etc. This study examines the concepts of Critical Infrastructure and electric Grid resilience, and the role nuclear power plants do and might play in enhancing U.S. Grid resilience. Grid resilience is defined as the system’s ability to minimize interruptions of electricity flow to customers given a specific load prioritization hierarchy. The question of whether current U.S. nuclear power plants are significant Grid resilience assets is examined in light of this definition. Despite their many virtues and their “fuel security,” the conclusion is reached that current U.S. nuclear power plants are not significant Grid resilience assets for scenarios involving major Grid disruptions. The concept of a “resilient nuclear power plant” or “rNPP” – a nuclear power plant that is intentionally designed, sited, interfaced, and operated in a manner to enhance Grid resilience – is presented. Two rNPP Key Attributes and Six rNPP Functional Requirements are defined. Several rNPP design features (system architectures and technologies) that could enable a plant to achieve the Six rNPP Functional Requirements are described. Four specific applications of rNPPs are proposed: (1) rNPPs as flexible electricity generation assets, (2) rNPPs as anchors of hybrid nuclear energy systems, (3) rNPPs as Grid Black Start Resources, and (4) rNPPs as anchors of Resilient Critical Infrastructure Islands. The last two applications are new concepts for enhancing U.S. strategic resilience. Finally, a few key unresolved issues are discussed and recommendations for future research are offered. Study results support the overall conclusion that successful development and deployment of rNPPs could significantly enhance U.S. Grid, Critical Infrastructure, and societal resilience, while transforming the value proposition of nuclear energy in the 21st century

    Exploring the Influence of Technology, Lifestyle and Flexible Working Arrangements on Cyber Psychology among Employees at a Malaysian Investment Holding Company

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    This study explores the relationship between cyberpsychology and its influencing factors among employees at an investment holding company (which will be addressed as XYZ Berhad). Understanding the impact of technology, lifestyle, and flexible working arrangements on employees' psychological well-being and behavior is crucial in today's digital workplace. With the prevalence of remote work and flexible arrangements, it becomes essential to examine how these factors influence employees' cyberpsychology experiences. Using a quantitative correlational approach, data was collected from 123 participants out of a total employee population of 174 at XYZ Berhad. The survey utilized Likert scale items to assess respondents' perspectives on technology usage, lifestyle choices, flexible working arrangements, and cyberpsychology. The findings reveal significant relationships between cyberpsychology and the influencing factors. Technology has a strong positive relationship, indicating its substantial impact on employees' psychological well-being and work behaviors. Similarly, lifestyle choices show a moderate positive relationship, highlighting the relevance of personal lifestyle preferences in shaping cyberpsychological experiences. Additionally, flexible working arrangement displays a medium positive relationship, underscoring the importance of work arrangements in influencing employees' psychological responses. The study recommends implementing awareness programs to help employees manage the psychological effects of technology usage and promoting the usage of online communication platforms to foster a positive organizational culture. Guidelines for employees working under flexible arrangements are advised to support their well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance

    Online Black-Markets: An Investigation of a Digital Infrastructure in the Dark

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