752,005 research outputs found

    Data protection risk modeling into business process analysis

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    We present a novel way to link business process model with data protection risk management. We use established body of knowledge regarding risk manager concepts and business process towards data protections. We try to contribute to the problems that today organizations should find a suitable data protection model that could be used in as a risk framework. The purpose of this document is to define a model to describe data protection in the context of risk. Our approach including the identification of the main concepts of data protection according to the scope of the with EU directive data protection regulation. We outline data protection model as a continuous way of protection valued organization information regarding personal identifiable information. Data protection encompass the preservation of personal data information from unauthorized access, use, modification, recording or destruction. Since this kind of service is offered in a continuous way, it is important to stablish a way to measure the effectiveness of awareness of data subject discloses regrading personal identifiable information.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Model Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen Terhadap Periklanan Menyesatkan Di Surat Kabar (Studi Kasus Surat Kabar Solo Pos Di Surakarta)

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    This study aims to describe and explanaing consumer protection against misleading advertisements in newspapers, and explaning describe how much advertising in newspapers in accordance with the legislation in providing legal protection for consumers. and explore models of newspaper advertising in the consumer protection perspective. This research is a normative-empirical, ie research by reviewing legislation, regulations discusses advertising and consumer protection as well as empirically explore the information in the field of ad impressions in the newspaper that is considered misleading, and make observations by distributing questionnaires and interview to the competent authorities to the problems of the study The results of this study signify that the protection of consumers against advertising in newspapers has been accommodated in the Undang-undang No. 8/1999 about consumer protection, the Undang-undang No. 40/1999 about PERS, Undang-undang No: 7 th 1196 About Food, and Regulation 69 of the Food Label and Advertisement. In this study proved that a lot of ads that aired in the newspapers, notwithstanding the prevailing Model of legal protection for consumers against misleading advertising in newspapers in this study are : Formation of advertising legislation , the establishment censors print media advertising , announce misleading advertising to the general public , the determination of the standardization of formats of advertisements in newspapers and increasing the role of non-governmental consumer protection agencies

    Ways to Reduce Consumer Complaints: The EU Perspective

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    Organizations are currently concerned with meeting consumers’ demands and needs by creating products that meet their expectations. Addressing wider issues of consumers’ protection and relying on a detailed research of the latest data from the European Union, our paper analyses and synthesizes ways to reduce consumers’ complaints on products and services purchased, based on a series of causal links and interrelated activities. It is a dual approach in order to link quantitative and qualitative arguments as well as the analysis of correlations between efforts and the recorded effects in the domain of the consumer’ protection. Based on data provided by the Flash Eurobarometer 332 there were determined the existing influences in consumers’ protection, calculating correlations among a number of indicators registered in the European Union in the field of consumer protection. Based on the relations established between the indicators that describe the domain of the protection of consumer, a model that centres on complaining in case of problems, indicating the main ways to reduce these complaints was developed and built

    Conceptual Model and Security Requirements for DRM Techniques Used for e-Learning Objects Protection

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    This paper deals with the security problems of DRM protected e-learning content. After a short review of the main DRM systems and methods used in e-learning, an examination is made of participators in DRM schemes (e-learning object author, content creator, content publisher, license creator and end user). Then a conceptual model of security related processes of DRM implementation is proposed which is improved afterwards to reflect some particularities in DRM protection of e-learning objects. A methodical way is used to describe the security related motives, responsibilities and goals of the main participators involved in the DRM system. Taken together with the process model, these security properties are used to establish a list of requirements to fulfill and a possibility for formal verification of real DRM systems compliance with these requirements

    Open Source Software and the “Private-Collective” Innovation Model: Issues for Organization Science

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    Currently two models of innovation are prevalent in organization science. The "private investment" model assumes returns to the innovator results from private goods and efficient regimes of intellectual property protection. The "collective action" model assumes that under conditions of market failure, innovators collaborate in order to produce a public good. The phenomenon of open source software development shows that users program to solve their own as well as shared technical problems, and freely reveal their innovations without appropriating private returns from selling the software. In this paper we propose that open source software development is an exemplar of a compound model of innovation that contains elements of both the private investment and the collective action models. We describe a new set of research questions this model raises for scholars in organization science. We offer some details regarding the types of data available for open source projects in order to ease access for researchers who are unfamiliar with these, and als

    A blockchain-based Decentralized System for proper handling of temporary Employment contracts

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    Temporary work is an employment situation useful and suitable in all occasions in which business needs to adjust more easily and quickly to workload fluctuations or maintain staffing flexibility. Temporary workers play therefore an important role in many companies, but this kind of activity is subject to a special form of legal protections and many aspects and risks must be taken into account both employers and employees. In this work we propose a blockchain-based system that aims to ensure respect for the rights for all actors involved in a temporary employment, in order to provide employees with the fair and legal remuneration (including taxes) of work performances and a protection in the case employer becomes insolvent. At the same time, our system wants to assist the employer in processing contracts with a fully automated and fast procedure. To resolve these problems we propose the D-ES (Decentralized Employment System). We first model the employment relationship as a state system. Then we describe the enabling technology that makes us able to realize the D-ES. In facts, we propose the implementation of a DLT (Decentralized Ledger Technology) based system, consisting in a blockchain system and of a web-based environment. Thanks the decentralized application platforms that makes us able to develop smart contracts, we define a discrete event control system that works inside the blockchain. In addition, we discuss the temporary work in agriculture as a interesting case of study.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the "Computing Conference 2018" - 10-12 July 2018 - London, United Kingdo

    Infection, reinfection, and vaccination under suboptimal immune protection: epidemiological perspectives

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    The SIR (susceptible-infectious-resistant) and SIS (susceptible-infectious-susceptible) frameworks for infectious disease have been extensively studied and successfully applied. They implicitly assume the upper and lower limits of the range of possibilities for host immune response. However, the majority of infections do not fall into either of these extreme categories. We combine two general avenues that straddle this range: temporary immune protection (immunity wanes over time since infection), and partial immune protection (immunity is not fully protective but reduces the risk of reinfection). We present a systematic analysis of the dynamics and equilibrium properties of these models in comparison to SIR and SIS, and analyse the outcome of vaccination programmes. We describe how the waning of immunity shortens inter-epidemic periods, and poses major difficulties to disease eradication. We identify a "reinfection threshold" in transmission when partial immunity is included. Below the reinfection threshold primary infection dominates, levels of infection are low, and vaccination is highly effective (approximately an SIR model). Above the reinfection threshold reinfection dominates, levels of infection are high, and vaccination fails to protect (approximately an SIS situation). This association between high prevalence of infection and vaccine failure emphasizes the problems of controlling recurrent infections in high-burden regions. However, vaccines that induce a better protection than natural infection have the potential to increase the reinfection threshold, and therefore constitute interventions with a surprisingly high capacity to reduce infection where reduction is most neede


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    The problem of poverty is one of the fundamental problems that become the focus of the government in any country. Victims of poverty itself is the percentage of poor children in Central Java Province, is the highest than other provinces in Java Island. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of parents' education level and the number of poor people to analyze the level of child poverty and poverty indicators forming the composite index of children and special protection of children. Diproksi child poverty rate of child poverty a composite index that reflects the children living in conditions of deprivation in different dimensions / areas. Development intended to meet the child protection children's rights, in order to be able to assume responsibility for the future as a leader of the nation, but many laws only regulate certain matters concerning the child has not specifically regulate all aspects relating to child protection. Preparation of composite indicators of poverty and child protection aims to describe the child's specific fulfillment of child rights aspect of the right to live, grow, and develop and the right to protection from violence and discrimination, can be used to measure the success of development-related field in the child welfare and protection the child. Model analysis used in this study is panel data (secondary data) using time series data for three years (2007-2009) and cross section data for 35 districts / cities in Central Java Province. By using Excel 2007 for calculating a single index and the composite index and eviews 6.0 to test the level of parental education and number of poor or no effect on the level of child poverty. The results of the study showed that variable levels of parental education and number of poor people have a significant effect on levels of child poverty and child poverty composite index value and the special protection of children are in a lower class, it means a whole region (35 districts / cities: 29 districts and 6 cities ) in the Province of Central Java has good quality in the fulfillment of child rights and special protection of childre

    Towards a Public Law of Privacy: Meeting the Big Data Challenge

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    Privacy law, to the extent that it regulates state information practices, wears two “public” hats. The first hat is constitutional law. For example, the Canadian Charter protects privacy through protecting individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures. The second hat is public sector data protection law modelled on what are known as Fair Information Practices (FIPs). For example, in Canada the federal Privacy Act regulates the collection, use and disclosure of personal information held by government institutions and provides individuals with a right of access to that information. The constitutional hat is concerned with state-individual relations in the context of law enforcement while the data protection hat is concerned with state-individual relations in the context of administering state programs. This article calls into question the ongoing relevance of this divide. The merging of these two frameworks is a large project to both undertake and defend. This article only purports to offer some initial reflections on a potential merger, focusing on recent Supreme Court cases, including R. v. Spencer; R. v. Wakeling; and R. v. Fearon. First, this article outlines some of the ways in which our Charter jurisprudence already adopts some of the insights that come out of the data protection law model and points to some of the ways in which this can be built upon. Next, the article outlines the potential problems of using data protection law framework in the context of law enforcement and anti-terrorism if the limitations of data protection are not well understood when balancing interests. Finally, it finishes with some proposals about how merging the two models might better address some new types of “Big Data” investigatory techniques, or, what we now all describe post-Snowden, as “collecting-the-haystack-to-find-the-needle”

    Applying a Positive Theory of Organizations: A Closer Examination of State Environmental Protection Agencies

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    Why do American states organize as they do for environmental protection? According to Moe (1990), “a positive theory of organizations has two goals: 1) explain where institutions come from and why they take the forms they do, and 2) understand their effects for political and social behavior.” This paper will examine Moe’s question in terms of state environmental agencies: What influences state adoption of a comprehensive environmental structure? To address this question, I develop a theory of state adoption of organizational structure drawing on organizational theories of public organizations. The latest comprehensive examination of state agency structure in the literature was in 1994 (Jessup, 1994) and provides no analysis, only a summary description of each agency. The most recent evaluation of states adoption of environmental agency structures was in 1975 (Beyle, 1975). My analysis builds on these studies. This dissertation is structured in eight chapters. I first review the history of state environmental protection agencies in the context of the development of federal and state environmental laws. I also describe, in general, the federal and state government environmental structures and describe the comprehensive and incremental restructuring that states have undergone since 1960. The second part of the dissertation develops a theory of state administrative agency adoption through a review of the organizational and political literature. Building on a model developed by Beyle (1975), this section describes how state environmental protection agencies develop in response to political motivations, administrative needs, socioeconomic characteristics, and environmental severity. I then test two empirical models based on this theory to understand why states chose to adopt a comprehensive state environmental protection agency and a Mini-EPA or Super-Agency structure. The third part of the dissertation outlines the theory of state adoption of environmental policies, focusing on the role of decisional systems and specifically the state agency structure. I apply this theory to explore the influence of structure on adoption of environmental policies to address second and third generation pollution problems. These 12 policies are used to create an index of innovativeness. The final chapter summarizes the conclusions from the analyses, and future research prospects
