340,422 research outputs found

    Fuel on the Invention Funnel: Technology Licensing-in, Antecedents and Invention

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    In this paper, we examine the impact of technology licensing-in on firm invention performance. Studying a sample of 266 licensees and matched non-licensees using a two-part model specification, we find that licensees are more likely to introduce inventions than their non-licensee counterparts. This holds both if we consider invention in general, and invention in the licensed technological class only. We also show that familiarity with the licensed technology and technological specialization drives licensees to pursue a narrow invention strategy primarily focusing on the technological class specified in the license agreement.Licensing-in, Invention, Dynamic Capabilities, Learning Opportunities, Technological familiarity, Technological specialization

    Knowledge disclosure as intellectual property rights

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    We study a model in which an inventor discloses knowledge about its innovation and then a rival chooses the probability of attaining a competing invention. Disclosures, by creating prior art, diminish the probability that the rival has of receiving a patent for its invention (legal externality), but, by revealing knowledge, they decrease the marginal cost of R&D (knowledge externality). We stress the following result. If the knowledge externality is large compared to the legal externality, decreasing the patentability standards leads to fewer disclosures and may hinder R&D. We also determine the impact of changes in market payoffs on the equilibrium level of disclosures and R&D

    A Model of Induced Invention, Growth and Distribution

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    International Patenting and Technology Diffusion

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    We model the invention of new technologies and their diffusion across countries. Our model predicts that, eventually, all countries will grow at the same rate, with each country's productivity ranking determined by how rapidly it adopts inventions. The common growth rate depends on research efforts in all countries, while research effort is determined by how much inventions earn at home and abroad. Patents affect the return to invention. We relate the decision to patent an invention internationally to the cost of patenting in a country and to the expected value of patent protection in that country. We can thus infer the direction and magnitude of the international diffusion of technology from data on international patenting, productivity, and research. We fit the model to data from the five leading research economies. The parameters indicate how much technology flows between these countries and how much each country earns from its inventions domestically and elsewhere. Our results imply that foreign countries are important sources of technology even though countries earn most of their return to innovation at home. For example, about half of U.S. productivity growth derives from foreign technology yet U.S. investors earn 98 per cent of the revenue from their inventions domestically.

    Invention under uncertainty and the threat of ex post entry

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    This paper proposes a theoretical framework for studying the invention of new products when demand is uncertain. In this framework, under general conditions, the threat of ex post entry by a competitor can deter invention ex ante. Asymmetric market power in the ex post market exacerbates the problem. The implications of these general results are examined in a series of examples that represent important markets in the computer industry. The first is a model that shows how an operating system monopolist, by its mere presence, can deter the invention of complements, to its own detriment as well as that of society. The implications of policies such as patent protection, price regulation, and mandatory divestiture are considered. Three additional examples consider the ability of a monopolist in one market to commit to bundling an unrelated product, a pair of horizontally differentiated firms that can add a new feature to their products, and a platform leader that can be challenged in its base market by the supplier of a complementary product.Invention, innovation, demand uncertainty, ex post entry, bundling, Intel, Microsoft, Netscape

    An Agent-based Simulation of the Effectiveness of Creative Leadership\ud

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    This paper investigates the effectiveness of creative versus\ud uncreative leadership using EVOC, an agent-based model of\ud cultural evolution. Each iteration, each agent in the artificial society invents a new action, or imitates a neighbor’s action. Only the leader’s actions can be imitated by all other agents, referred to as followers. Two measures of creativity were used: (1) invention-to-imitation ratio, iLeader, which measures how often an agent invents, and (2) rate of conceptual change, cLeader, which measures how creative an invention is. High iLeader increased mean fitness of ideas, but only when creativity of followers was low. High iLeader was associated with greater diversity of ideas in the early stage of idea generation only. High Leader increased mean fitness of ideas in the early stage of idea generation; in the later stage it decreased idea fitness. Reasons for these findings and tentative implications for creative leadership in human society are discussed

    Systems And Methods For Providing Programmable Analog Classifiers

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    The present invention describes systems and methods to provide programmable analog classifiers. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention provides an analog classifier circuit comprising a bump circuit enabled to store a template vector, wherein the template vector can model a probability distribution with exponential behavior. Furthermore, the bump circuit is enabled to generate an output corresponding to a comparison between an input vector received by the bump circuit and the template vector stored by the bump circuit. Additionally, the analog classifier circuit includes a variable gain amplifier in communication with the bump circuit, and the variable gain amplifier can be adjusted to modify the variance of the template vector.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Method of tracing contour patterns for use in making gradual contour resin matrix composites

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    The invention relates to methods for making alminate patterns for a resin matrix composite structural component. A sheet of paper is temporarily adhered to a model of the structrual component. A pen is positioned on the paper with a spindle touching the model surface opposite the pen. The pen and spindle are moved along the path that maintains the aforementioned contacts. The resulting line traced on paper is a model constant-thickness locus and provides a pattern for a single lamination of resin-impregnated fabric. The steps are repeated to make other patterns and each time the steps are repeated the distance between the tracer and the spindle is changed to correspond to the thickness of a lamination

    Binocular device for displaying numerical information in field of view

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    An apparatus is described for superimposing numerical information on the field of view of binoculars. The invention has application in the flying of radio-controlled model airplanes. Information such as airspeed and angle of attack are sensed on a model airplane and transmitted back to earth where this information is changed into numerical form. Optical means are attached to the binoculars that a pilot is using to track the model air plane for displaying the numerical information in the field of view of the binoculars. The device includes means for focusing the numerical information at infinity whereby the user of the binoculars can see both the field of view and the numerical information without refocusing his eyes

    Innovative invention skills and individual competency model for vocational education

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    Invention is a process of developing creative minds, innovative and inventive in preparing the workforce informed, and competent in facing the challenges of rapid technological development today. Knowledge and individual competency are needed to produce a new design of a product. Knowledge and skills are the components related to invention process that could be identified easily. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the level of student’s knowledge and preferences in invention process, student’s skills in selecting the process knowledge, and to identify the relationship between the student’s knowledge and the preferences process that they chose. 528 students from vocational colleges were involved in this study. The set of questionnaires based on Renwick model and iceberg competency model was used to measure the variables needed. The results showed the level of student’s knowledge in invention process was high and the students also preferred the idea of development when they chose the invention process. This study also concluded that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and student’s preferences in invention process. In conclusion, the application of skills and knowledge in invention process will be applied in students’ competency and it is capable of developing new ideas to create innovative and creative products