889,877 research outputs found

    A flexible modeling framework to estimate interregional trade patterns and input-output accounts

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    This study implements and tests a mathematical programming model to estimate interregional, interindustry transaction flows in a national system of economic regions based on an interregional accounting framework and initial information of interregional shipments. A national input-output (IO) table, regional data on gross output, value-added, exports, imports and final demand at sector level are used as inputs to generate an interregional IO account that reconciles regional economic statistics and interregional transaction data. The model is tested using data from a multi-regional global input-output database and shows remarkable capacity to discover true interregional trade patterns from highly distorted initial estimates.Scientific Research&Science Parks,Information Technology,Environmental Economics&Policies,Statistical&Mathematical Sciences,ICT Policy and Strategies,Statistical&Mathematical Sciences,Information Technology,Scientific Research&Science Parks,Science Education,Geographical Information Systems

    Assessment of Research Efficiency in China\u27s Universities Based on Data Envelopment Method

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    To investigate the static and dynamic trends of scientific research efficiency of different types of universities in China during the period of 2016 - 2020. Methods: Based on the scientific research data of six types of universities nationwide from 2016 to 2020, which are classified by the Compendium of Science and Technology Information of Higher Education Institutions published by the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education. We selected the full-time personnel (person-years) of research and development personnel and Internal expenditure for the year of science and technology funds (thousand yuan) as input evaluation indexes, and the number of Academic papers published abroad (articles), the number of international projects acceptance (item), the number of patent authorizations (item), and the number of Actual income of technology patents in the current year (thousands of yuan) as output evaluation indexes, and constructed the evaluation index system of scientific research efficiency of six types of universities nationwide. SPSS version 23.0 software was used for descriptive data statistics, and DEA-BCC model and DEA-Malmquist index model of DEAP2.1 software were used for static and dynamic evaluation of its scientific research efficiency from 2016 to 2020, respectively. Results ① Overall analysis: the level of scientific research efficiency of all types of universities is high, but the total factor productivity of scientific research shows a trend of rising and then declining during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and the overall scientific research efficiency of universities has limited room for improvement. ② Comparative analysis: universities of comprehensive, science and technology, medicine and other universities have the highest level of scientific research efficiency, followed by universities of teacher training and lower universities of agriculture and forestry. ③ From 2017 - 2020, full-time personnel, internal expenditures of agriculture and forestry universities are input redundancy, patent authorization number and the actual income of agriculture and forestry universities are insufficient output. In 2020, full-time personnel, internal expenditures of normal universities are input redundancy, patent authorization number of normal universities is output insufficient. Conclusion: During the period of 2016 - 2020, all kinds of universities nationwide have achieved high research efficiency with high input and high output, which provides a strong reference for the national research management to allocate university research funds more scientifically and reasonably. This result to optimize the allocation of resources of university\u27s scientific research in China and improve the economic benefit of university\u27s scientific research has important theoretical and practical significance

    The transition of Chinese S&T institutes since 1980s: policy, performance and implication

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    In 1985 China began its reform on the Science & Technology (S&T) sector which was inherited from a planned economy. The reform over the past 20 years is deemed to be a decisive factor in China’s science and technology progress. The paper first argues that two fundamental tasks of China’s S&T sector reform are to enhance scientific productivity and strengthen the industry-academic relationships. Subsequently, the reform policies are outlined within three categories: 1) reforming the funding system, 2) improving R&D management 3) strengthening industry-academic relationships. The evolution of S&T institutes such as the Chinese Academy of Science is examined to provide micro-level evidence of policy impacts. The scientific output of China’s S&T sector did achieve the remarkable improvement in the reform period, but we also observe the rapidly growing investment from the governments flew into the sector. The evaluation of the performance of the reform needs to examine the scientific productivity of the sector. Therefore, we proceed to measure the scientific productivity of China’s S&T institutes based on the R&D input and output data in the aggregate and provincial level. The Polynomial Distributed Lag model is utilized to uncover the structure of the lag between R&D input and output. The findings based on the aggregate data and provincial data confirm that the scientific productivity of China’s S&T institutes has been decreasing since 1990s. These results call for the future actions that can contribute to enhancing the scientific productivity of China’s S&T institutes

    Microelectronics and Unemployment in Austria

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    This paper presents the methodological background and some results of a study "Applications, Diffusion and Socio-Economic effects of Microelectronics in Austria", which was financed by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. The paper consists of two parts: (1) The description of the methodology how to measure the impact of technical change caused by microelectronics on the Austrian economy. For this purpose a mathematical simulation model was constructed which consists of an input-output-model, an econometric demand model and a model for linking technology and economy. (2) By means of socio.-political scenarios the simulation model was used to produce conditional forecasts for the years 1985 and 1990 for the main economic indicators. Some of the results, in particular unemployment figures, are presented. Although the presented approach was developed for the analysis of microelectronics, a special type of technology, the method could easily be used for any other type of technological change, robots etc., if this technology can be explicitly connected with certain economic indicators, like productivity, manpower, material inputs and outputs

    Journal Staff

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    With the demand for more comfortable cars and reduced emissions, there is an increasing focus on model-based system engineering. Therefore, developing accurate vehicle models has become significantly important. The powertrain system, which transfers the engine torque to the driving wheels, is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Having a reliable methodology, for modeling and parameter estimation of a powertrain structure, helps predict different kinds of behaviors such as torsional vibration which is beneficial for a number of applications in automotive industry. Examples of such cases are ride quality evaluation and model-based fault detection. This thesis uses the knowledge from the system identification field, which introduces the methods of building mathematical models for dynamical systems based on experimental data, to model the torsional vibration of an engine-load setup. It is a subsystem of the vehicular powertrain and the main source of vibration is the engine fluctuating torque. The challenges are handling a more complicated model structure with a greater number of unknown parameters as well as showing the importance of data information for acquiring better identification performance. Since the engine-load setup is modeled physically here, its state-space equations are available and a grey-box modeling approach can be applied in which the well-known prediction error method is used toestimate the unknown physical parameters. Moreover, a structural  identifiability analysis is performed which shows that all of the model parameters are identifiable assuming informative input. Two main aspects are considered to present an appropriate modeling methodology. The first is simplification of the model structure according to frequency range of interest. This is achieved by performing modal shape analysis to obtain how many degrees-of-freedom are necessary at different frequency ranges. The results show that a 7 degrees-of-freedom model can be simplified to a 2 degrees-offreedom structure and still have the desired performance for a specific application such as misfire detection. The second aspect concerns using an appropriate data set, which has the required information for estimation of the unknown parameters. By analyzing the simulation data from a known system, it is shown that the parameters of the 2 degrees-of-freedom model can not be estimated accurately using measurements from a normal combustion data set. However, all the parameters except damping coefficient converge to their true values by using a data set which has misfire in the input torque from the engine. A high estimation variance plus flat loss function indicate that the damping coefficient has no significant influence on the model output and consequently can not be estimated correctly using the available measurements. Thus, to increase the accuracy of the results during estimation on real data, the damping coefficient(s) is assumed to be known. Both the 2 and 7 degrees-of-freedom models are validated against a fresh data set and it is shown that the simulated output captures the important parts of the actual system behavior depending on the application of interest.The series name Linköping studies in science and technology Licentiate Thesis is incorrect. Correct series name is Linköping studies in science and technology. Thesis.</p

    Computational depth of anesthesia via multiple vital signs based on artificial neural networks

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    This study evaluated the depth of anesthesia (DoA) index using artificial neural networks (ANN) which is performed as the modeling technique. Totally 63-patient data is addressed, for both modeling and testing of 17 and 46 patients, respectively. The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is utilized to purify between the electroencephalography (EEG) signal and the noise. The filtered EEG signal is subsequently extracted to achieve a sample entropy index by every 5-second signal. Then, it is combined with other mean values of vital signs, that is, electromyography (EMG), heart rate (HR), pulse, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and signal quality index (SQI) to evaluate the DoA index as the input. The 5 doctor scores are averaged to obtain an output index. The mean absolute error (MAE) is utilized as the performance evaluation. 10-fold cross-validation is performed in order to generalize the model. The ANN model is compared with the bispectral index (BIS). The results show that the ANN is able to produce lower MAE than BIS. For the correlation coefficient, ANN also has higher value than BIS tested on the 46-patient testing data. Sensitivity analysis and cross-validation method are applied in advance. The results state that EMG has the most effecting parameter, significantly.This research is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan. This research is also supported by the Centre for Dynamical Biomarkers and Translational Medicine, National Central University, Taiwan, which is also sponsored by MOST (MOST103-2911-I-008-001). Also, it is supported by National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology in Taiwan (Grant nos. CSIST-095-V301 and CSIST-095-V302)

    Statistical library characterization using belief propagation across multiple technology nodes

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    In this paper, we propose a novel flow to enable computationally efficient statistical characterization of delay and slew in standard cell libraries. The distinguishing feature of the proposed method is the usage of a limited combination of output capacitance, input slew rate and supply voltage for the extraction of statistical timing metrics of an individual logic gate. The efficiency of the proposed flow stems from the introduction of a novel, ultra-compact, nonlinear, analytical timing model, having only four universal regression parameters. This novel model facilitates the use of maximum-a-posteriori belief propagation to learn the prior parameter distribution for the parameters of the target technology from past characterizations of library cells belonging to various other technologies, including older ones. The framework then utilises Bayesian inference to extract the new timing model parameters using an ultra-small set of additional timing measurements from the target technology. The proposed method is validated and benchmarked on several production-level cell libraries including a state-of-the-art 14-nm technology node and a variation-aware, compact transistor model. For the same accuracy as the conventional lookup-table approach, this new method achieves at least 15x reduction in simulation runs.Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cooperative Agreement

    Science-Learning Strengthening Model in Islamic Educational Institution: Case Study at MAN 1 Yogyakarta

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    Advances in science and technology continue to develop and have a broad impact on various aspects of human life, including in the world of education. In order for students to be able to compete in the global world, educational institutions need to strengthen science learning to students. This study aims to explore the advantages of the science-learning strengthening model in Madrasa Aliyah in terms of context, input, process, and output aspects. This study uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that in terms of context, the program for strengthening science learning already exists in the vision and mission of the madrasa, which is to have the advantage of science and technology, which is followed up by madrasa policy to develop KTSP Research and science for local contents and extracurricular activities. From the input side, all were fulfilled except for the laboratory staff who were temporarily carried out by the KIR Trustees. From the process side, science learning strengthening has been carried out well and the output is also quite satisfiying. This can be seen from the score of the National Examination and the number of student achievements, especially in the fields of science and research both in the national and international levels

    A study of ocean wave statistical properties using nonlinear, directional, phase-resolved ocean wave-field simulations

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2010In the present work, we study the statistics of wavefields obtained from non-linear phase-resolved simulations. The numerical model used to generate the waves models wave-wave interactions based on the fully non-linear Zakharov equations. We vary the simulated wavefield's input spectral properties: directional spreading function, Phillips parameter and peak shape parameter. We then investigate the relationships between a wavefield's input spectral properties and its output physical properties via statistical analysis. We investigate surface elevation distribution, wave definition methods in a nonlinear wavefield with a two-dimensional wavenumber, defined waves' distributions, and the occurrence and spacing of large wave events.This project was supported by the US Office of Naval Research and the Joint Program between MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

    Towards a uniform evaluation of the science quality of SKA technology options: Polarimetrie aspects

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    We discuss how to evaluate SKA technology options with regard to science output quality. In this work we will focus on polarimetry. We review the SKA specification for polarimetry and assess these requirements. In particular we will use as a illustrative case study a comparison of two dish types combined with two different feeds. The dish types we consider are optimized axi-symmetric prime-focus and offset Gregorian reflector systems; and the two feeds are the Eleven-feed (wideband) and a choked horn (octave band). To evaluate the imaging performance we employ end-to-end simulations in which given sky models are, in software, passed through a model of the telescope design according to its corresponding radio interferometrical measurement equation to produce simulated visibilities. The simulated visibilities are then used to generate simulated sky images. These simulated sky images are then compared to the input sky models and various figures-of-merit for the imaging performance are computed. A difficulty is the vast parameter space for observing modes and configurations that exists even when the technology is fixed. However one can fixed certain standard benchmark observation modes that can be applied across the board to the various technology options. The importance of standardized, end-to-end simulations, such as the one presented here, is that they address the high-level science output from SKA as a whole rather than low-level specifications of its individual parts