41 research outputs found

    BubbleML: A Multi-Physics Dataset and Benchmarks for Machine Learning

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    In the field of phase change phenomena, the lack of accessible and diverse datasets suitable for machine learning (ML) training poses a significant challenge. Existing experimental datasets are often restricted, with limited availability and sparse ground truth data, impeding our understanding of this complex multiphysics phenomena. To bridge this gap, we present the BubbleML Dataset \footnote{\label{git_dataset}\url{https://github.com/HPCForge/BubbleML}} which leverages physics-driven simulations to provide accurate ground truth information for various boiling scenarios, encompassing nucleate pool boiling, flow boiling, and sub-cooled boiling. This extensive dataset covers a wide range of parameters, including varying gravity conditions, flow rates, sub-cooling levels, and wall superheat, comprising 79 simulations. BubbleML is validated against experimental observations and trends, establishing it as an invaluable resource for ML research. Furthermore, we showcase its potential to facilitate exploration of diverse downstream tasks by introducing two benchmarks: (a) optical flow analysis to capture bubble dynamics, and (b) operator networks for learning temperature dynamics. The BubbleML dataset and its benchmarks serve as a catalyst for advancements in ML-driven research on multiphysics phase change phenomena, enabling the development and comparison of state-of-the-art techniques and models.Comment: Submitted to Neurips Datasets and Benchmarks Track 202

    The American Academy of Health Behavior 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: Health Communication, (Mis-)Information, and Behavior: Leveraging Technology for Behavioral Interventions and Health Behavior Research

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    The American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB) hosted its 24th Annual Scientific Meeting at The DeSoto Hotel in Savannah, Georgia on April 14-17, 2024. The meeting\u27s theme was “Health Communication, (Mis-)Information, and Behavior: Leveraging Technology for Behavioral Interventions and Health Behavior Research . This publication describes the meeting theme and includes the refereed abstracts presented at the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting

    Genome Mining, Isolation and Characterization of Novel Lasso Peptides and Their Utilization in Drug Development

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    Lasso peptides are a class of natural products that belong to the family of ribosomally‑assembled and posttranslationally‑modified peptides. They are defined by an unique structural motif referred to as the so‑called lariat knot, whose name is derived from the fact that this topology is reminiscent of the knot found in the noose of a lasso. This structure is achieved by the presence of an N‑terminal macrolactam ring that is threaded by the C‑terminal tail of the peptide. The fold in these molecules is then conserved by non‑covalent interactions in the form of bulky amino acids located above and below the macrolactam ring, in this way entrapping the tail inside of the ring. What makes these compounds of interest for research is that their structure, even though it is maintained merely by sterical interactions, often exhibits a tremendous stability against thermal, chemical and proteolytic degradation. Still, up to now little is known about the general function of these compounds for their producing organisms, although there are some interesting biological activities attributed to some of the previously reported lasso peptides. To obtain more information about their physico‑chemical properties, their biosynthesis and to get an idea what role they might play in nature, the primary subject of this thesis was the directed genome mining for and the subsequent isolation and characterization of novel lasso peptides. The results of these projects were published in several studies that will be shown and discussed in the course of this thesis. Amongst other findings, these studies not only include the discovery of a multitude of novel lasso peptides, but through the thorough analysis and characterization of these compounds, several former assumptions of this research area could be overhauled and updated. In addition to this, the bioinformatic data gathered during our genome mining studies furthermore uncovered interesting facts about the distribution of lasso peptides amongst bacteria and about the existence of different subgroups of biosynthetic gene cluster arrangements, which could facilitate future research directed towards identifiying the concrete functions of these compounds. Furthermore, it was also investigated if these compounds are suitable scaffolds for drug development via epitope grafting approaches. In this regard, a previously reported bioactive lasso graft was used as the basis to show that such compounds can indeed be further optimized and improved upon by rational approaches that utilize the information obtained from research done with simple linear or cyclic peptides that are, in contrast to lasso peptides, easily accessible by synthetic means

    Working in a french SME at the marketing and e-commerce services

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    O presente relatório incide sobre o estágio realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios do ISCAP, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio decorreu numa pequena e média empresa (PME) francesa especializada nas necessidades industriais e logísticas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos serviços de marketing e e-commerce. A globalização e a internacionalização tiveram um impacto no mundo dos negócios e mudaram a forma de trabalhar e negociar. As pequenas e médias empresas estão tão preocupadas quanto as grandes. Embora as motivações da internacionalização sejam diferentes, é importante considerar a internacionalização das PME. A internacionalização tem levantado questões quanto à gestão intercultural e como lidar com países e culturas estrangeiras, com particular interesse nas estratégias que devem ser adotadas. O objetivo deste relatório é definir conceitos-chave como a globalização, internacionalização, cultura e interculturalidade e compreender como é que este panorama teve impacto numa PME específica e nas suas estratégias de marketing, que representam a base do sucesso da empresa. A empresa é descrita, e as atividades e os projetos executados durante o estágio de seis meses são descritos e analisados.This report will cover the internship realised within the framework of the master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business from the Porto Business School (ISCAP, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Admnistraçao do Porto). The internship took place in a French small and medium-size business (SMEs) specialized in industry and logistic needs, particularly regarding the marketing and e-commerce services. Globalisation and internationalisation have had an impact on the business world and have changed the way of working and negotiating. Small and medium-size businesses are as concerned as large corporations. Even if the mode and motivations of internationalisation are different, it is important to consider the internationalisation of SMEs. The internationalisation of companies has raised questions as to intercultural management and as to how to deal with foreign countries and cultures with an interest in the strategies that should be adopted? The objective of this report is to define key concept such as the globalisation, internationalisation, culture and interculturality and understand how these concepts have had an impact on a specific SME and its marketing strategies which represent the foundation of a company’s success. Moreover, the SME company is described, and some missions and projects executed during the six-month internship are described and analysed

    Management: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 551 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into NASA scientific and technical information system in 1980

    Enhancing Employability Skill Sets: The Obligation of Community Colleges to be Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts

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    The pressure upon post-secondary institutions in Ontario to address the persistent gap between the employability skill sets of their graduates and the changing needs of the modern workplace has never been greater. Forces such as the complexities of participating in a globally competitive economy, and advancements in information and communication technologies have shifted workplace expectations. Parents, students, and employers want to be assured that a diploma is indicative of the full range of skill sets necessary to achieve entry into a chosen occupation. The case method of analysis was used to examine one college’s quality assurance strategies for teaching and assessing Essential Employability Skills (EESs). Concerns with the validity for some of the EESs and the resulting issues with the reliability of curriculum mapping matrices were identified. Fink’s Integrated Course design (2013) is proposed as a strategy to address the gap between the employer expectations and what is taught and assessed in a community college. The establishment of a campus-wide working group to advance the EESs agenda, increased collaboration with Program Advisory Councils, and increased training are some of the solutions proposed. This problem of practice is considered through Bolman and Deal’s Four Frame Model (2013) and examines the pragmatic obstacles that thwart post-secondary efforts to equip their graduates with these employability skills. This Organizational Improvement Plan utilizes Cawsey, Deszca and Ingols’s Change Path Model (2016) as a guiding framework

    Building a functional lymphatic network: a novel role for Reelin in collecting lymphatic vessel development

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    The mature lymphatic vasculature consists of two distinct vessel types, lymphatic capillaries and collecting lymphatic vessels, which have distinct functions in the uptake and transport of lymph respectively. However, despite the functional importance of these two vessel types, much remains unknown about the processes involved in remodelling the initially uniform lymphatic plexus into a functional hierarchy of mature vessels, and particularly the role of smooth muscle cells and the extracellular matrix in this process and in the subsequent function of collecting lymphatic vessels. Here we have identified Reelin, an extracellular matrix protein whose previous characterisation has remained largely confined to the central nervous system, as required for correct development and function of collecting lymphatic vessels. In the absence of Reelin, collecting vessels are enlarged, with a reduction in smooth muscle cell coverage and a concomitant failure to down-regulate expression of the capillary marker, LYVE-1. Unexpectedly, the canonical Reelin receptors ApoER2 and VLDLR were dispensable for normal lymphatic development, suggesting the involvement of alternative receptor(s). We have also uncovered a previously un-described mechanism for activation of Reelin signalling via interactions between smooth muscle cells and lymphatic endothelial cells, and have shown that the latter increase expression of the smooth muscle cell recruitment factor, MCP1, upon stimulation by Reelin. This work highlights the largely unexplored importance of the extracellular matrix for correct lymphatic development and function, emphasises the importance of interactions between the lymphatic endothelium and surrounding smooth muscle cells in propagating vessel development and emphasises the hitherto unrecognised importance of smooth muscle cells for lymphatic vessel morphogenesis and function