224,161 research outputs found

    Pure Infinitely Self-Modifying Code is Realizable and Turing-complete

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    Although self-modifying code has been shyed away from due to its complexity and discouragement due to safety issues, it nevertheless provides for a very unique obfuscation method and a different perspective on the relationship between data and code.  The generality of the von Neumann architecture is hardly realized by today's processor models.  A code-only model is shown where every instruction merely modifies other instructions yet achieves the ability to compute and Turing machine operation is easily possible

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Achieving Obfuscation Through Self-Modifying Code: A Theoretical Model

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    With the extreme amount of data and software available on networks, the protection of online information is one of the most important tasks of this technological age. There is no such thing as safe computing, and it is inevitable that security breaches will occur. Thus, security professionals and practices focus on two areas: security, preventing a breach from occurring, and resiliency, minimizing the damages once a breach has occurred. One of the most important practices for adding resiliency to source code is through obfuscation, a method of re-writing the code to a form that is virtually unreadable. This makes the code incredibly hard to decipher by attackers, protecting intellectual property and reducing the amount of information gained by the malicious actor. Achieving obfuscation through the use of self-modifying code, code that mutates during runtime, is a complicated but impressive undertaking that creates an incredibly robust obfuscating system. While there is a great amount of research that is still ongoing, the preliminary results of this subject suggest that the application of self-modifying code to obfuscation may yield self-maintaining software capable of healing itself following an attack

    Gold-YOLO: Efficient Object Detector via Gather-and-Distribute Mechanism

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    In the past years, YOLO-series models have emerged as the leading approaches in the area of real-time object detection. Many studies pushed up the baseline to a higher level by modifying the architecture, augmenting data and designing new losses. However, we find previous models still suffer from information fusion problem, although Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and Path Aggregation Network (PANet) have alleviated this. Therefore, this study provides an advanced Gatherand-Distribute mechanism (GD) mechanism, which is realized with convolution and self-attention operations. This new designed model named as Gold-YOLO, which boosts the multi-scale feature fusion capabilities and achieves an ideal balance between latency and accuracy across all model scales. Additionally, we implement MAE-style pretraining in the YOLO-series for the first time, allowing YOLOseries models could be to benefit from unsupervised pretraining. Gold-YOLO-N attains an outstanding 39.9% AP on the COCO val2017 datasets and 1030 FPS on a T4 GPU, which outperforms the previous SOTA model YOLOv6-3.0-N with similar FPS by +2.4%. The PyTorch code is available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/Efficient-Computing/tree/master/Detection/Gold-YOLO, and the MindSpore code is available at https://gitee.com/mindspore/models/tree/master/research/cv/Gold_YOLO.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Self-Modification of Policy and Utility Function in Rational Agents

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    Any agent that is part of the environment it interacts with and has versatile actuators (such as arms and fingers), will in principle have the ability to self-modify -- for example by changing its own source code. As we continue to create more and more intelligent agents, chances increase that they will learn about this ability. The question is: will they want to use it? For example, highly intelligent systems may find ways to change their goals to something more easily achievable, thereby `escaping' the control of their designers. In an important paper, Omohundro (2008) argued that goal preservation is a fundamental drive of any intelligent system, since a goal is more likely to be achieved if future versions of the agent strive towards the same goal. In this paper, we formalise this argument in general reinforcement learning, and explore situations where it fails. Our conclusion is that the self-modification possibility is harmless if and only if the value function of the agent anticipates the consequences of self-modifications and use the current utility function when evaluating the future.Comment: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) 201

    Learning metamorphic malware signatures from samples

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    Metamorphic malware are self-modifying programs which apply semantic preserving transformations to their own code in order to foil detection systems based on signaturematching. Metamorphism impacts both software security and code protection technologies: it is used by malware writers to evade detection systems based on pattern matching and by software developers for preventing malicious host attacks through software diversification. In this paper, we consider the problem of automatically extracting metamorphic signatures from the analysis of metamorphic malware variants. We define a metamorphic signature as an abstract program representation that ideally captures all the possible code variants that might be generated during the execution of a metamorphic program. For this purpose, we developed MetaSign: a tool that takes as input a collection of metamorphic code variants and produces, as output, a set of transformation rules that could have been used to generate the considered metamorphic variants. MetaSign starts from a control flow graph representation of the input variants and agglomerates them into an automaton which approximates the considered code variants. The upper approximation process is based on the concept of widening automata, while the semantic preserving transformation rules, used by the metamorphic program, can be viewed as rewriting rules and modeled as grammar productions. In this setting, the grammar recognizes the language of code variants, while the production rules model the metamorphic transformations. In particular, we formalize the language of code variants in terms of pure context-free grammars, which are similar to context-free grammars with no terminal symbols. After the widening process, we create a positive set of samples from which we extract the productions of the grammar by applying a learning grammar technique. This allows us to learn the transformation rules used by the metamorphic engine to generate the considered code variants. We validate the results of MetaSign on some case studies