37,953 research outputs found

    Vibration Alert Bracelet for Notification of the Visually and Hearing Impaired

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    This paper presents the prototype of an electronic vibration bracelet designed to help the visually and hearing impaired to receive and send emergency alerts. The bracelet has two basic functions. The first function is to receive a wireless signal and respond with a vibration to alert the user. The second function is implemented by pushing one button of the bracelet to send an emergency signal. We report testing on a prototype system formed by a mobile application and two bracelets. The bracelets and the application form a complete system intended to be used in retirement apartment communities. However, the system is flexible and could be expanded to add new features or to serve as a research platform for gait analysis and location services. The medical and professional potential of the proposed system is that it offers a simple, modular, and cost-effective alternative to all the existing medical devices with similar functionality currently on the market. The proposed system has an educational potential as well: it can be used as a starting point for capstone projects and demonstration purposes in schools to attract students to STEM disciplines


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    ABSTRAKSI: Permasalahan penyandang cacat atau yang sering dikenal dengan istilah disabilitas merupakan permasalahan sosial di Indonesia yang sampai kini tidak kunjung usai. Jumlah penderita disabilitas semakin tahun semakin meningkat, tetapi perhatian negara maupun masyarakat sendiri masih rendah. Salah satu masalah yang timbul adalah sulitnya berkomunikasi tertulis dengan penyandang tuna aksara yang biasa menggunakan bahasa simbol, khususnya tuna rungu dan tuna wicara melalui media komunikasi. Dalam proyek akhir ini dirancang sebuah aplikasi chatting ( mobile messeger ) bahasa isyarat untuk penyandang tuna aksara khususnya tuna rungu dan tuna wicara yang nantinya aplikasi ini kedepannya dapat membantu komunikasi dengan penyandang tuna rungu dan tuna wicara untuk memberi kemudahan berkomunikasi. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini akan menggunakan software eclipse dan pemrograman android. Aplikasi mobile messenger ini didukung dengan sistem operasi android yang bersifat open source.Hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi ini untuk membantu dalam memberikan layanan komunikasi dengan penyandang tuna aksara yang disebabkan karena tuna rungu dan tuna wicara. Mengubah huruf symbol menjadi abjad biasa maupun sebaliknya.Kata Kunci : Aplikasi chatting, Tuna rungu dan tuna wicara, Android, Java.ABSTRACT: Problems with disabilities or who are known by the term disability is a social problem in Indonesia, which until now did not go over. The number of people with disabilities is increasing year, but the attention the state and society is still low. One of problem that arises is the difficulty of communicating written by illiterate persons are accustomed to using language symbols, especially the deaf and speech impaired through communications media..In this final project designed a chat application for the sign language in particular disabled deaf and speech impaired that future applications will be able to aid communication with deaf people and speech impaired to provide ease of communication. In making this application will make use of software and programming languages android eclipse. Mobile messenger application is powered by the android operating system which is open sourceResult of making this application to assist in providing communication services to illiterate persons caused by the hearing impaired and speech impaired. Changing the font symbol into regular alphabet and otherwiseKeyword: Chat application, Hearing impaired and speech impaired, Android, Java

    A framework for accessible m-government implementation

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    The great popularity and rapid diffusion of mobile technologies at worldwide level has also been recognised by the public sector, leading to the creation of m-government. A major challenge for m-government is accessibility – the provision of an equal service to all citizens irrespective of their psychical, mental or technical capabilities. This paper sketches the profiles of six citizen groups: Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Motor Impaired, Speech Impaired, Cognitive Impaired and Elderly. M-government examples that target the aforementioned groups are discussed and a framework for accessible m-government implementation with reference to the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices is proposed

    Investigating context-aware clues to assist navigation for visually impaired people

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    It is estimated that 7.4 million people in Europe are visually impaired [1]. Limitations of traditional mobility aids (i.e. white canes and guide dogs) coupled with a proliferation of context-aware technologies (e.g. Electronic Travel Aids, Global Positioning Systems and Geographical Information Systems), have stimulated research and development into navigational systems for the visually impaired. However, current research appears very technology focused, which has led to an insufficient appreciation of Human Computer Interaction, in particular task/requirements analysis and notions of contextual interactions. The study reported here involved a smallscale investigation into how visually impaired people interact with their environmental context during micro-navigation (through immediate environment) and/or macro-navigation (through distant environment) on foot. The purpose was to demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of visually impaired people in interaction with their environmental context. Results from a previous study involving sighted participants were used for comparison. Results revealed that when describing a route, visually impaired people vary in their use of different types of navigation clues - both as a group, when compared with sighted participants, and as individuals. Usability implications and areas for further work are identified and discussed

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable
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