511 research outputs found

    Orchestrating Service Migration for Low Power MEC-Enabled IoT Devices

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    Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is a key enabling technology for Fifth Generation (5G) mobile networks. MEC facilitates distributed cloud computing capabilities and information technology service environment for applications and services at the edges of mobile networks. This architectural modification serves to reduce congestion, latency, and improve the performance of such edge colocated applications and devices. In this paper, we demonstrate how reactive service migration can be orchestrated for low-power MEC-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Here, we use open-source Kubernetes as container orchestration system. Our demo is based on traditional client-server system from user equipment (UE) over Long Term Evolution (LTE) to the MEC server. As the use case scenario, we post-process live video received over web real-time communication (WebRTC). Next, we integrate orchestration by Kubernetes with S1 handovers, demonstrating MEC-based software defined network (SDN). Now, edge applications may reactively follow the UE within the radio access network (RAN), expediting low-latency. The collected data is used to analyze the benefits of the low-power MEC-enabled IoT device scheme, in which end-to-end (E2E) latency and power requirements of the UE are improved. We further discuss the challenges of implementing such schemes and future research directions therein

    Real-Time Context-Aware Microservice Architecture for Predictive Analytics and Smart Decision-Making

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    The impressive evolution of the Internet of Things and the great amount of data flowing through the systems provide us with an inspiring scenario for Big Data analytics and advantageous real-time context-aware predictions and smart decision-making. However, this requires a scalable system for constant streaming processing, also provided with the ability of decision-making and action taking based on the performed predictions. This paper aims at proposing a scalable architecture to provide real-time context-aware actions based on predictive streaming processing of data as an evolution of a previously provided event-driven service-oriented architecture which already permitted the context-aware detection and notification of relevant data. For this purpose, we have defined and implemented a microservice-based architecture which provides real-time context-aware actions based on predictive streaming processing of data. As a result, our architecture has been enhanced twofold: on the one hand, the architecture has been supplied with reliable predictions through the use of predictive analytics and complex event processing techniques, which permit the notification of relevant context-aware information ahead of time. On the other, it has been refactored towards a microservice architecture pattern, highly improving its maintenance and evolution. The architecture performance has been evaluated with an air quality case study

    International conference on software engineering and knowledge engineering: Session chair

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    The Thirtieth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018) will be held at the Hotel Pullman, San Francisco Bay, USA, from July 1 to July 3, 2018. SEKE2018 will also be dedicated in memory of Professor Lofti Zadeh, a great scholar, pioneer and leader in fuzzy sets theory and soft computing. The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains. The theme this year is soft computing in software engineering & knowledge engineering. Submission of papers and demos are both welcome

    Microservices-based IoT Applications Scheduling in Edge and Fog Computing: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    Edge and Fog computing paradigms utilise distributed, heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices at the edge of the network for efficient deployment of latency-critical and bandwidth-hungry IoT application services. Moreover, MicroService Architecture (MSA) is increasingly adopted to keep up with the rapid development and deployment needs of the fast-evolving IoT applications. Due to the fine-grained modularity of the microservices along with their independently deployable and scalable nature, MSA exhibits great potential in harnessing both Fog and Cloud resources to meet diverse QoS requirements of the IoT application services, thus giving rise to novel paradigms like Osmotic computing. However, efficient and scalable scheduling algorithms are required to utilise the said characteristics of the MSA while overcoming novel challenges introduced by the architecture. To this end, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of recent literature on microservices-based IoT applications scheduling in Edge and Fog computing environments. Furthermore, we organise multiple taxonomies to capture the main aspects of the scheduling problem, analyse and classify related works, identify research gaps within each category, and discuss future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    ICSEA 2021: the sixteenth international conference on software engineering advances

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    The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2021), held on October 3 - 7, 2021 in Barcelona, Spain, continued a series of events covering a broad spectrum of software-related topics. The conference covered fundamentals on designing, implementing, testing, validating and maintaining various kinds of software. The tracks treated the topics from theory to practice, in terms of methodologies, design, implementation, testing, use cases, tools, and lessons learnt. The conference topics covered classical and advanced methodologies, open source, agile software, as well as software deployment and software economics and education. The conference had the following tracks: Advances in fundamentals for software development Advanced mechanisms for software development Advanced design tools for developing software Software engineering for service computing (SOA and Cloud) Advanced facilities for accessing software Software performance Software security, privacy, safeness Advances in software testing Specialized software advanced applications Web Accessibility Open source software Agile and Lean approaches in software engineering Software deployment and maintenance Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms Software economics, adoption, and education Business technology Improving productivity in research on software engineering Trends and achievements Similar to the previous edition, this event continued to be very competitive in its selection process and very well perceived by the international software engineering community. As such, it is attracting excellent contributions and active participation from all over the world. We were very pleased to receive a large amount of top quality contributions. We take here the opportunity to warmly thank all the members of the ICSEA 2021 technical program committee as well as the numerous reviewers. The creation of such a broad and high quality conference program would not have been possible without their involvement. We also kindly thank all the authors that dedicated much of their time and efforts to contribute to the ICSEA 2021. We truly believe that thanks to all these efforts, the final conference program consists of top quality contributions. This event could also not have been a reality without the support of many individuals, organizations and sponsors. We also gratefully thank the members of the ICSEA 2021 organizing committee for their help in handling the logistics and for their work that is making this professional meeting a success. We hope the ICSEA 2021 was a successful international forum for the exchange of ideas and results between academia and industry and to promote further progress in software engineering research

    Optimization and Disruption in Physical Retail Shopping Environment

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    Every year, queues cost brick-and-mortar retailers billions in lost revenues, and consumers are growing more impatient about standing in line. To survive the competition from e-commerce, stores need new innovations that can help kill queues (Worldline, 2020). If you have ever waited in a long line at the grocery store, for luggage at an airport etc. then you have an image of it and you know the pain it brings when you have to wait for someone. Hence from these we understand that it is important to optimize checkout at retail environment(store or complex) and for this to be 100% efficient, the system to be proposed needs to be efficient and effective. Bringing us to this research that we decide to conducted, which we shall solve it by applying our main theory which is the Queuing Theory. From these theory we decided to bring out two methods in other to solve this, firstly we will need to synchronise the result of our research (i.e. The System) with the retail environment for this optimization to be optimal, but from our research we also discovered that there are cases where the retail environment will not collaborate with us, hence looking at this situation, we decided to implement a digital disruptive system for it to be used at retail environment. The slight difference here is that, the retail environment(store or complex) will not be in collaboration with us and hence we needed our system to be scalable and adaptable for it to provide the ability to the system to work without the needs of collaborating with the retail environment(store or complex). Doing both of these cases, it will help us to increase the optimization of shopping in retail environment (store or complex). The main aims of our research was to Optimize Queue in Retail Environment both in Rwanda and Norway since many people are still doing their shopping physically hence we did research on 4 theory which help us through out our research. Namely: 1. Queuing Theory 2. Microservices Theory 3. Software Design Theory 4. Qualitative Research Theor

    Crowd-sensing our Smart Cities: a Platform for Noise Monitoring and Acoustic Urban Planning

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    Environmental pollution and the corresponding control measurements put in place to tackle it play a significant role in determining the actual quality of life in modern cities. Amongst the several pollutant that have to be faced on a daily basis, urban noise represent one of the most widely known for its already ascertained health-related issues. However, no systematic noise management and control activities are performed in the majority of European cities due to a series of limiting factors (e.g., expensive monitoring equipment, few available technician, scarce awareness of the problem in city managers). The recent advances in the Smart City model, which is being progressively adopted in many cities, nowadays offer multiple possibilities to improve the effectiveness in this area. The Mobile Crowd Sensing paradigm allows collecting data streams from smartphone built-in sensors on large geographical scales at no cost and without involving expert data captors, provided that an adequate IT infrastructure has been implemented to manage properly the gathered measurements. In this paper, we present an improved version of a MCS-based platform, named City Soundscape, which allows exploiting any Android-based device as a portable acoustic monitoring station and that offers city managers an effective and straightforward tool for planning Noise Reduction Interventions (NRIs) within their cities. The platform also now offers a new logical microservices architecture