5 research outputs found

    Optimized Temporal Monitors for SystemC

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    SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertion-based verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead

    Optimized temporal monitors for systemc

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    Abstract SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertionbased verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead

    Data Learning Methodologies for Improving the Efficiency of Constrained Random Verification

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    Functional verification continues to be one of the most time-consuming steps in the chip design cycle. Simulation-based verification is well practised in industry thanks to its flexibility and scalability. The completeness of the verification is measured by coverage metrics. Generating effective tests to achieve a satisfactory coverage level is a difficult task in verification. Constrained random verification is commonly used to alleviate the manual efforts for producing direct tests. However, there are yet many situations where unnecessary verification efforts in terms of simulation cycles and man hours are spent. Also, it is observed that lots of data generated in existing constrained random verification process are barely analysed, and then discarded after simplistic correctness checking. Based on our previous research on data mining and exposure to the industrial verification process, we identify that there are opportunities in extracting knowledge from the constrained random verification data and use it to improve the verification efficiency.In constrained random verification, when a simulation run of tests instantiated by a test template cannot reach the coverage goal, there are two possible reasons: insufficient simulation, and improper constraints and/or biases. There are three actions that a verification engineer can usually do to address the problem: to simulate more tests, to refine the test template, or to change to a new test template. Accordingly, we propose three data learning methodologies to help the engineers make more informed decisions in these three application scenarios and thus improve the verification efficiency.The first methodology identifies important ("novel") tests before simulation based on what have been already simulated. By only simulating those novel tests and filtering out redundant tests, tremendous resources such as simulation cycles and licenses can be saved. The second methodology extracts the unique properties from those novel tests identified in simulation and uses them to refine the test template. By leveraging the extracted knowledge, more tests similar to the novel ones are generated. And thus the new tests are more likely to activate coverage events that are otherwise difficult to hit by extensive simulation. The third methodology analyses a collection of existing test items (test templates) and identifies feasible augmentation to the test plan. By automatically adding new test items based on the data analysis, it alleviates the manual efforts for closing coverage holes.The proposed data learning methodologies were developed and applied in the setting of verifying commercial microprocessor and SoC platform designs. The experiments in this dissertation were conducted in the verification environment of a commercial microprocessor and a SoC platform in Freescale Semiconductor Inc. and were in parallel with the on-going verification efforts. The experiment results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of building learning frameworks to improve verification efficiency

    Dynamic Assertion-Based Verification for SystemC

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    SystemC has emerged as a de facto standard modeling language for hardware and embedded systems. However, the current standard does not provide support for temporal specifications. Specifically, SystemC lacks a mechanism for sampling the state of the model at different types of temporal resolutions, for observing the internal state of modules, and for integrating monitors efficiently into the model's execution. This work presents a novel framework for specifying and efficiently monitoring temporal assertions of SystemC models that removes these restrictions. This work introduces new specification language primitives that (1) expose the inner state of the SystemC kernel in a principled way, (2) allow for very fine control over the temporal resolution, and (3) allow sampling at arbitrary locations in the user code. An efficient modular monitoring framework presented here allows the integration of monitors into the execution of the model, while at the same time incurring low overhead and allowing for easy adoption. Instrumentation of the user code is automated using Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques, thereby allowing the integration of user-code-level sample points into the monitoring framework. While most related approaches optimize the size of the monitors, this work focuses on minimizing the runtime overhead of the monitors. Different encoding configurations are identified and evaluated empirically using monitors synthesized from a large benchmark of random and pattern temporal specifications. The framework and approaches described in this dissertation allow the adoption of assertion-based verification for SystemC models written using various levels of abstraction, from system level to register-transfer level. An advantage of this work is that many existing specification languages call be adopted to use the specification primitives described here, and the framework can easily be integrated into existing implementations of SystemC

    A methodology for the verification of a “system on chip

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    This paper summarizes the verification effort of a complex ASIC designated to be an “all in one” ISDN network router. This ASIC is unique because it actually consists of many independent components, called “cores ” (including the processor). The integration of these components onto one chip results in an ISOC (Integrated System On a Chip). The complexity of verifying an ISOC is virtually impossible without a proper methodology. This paper presents the methodology developed for verifying the router. In particular, the verification method as well as the tools that were built to execute this method are presented. Finally, a summary of the verification results is given