648 research outputs found

    Drift and its mediation in terrestrial orbits

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    The slow deformation of terrestrial orbits in the medium range, subject to lunisolar resonances, is well approximated by a family of Hamiltonian flow with 2.52.5 degree-of-freedom. The action variables of the system may experience chaotic variations and large drift that we may quantify. Using variational chaos indicators, we compute high-resolution portraits of the action space. Such refined meshes allow to reveal the existence of tori and structures filling chaotic regions. Our elaborate computations allow us to isolate precise initial conditions near specific zones of interest and study their asymptotic behaviour in time. Borrowing classical techniques of phase- space visualisation, we highlight how the drift is mediated by the complement of the numerically detected KAM tori.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, 52 references. Comments and feedbacks greatly appreciated. This article is part of the Research Topic `The Earth-Moon System as a Dynamical Laboratory', confer https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/5819/the-earth-moon-system-as-a-dynamical-laborator

    Higher Order Approximation to the Hill Problem Dynamics about the Libration Points

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    An analytical solution to the Hill problem Hamiltonian expanded about the libration points has been obtained by means of perturbation techniques. In order to compute the higher orders of the perturbation solution that are needed to capture all the relevant periodic orbits originated from the libration points within a reasonable accuracy, the normalization is approached in complex variables. The validity of the solution extends to energy values considerably far away from that of the libration points and, therefore, can be used in the computation of Halo orbits as an alternative to the classical Lindstedt-Poincar\'e approach. Furthermore, the theory correctly predicts the existence of the two-lane bridge of periodic orbits linking the families of planar and vertical Lyapunov orbits.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Periodic time dependent Hamiltonian systems and applications

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    [eng] A dynamical system is one that evolves with time. This definition is so diffuse that seems to be completely useless, however, gives a good insight of the vast range of applicability of this field of Mathematics has. It is hard to track back in the history of science to find the origins of this discipline. The works by Fibonacci, in the twelfth century, concerning the population growth rate of rabbits can be already considered to belong to the above mentioned field. Newton's legacy changed the prism through the humankind watched the universe and established the starting shot of several areas of knowledge including the study of difierential equations. Newton's second law relates the acceleration, the second derivative of the position of a body with the net force acting upon it. The formulation of the law of universal gravitation settled the many body problem, the fundamental question around the field of celestial mechanics has grown. Newton itself solved the two body problem, providing an analytical proof of Kepler's laws. In the subsequent years a number of authors, among of them Euler and Lagrange, exhausted Newton's powerful ideas but none of them was able to find a closed solution of the many body problem. By the end of the nineteenth century, Poincaré changed again the point of view: The French mathematician realized that the many body problem could not be solved in the sense his predecessors expected, however, many other fundamental questions could be addressed by studying the solutions of not quantitatively but by means of their geometrical and topological properties. The ideas that bloomed in Poincaré's mind are nowadays a source of inspiration for modern scientist facing problems located along all the spectrum of human knowledge. Poincaré understood that invariant structures organize the long term behaviour of the solutions of the system. Invariant objects are, therefore, the skeleton of the dynamics. These invariant structures and their linear normal behaviour are to be analyzed carefully and this shall lead to a good insight on global aspects of the phase space. For nonintegrable systems the task of studying invariant objects and their stability is, in general, a problem which is hard to be handled rigorously. Usually, the hypotheses needed to prove specific statements on the solutions of the systems reduce the applicability of the results. This is especially relevant in physical problems: Indeed, we cannot, for instance, choose the mass of Sun to be suficiently small. The advent of the computers changed the way to undertake studies of dynamical systems. The task of writing programs for solving, numerically, problems related to specific examples is, at the present time, as important as theoretical studies. This has two main consequences: On the first hand, more involved models can be chosen to study real problems and this allow us to understand better the relation between abstract concepts and physical phenomena. Secondly, even when facing fundamental questions on dynamics, the numerical studies give us data from which build our theoretical developments. Nowadays, a large number of commercial (or public) software packages helps scientist to study simple problems avoiding the tedious work to master numerical algorithms and programming languages. These programs are coded to work in the largest possible number of different situations, therefore, they do not have the eficiency that programs written specifically for a certain purpose have. Some of the computations presented in this dissertation cannot be performed by using commercial software or, at least, not in a reasonable amount of time. For this reason, a large part of the work presented here has to do with coding and debugging programs to perform numerical computations. These programs are written to be highly eficient and adapted to each problem. At the same time, the design is done so that specific blocks of the code can be used for other computations, that is, there exist a commitment between eficiency and reusability which is hard to achieve without having full control on the code. Under these guiding principles we undertake the study of applied dynamical systems according to the following stages: From a particular problem we get a simple model, then perform a number of numerical experiments that permits us to understand the invariant objects of the system, with that information, we can isolate the relevant phenomena and identify the key elements playing a role on it. Next, we try to find an even simpler model in which we can develop theoretical arguments and produce theorems that, with more effort, can be generalized or related to other problems which, in principle, seem to be difierent to the original one. Paraphrasing Carles Simó, from a physical problem we can take the lift to the abstract world, use theoretical arguments, come out with conclusions and, finally, lift down to the real world and apply these conclusions to specific problems (maybe not only the original one). This methodology has been developed in the last decades over the world when it turned out to outstand among the most powerful approaches to cope with problems in applied mathematics. The group of Dynamical Systems from Barcelona has been one of the bulwarks of this development from the late seventies to the present days. Following the guidelines presented in the previous section, we concern with several problems, mostly from the field of celestial mechanics but we also deal with a phenomenon coming from high energy physics. All these situations can be modeled by means of periodically time dependent Hamiltonian systems. To cope with those investigations, we develop software which can be used to perform computations in any periodically perturbed Hamiltonian system. We split the contents of this dissertation in two parts. The first one is devoted to general tolos to handle periodically time dependent Hamiltonians, even though we fill this first part with a number of illustrating examples, the goal is to keep the exposition in the abstract setting. Most of the contents of Part I deal with the development of software used to be applied in the second part. Some of the software has not been applied to the specific contents of Part II, this is left for future work. We also devote a whole chapter to some theoretical issues that, while are motivated by physical problems, they fall out of the category of periodic time dependent Hamiltonians. This splitting of contents has the intention of reecting, somehow, the basic methodological principles presented in the previous paragraph, keeping separated the abstract and the physical world but keeping in mind the lift

    The scattering map in the spatial Hill's problem

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    We present a framework and methodology to compute the scattering map associated to heteroclinic trajectories in the spatial Hill's problem. The scattering map can be applied to design of zero-cost transfer trajectories in astrodynamics

    Parking a Spacecraft near an Asteroid Pair

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    This paper studies the dynamics of a spacecraft moving in the field of a binary asteroid. The asteroid pair is modeled as a rigid body and a sphere moving in a plane, while the spacecraft moves in space under the influence of the gravitational field of the asteroid pair, as well as that of the sun. This simple model captures the coupling between rotational and translational dynamics. By assuming that the binary dynamics is in a relative equilibrium, a restricted model for the spacecraft in orbit about them is constructed that also includes the direct effect of the sun on the spacecraft dynamics. The standard restricted three-body problem (RTBP) is used as a starting point for the analysis of the spacecraft motion. We investigate how the triangular points of the RTBP are modified through perturbations by taking into account two perturbations, namely, that one of the primaries is no longer a point mass but is an extended rigid body, and second, taking into account the effect of orbiting the sun. The stable zones near the modified triangular equilibrium points of the binary and a normal form of the Hamiltonian around them are used to compute stable periodic and quasi-periodic orbits for the spacecraft, which enable it to observe the asteroid pair while the binary orbits around the sun

    Critical homoclinics in a restricted four body problem: numerical continuation and center manifold computations

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    The present work studies the robustness of certain basic homoclinic motions in an equilateral restricted four body problem. The problem can be viewed as a two parameter family of conservative autonomous vector fields. The main tools are numerical continuation techniques for homoclinic and periodic orbits, as well as formal series methods for computing normal forms and center stable/unstable manifold parameterizations. After careful numerical study of a number of special cases we formulate several conjectures about the global bifurcations of the homoclinic families.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures, fixed several typos, expanded the introduction and added a new appendix about numerical continuation of orbit

    Dynamics Around the Earth-Moon Triangular Points in the Hill Restricted 4-Body Problem

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    This paper investigates the motion of a small particle moving near the triangular points of the Earth-Moon system. The dynamics are modeled in the Hill restricted 4-body problem (HR4BP), which includes the effect of the Earth and Moon as in the circular restricted 3-body problem (CR3BP), as well as the direct and indirect effect of the Sun as a periodic time-dependent perturbation of the CR3BP. Due to the periodic perturbation, the triangular points of the CR3BP are no longer equilibrium solutions; rather, the triangular points are replaced by periodic orbits with the same period as the perturbation. Additionally, there is a 2:1 resonant periodic orbit that persists from the CR3BP into the HR4BP. In this work, we investigate the dynamics around these invariant objects by computing families of 2-dimensional invariant tori and their linear normal behavior. We identify bifurcations and relationships between families. Mechanisms for transport between Earth, L4, and Moon are discussed. Comparisons are made between the results presented here and in the bicircular problem (BCP).Comment: 37 pages, 26 figure
