5,311 research outputs found

    A methodology for determining amino-acid substitution matrices from set covers

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    We introduce a new methodology for the determination of amino-acid substitution matrices for use in the alignment of proteins. The new methodology is based on a pre-existing set cover on the set of residues and on the undirected graph that describes residue exchangeability given the set cover. For fixed functional forms indicating how to obtain edge weights from the set cover and, after that, substitution-matrix elements from weighted distances on the graph, the resulting substitution matrix can be checked for performance against some known set of reference alignments and for given gap costs. Finding the appropriate functional forms and gap costs can then be formulated as an optimization problem that seeks to maximize the performance of the substitution matrix on the reference alignment set. We give computational results on the BAliBASE suite using a genetic algorithm for optimization. Our results indicate that it is possible to obtain substitution matrices whose performance is either comparable to or surpasses that of several others, depending on the particular scenario under consideration

    Peptide classification using optimal and information theoretic syntactic modeling

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    We consider the problem of classifying peptides using the information residing in their syntactic representations. This problem, which has been studied for more than a decade, has typically been investigated using distance-based metrics that involve the edit operations required in the peptide comparisons. In this paper, we shall demonstrate that the Optimal and Information Theoretic (OIT) model of Oommen and Kashyap [22] applicable for syntactic pattern recognition can be used to tackle peptide classification problem. We advocate that one can model the differences between compared strings as a mutation model consisting of random substitutions, insertions and deletions obeying the OIT model. Thus, in this paper, we show that the probability measure obtained from the OIT model can be perceived as a sequence similarity metric, using which a support vector machine (SVM)-based peptide classifier can be devised. The classifier, which we have built has been tested for eight different substitution matrices and for two different data sets, namely, the HIV-1 Protease cleavage sites and the T-cell epitopes. The results show that the OIT model performs significantly better than the one which uses a Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment score, it is less sensitive to the substitution matrix than the other methods compared, and that when combined with a SVM, is among the best peptide classification methods availabl

    Multidimensional Feature Engineering for Post-Translational Modification Prediction Problems

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    Protein sequence data has been produced at an astounding speed. This creates an opportunity to characterize these proteins for the treatment of illness. A crucial characterization of proteins is their post translational modifications (PTM). There are 20 amino acids coded by DNA after coding (translation) nearly every protein is modified at an amino acid level. We focus on three specific PTMs. First is the bonding formed between two cysteine amino acids, thus introducing a loop to the straight chain of a protein. Second, we predict which cysteines can generally be modified (oxidized). Finally, we predict which lysine amino acids are modified by the active form of Vitamin B6 (PLP/pyridoxal-5-phosphate.) Our work aims to predict the PTM\u27s from protein sequencing data. When available, we integrate other data sources to improve prediction. Data mining finds patterns in data and uses these patterns to give a confidence score to unknown PTMs. There are many steps to data mining; however, our focus is on the feature engineering step i.e. the transforming of raw data into an intelligible form for a prediction algorithm. Our primary innovation is as follows: First, we created the Local Similarity Matrix (LSM), a description of the evolutionarily relatedness of a cysteine and its neighboring amino acids. This feature is taken two at a time and template matched to other cysteine pairs. If they are similar, then we give a high probability of it sharing the same bonding state. LSM is a three step algorithm, 1) a matrix of amino acid probabilities is created for each cysteine and its neighbors from an alignment. 2) We multiply the iv square of the BLOSUM62 matrix diagonal to each of the corresponding amino acids. 3) We z-score normalize the matrix by row. Next, we innovated the Residue Adjacency Matrix (RAM) for sequential and 3-D space (integration of protein coordinate data). This matrix describes cysteine\u27s neighbors but at much greater distances than most algorithms. It is particularly effective at finding conserved residues that are further away while still remaining a compact description. More data than necessary incurs the curse of dimensionality. RAM runs in O(n) time, making it very useful for large datasets. Finally, we produced the Windowed Alignment Scoring algorithm (WAS). This is a vector of protein window alignment bit scores. The alignments are one to all. Then we apply dimensionality reduction for gains in speed and performance. WAS uses the BLAST algorithm to align sequences within a window surrounding potential PTMs, in this case PLP attached to Lysine. In the case of WAS, we tried many alignment algorithms and used the approximation that BLAST provides to reduce computational time from months to days. The performances of different alignment algorithms did not vary significantly. The applications of this work are many. It has been shown that cysteine bonding configurations play a critical role in the folding of proteins. Solving the protein folding problem will help us to find the solution to Alzheimer\u27s disease that is due to a misfolding of the amyloid-beta protein. Cysteine oxidation has been shown to play a role in oxidative stress, a situation when free radicals become too abundant in the body. Oxidative stress leads to chronic illness such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and Parkinson\u27s. Lysine in concert with PLP catalyzes the aminotransferase reaction. Research suggests that anti-cancer drugs will potentially selectively inhibit this reaction. Others have targeted this reaction for the treatment of epilepsy and addictions

    Using evolutionary covariance to infer protein sequence-structure relationships

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    During the last half century, a deep knowledge of the actions of proteins has emerged from a broad range of experimental and computational methods. This means that there are now many opportunities for understanding how the varieties of proteins affect larger scale behaviors of organisms, in terms of phenotypes and diseases. It is broadly acknowledged that sequence, structure and dynamics are the three essential components for understanding proteins. Learning about the relationships among protein sequence, structure and dynamics becomes one of the most important steps for understanding the mechanisms of proteins. Together with the rapid growth in the efficiency of computers, there has been a commensurate growth in the sizes of the public databases for proteins. The field of computational biology has undergone a paradigm shift from investigating single proteins to looking collectively at sets of related proteins and broadly across all proteins. we develop a novel approach that combines the structure knowledge from the PDB, the CATH database with sequence information from the Pfam database by using co-evolution in sequences to achieve the following goals: (a) Collection of co-evolution information on the large scale by using protein domain family data; (b) Development of novel amino acid substitution matrices based on the structural information incorporated; (c) Higher order co-evolution correlation detection. The results presented here show that important gains can come from improvements to the sequence matching. What has been done here is simple and the pair correlations in sequence have been decomposed into singlet terms, which amounts to discarding much of the correlation information itself. The gains shown here are encouraging, and we would like to develop a sequence matching method that retains the pair (or higher order) correlation information, and even higher order correlations directly, and this should be possible by developing the sequence matching separately for different domain structures. The many body correlations in particular have the potential to transform the common perceptions in biology from pairs that are not actually so very informative to higher-order interactions. Fully understanding cellular processes will require a large body of higher-order correlation information such as has been initiated here for single proteins

    New Methods to Improve Protein Structure Modeling

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    Proteins are considered the central compound necessary for life, as they play a crucial role in governing several life processes by performing the most essential biological and chemical functions in every living cell. Understanding protein structures and functions will lead to a significant advance in life science and biology. Such knowledge is vital for various fields such as drug development and synthetic biofuels production. Most proteins have definite shapes that they fold into, which are the most stable state they can adopt. Due to the fact that the protein structure information provides important insight into its functions, many research efforts have been conducted to determine the protein 3-dimensional structure from its sequence. The experimental methods for protein 3-dimensional structure determination are often time-consuming, costly, and even not feasible for some proteins. Accordingly, recent research efforts focus more and more on computational approaches to predict protein 3-dimensional structures. Template-based modeling is considered one of the most accurate protein structure prediction methods. The success of template-based modeling relies on correctly identifying one or a few experimentally determined protein structures as structural templates that are likely to resemble the structure of the target sequence as well as accurately producing a sequence alignment that maps the residues in the target sequence to those in the template. In this work, we aim at improving the template-based protein structure modeling by enhancing the correctness of identifying the most appropriate templates and precisely aligning the target and template sequences. Firstly, we investigate employing inter-residue contact score to measure the favorability of a target sequence fitting in the folding topology of a certain template. Secondly, we design a multi-objective alignment algorithm extending the famous Needleman-Wunsch algorithm to obtain a complete set of alignments yielding Pareto optimality. Then, we use protein sequence and structural information as objectives and generate the complete Pareto optimal front of alignments between target sequence and template. The alignments obtained enable one to analyze the trade-offs between the potentially conflicting objectives. These approaches lead to accuracy enhancement in template-based protein structure modeling

    Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Structure, Function and Stability of Serum/Glucocorticoid Regulated Kinase 1: A Gene to Diseases Correlation.

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    Serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 (SGK1) is a Ser/Thr protein kinase involved in regulating cell survival, growth, proliferation, and migration. Its elevated expression and dysfunction are reported in breast, prostate, hepatocellular, lung adenoma, and renal carcinomas. We have analyzed the SGK1 mutations to explore their impact at the sequence and structure level by utilizing state-of-the-art computational approaches. Several pathogenic and destabilizing mutations were identified based on their impact on SGK1 and analyzed in detail. Three amino acid substitutions, K127M, T256A, and Y298A, in the kinase domain of SGK1 were identified and incorporated structurally into original coordinates of SGK1 to explore their time evolution impact using all-atom molecular dynamic (MD) simulations for 200 ns. MD results indicate substantial conformational alterations in SGK1, thus its functional loss, particularly upon T256A mutation. This study provides meaningful insights into SGK1 dysfunction upon mutation, leading to disease progression, including cancer, and neurodegeneration

    New approaches to facilitate genome analysis

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    In this era of concerted genome sequencing efforts, biological sequence information is abundant. With many prokaryotic and simple eukaryotic genomes completed, and with the genomes of more complex organisms nearing completion, the bioinformatics community, those charged with the interpretation of these data, are becoming concerned with the efficacy of current analysis tools. One step towards a more complete understanding of biology at the molecular level is the unambiguous functional assignment of every newly sequenced protein. The sheer scale of this problem precludes the conventional process of biochemically determining function for every example. Rather we must rely on demonstrating similarity to previously characterised proteins via computational methods, which can then be used to infer homology and hence structural and functional relationships. Our ability to do this with any measure of reliability unfortunately diminishes as the pools of experimentally determined sequence data become muddied with sequences that are themselves characterised with "in silico" annotation.Part of the problem stems from the complexity of modelling biology in general, and of evolution in particular. For example, once similarity has been identified between sequences, in order to assign a common function it is important to identify whether the inferred homologous relationship has an orthologous or paralogous origin, which currently cannot be done computationally. The modularity of proteins also poses problems for automatic annotation, as similar domains may occur in proteins with very different functions. Once accepted into the sequence databases, incorrect functional assignments become available for mass propagation and the consequences of incorporating those errors in further "in silico" experiments are potentially catastrophic. One solution to this problem is to collate families of proteins with demonstrable homologous relationships, derive a pattern that represents the essence of those relationships, and use this as a signature to trawl for similarity in the sequence databases. This approach not only provides a more sensitive model of evolution, but also allows annotation from all members of the family to contribute to any assignments made. This thesis describes the development of a new search method (FingerPRINTScan) that exploits the familial models in the PRINTS database to provide more powerful diagnosis of evolutionary relationships. FingerPRINTScan is both selective and sensitive, allowing both precise identification of super-family, family and sub-family relationships, and the detection of more distant ones. Illustrations of the diagnostic performance of the method are given with respect to the haemoglobin and transfer RNA synthetase families, and whole genome data.FingerPRINTScan has become widely used in the biological community, e.g. as the primary search interface to PRINTS via a dedicated web site at the university of Manchester, and as one of the search components of InterPro at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). Furthermore, it is currently responsible for facilitating the use of PRINTS in a number of significant annotation roles, such as the automatic annotation of TrEMBL at the EBI, and as part of the computational suite used to annotate the Drosophila melanogaster genome at Celera Genomics

    Quantitative predictions of peptide binding to any HLA-DR molecule of known sequence: NetMHCIIpan

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    CD4 positive T helper cells control many aspects of specific immunity. These cells are specific for peptides derived from protein antigens and presented by molecules of the extremely polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II system. The identification of peptides that bind to MHC class II molecules is therefore of pivotal importance for rational discovery of immune epitopes. HLA-DR is a prominent example of a human MHC class II. Here, we present a method, NetMHCIIpan, that allows for pan-specific predictions of peptide binding to any HLA-DR molecule of known sequence. The method is derived from a large compilation of quantitative HLA-DR binding events covering 14 of the more than 500 known HLA-DR alleles. Taking both peptide and HLA sequence information into account, the method can generalize and predict peptide binding also for HLA-DR molecules where experimental data is absent. Validation of the method includes identification of endogenously derived HLA class II ligands, cross-validation, leave-one-molecule-out, and binding motif identification for hitherto uncharacterized HLA-DR molecules. The validation shows that the method can successfully predict binding for HLA-DR molecules-even in the absence of specific data for the particular molecule in question. Moreover, when compared to TEPITOPE, currently the only other publicly available prediction method aiming at providing broad HLA-DR allelic coverage, NetMHCIIpan performs equivalently for alleles included in the training of TEPITOPE while outperforming TEPITOPE on novel alleles. We propose that the method can be used to identify those hitherto uncharacterized alleles, which should be addressed experimentally in future updates of the method to cover the polymorphism of HLA-DR most efficiently. We thus conclude that the presented method meets the challenge of keeping up with the MHC polymorphism discovery rate and that it can be used to sample the MHC "space," enabling a highly efficient iterative process for improving MHC class II binding predictions
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