738 research outputs found

    Towards an Enterprise Software Component Ontology

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    The paper describes an ontology of enterprise software components (ESCO). Its purpose is to reduce the conceptual gap between component specifications and their corresponding business descriptions, i.e., business processes and business entities. To this end, the different types of enterprise components and their semantic relationships are analyzed. The ontology axioms are formally expressed in description logics. ESCO contributes to a shared understanding of key concepts in application system development

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns

    A framework for active software engineering ontology

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    The passive structure of ontologies results in the ineffectiveness to access and manage the knowledge captured in them. This research has developed a framework for active Software Engineering Ontology based on a multi-agent system. It assists software development teams to effectively access, manage and share software engineering knowledge as well as project information to enable effective and efficient communication and coordination among teams. The framework has been evaluated through the prototype system as proof-of-concept experiments

    Using LEL and scenarios to derive mathematical programming models. Application in a fresh tomato packing problem

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    [EN] Mathematical programming models are invaluable tools at decision making, assisting managers to uncover otherwise unattainable means to optimize their processes. However, the value they provide is only as good as their capacity to capture the process domain. This information can only be obtained from stakeholders, i.e., clients or users, who can hardly communicate the requirements clearly and completely. Besides, existing conceptual models of mathematical programming models are not standardized, nor is the process of deriving the mathematical programming model from the concept model, which remains ad hoc. In this paper, we propose an agile methodology to construct mathematical programming models based on two techniques from requirements engineering that have been proven effective at requirements elicitation: the language extended lexicon (LEL) and scenarios. Using the pair of LEL + scenarios allows to create a conceptual model that is clear and complete enough to derive a mathematical programming model that effectively captures the business domain. We also define an ontology to describe the pair LEL + scenarios, which has been implemented with a semantic mediawiki and allows the collaborative construction of the conceptual model and the semi-automatic derivation of mathematical programming model elements. The process is applied and validated in a known fresh tomato packing optimization problem. This proposal can be of high relevance for the development and implementation of mathematical programming models for optimizing agriculture and supply chain management related processes in order to fill the current gap between mathematical programming models in the theory and the practice.This work was supported by the European Commission, project RUC-APS, grant number 691249, funded by the European Union's research and innovation programme under the H2020 Marie SklodowskaCurie Actions; and the Argentinian National Agency for Scientific and Technical Promotion (ANPCyT), grant number PICT-2015-3000.Garrido, A.; Antonelli, L.; Martin, J.; Alemany DĂ­az, MDM.; Mula, J. (2020). Using LEL and scenarios to derive mathematical programming models. Application in a fresh tomato packing problem. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 170:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105242S114170Alemany, M., Ortiz, A., & Fuertes-Miquel, V. S. (2018). A decision support tool for the order promising process with product homogeneity requirements in hybrid Make-To-Stock and Make-To-Order environments. Application to a ceramic tile company. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 122, 219-234. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2018.05.040Alemany, M. M. E., AlarcĂłn, F., Lario, F.-C., & Boj, J. J. (2011). An application to support the temporal and spatial distributed decision-making process in supply chain collaborative planning. Computers in Industry, 62(5), 519-540. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2011.02.002Alemany, M. M. E., Lario, F.-C., Ortiz, A., & GĂłmez, F. (2013). Available-To-Promise modeling for multi-plant manufacturing characterized by lack of homogeneity in the product: An illustration of a ceramic case. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(5), 3380-3398. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2012.07.022Alexander, I., & Maiden, N. (2004). Scenarios, stories, and use cases: the modern basis for system development. Computing and Control Engineering, 15(5), 24-29. doi:10.1049/cce:20040505Armengol, Á., Mula, J., DĂ­az-Madroñero, M., & Pelkonen, J. (2015). Conceptual Model for Associated Costs of the Internationalisation of Operations. Enhancing Synergies in a Collaborative Environment, 181-188. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14078-0_21Baraniuk, R. G., Burrus, C. S., Johnson, D. H., & Jones, D. L. (2004). Signal processing education - Sharing knowledge and building communities in Signal Processing. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 21(5), 10-16. doi:10.1109/msp.2004.1328080Cid-Garcia, N. M., & Ibarra-Rojas, O. J. (2019). An integrated approach for the rectangular delineation of management zones and the crop planning problems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 164, 104925. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2019.104925Dominguez-Ballesteros, B., Mitra, G., Lucas, C., & Koutsoukis, N.-S. (2002). Modelling and solving environments for mathematical programming (MP): a status review and new directions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53(10), 1072-1092. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601361Esteso, A., Alemany, M. M. E., Ortiz, Á., & Peidro, D. (2018). A multi-objective model for inventory and planned production reassignment to committed orders with homogeneity requirements. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 124, 180-194. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2018.07.025Esteso, A., Alemany, M. M. E., & Ortiz, A. (2018). Conceptual framework for designing agri-food supply chains under uncertainty by mathematical programming models. International Journal of Production Research, 56(13), 4418-4446. doi:10.1080/00207543.2018.1447706Grillo, H., Alemany, M. M. E., Ortiz, A., & Fuertes-Miquel, V. S. (2017). Mathematical modelling of the order-promising process for fruit supply chains considering the perishability and subtypes of products. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 49, 255-278. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2017.04.037Grossmann, I. (2005). Enterprise-wide optimization: A new frontier in process systems engineering. AIChE Journal, 51(7), 1846-1857. doi:10.1002/aic.10617Gruber, T. R. (1993). A translation approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2), 199-220. doi:10.1006/knac.1993.1008Gruber, T. R. (1995). Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(5-6), 907-928. doi:10.1006/ijhc.1995.1081HernĂĄndez, J. E., Mula, J., Ferriols, F. J., & Poler, R. (2008). A conceptual model for the production and transport planning process: An application to the automobile sector. Computers in Industry, 59(8), 842-852. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2008.06.004Laporti, V., Borges, M. R. S., & Braganholo, V. (2009). Athena: A collaborative approach to requirements elicitation. Computers in Industry, 60(6), 367-380. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2009.02.011Do Prado Leite, J. C. S., Hadad, G. D. S., Doorn, J. H., & Kaplan, G. N. (2000). 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    Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications

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