230 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of loop quantum cosmology

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    After introducing the basic ingredients of Loop Quantum Cosmology, I will briefly discuss some of its phenomenological aspects. Those can give some useful insight about the full Loop Quantum Gravity theory and provide an answer to some long-standing questions in early universe cosmology.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; Invited talk in the First Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity (Crete, Greece

    Synchromodal logistics: An overview of critical success factors, enabling technologies, and open research issues

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    Abstract As supply chain management is becoming demand driven, logistics service providers need to use real-time information efficiently and integrate new technologies into their business. Synchromodal logistics has emerged recently to improve flexibility in supply chains, cooperation among stakeholders, and utilization of resources. We survey the existing scientific literature and real-life developments on synchromodality. We focus on the critical success factors of synchromodality and six categories of enabling technologies. We identify open research issues and propose the introduction of a new stakeholder, which takes on the role of orchestrator to coordinate and provide services through a technology-based platform

    A Paper-Based Elisa Device for the Rapid Detection of Ischemic Stroke

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    Diagnosing an ischemic stroke quickly and accurately is essential for appropriate treatment and results in more effective management of the stroke, leading to better patient outcomes. Specifically, the determination of ischemic versus hemorrhagic stroke leads to critically different treatment paths, which would be potentially fatal if administered incorrectly. Currently, ischemic strokes are diagnosed through a series of tests, including a physical examination, CT scans, and a panel of blood tests to exclude hemorrhagic stroke or other similarly presenting conditions, in order to administer tPA (the main treatment) within the three hour window. The discovery of biomarkers, molecules which are upregulated during the onset of a specific condition or disease, can be used to diagnose patients when integrated with an appropriate platform. The objective of this thesis was to further develop a paper-based microfluidic device for the rapid detection of ischemic stroke using biomarkers that can be detected in the blood. This device uses HRP-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology on a cellulose paper surface to yield a sensitive (11.8 pM) assay targeting S100B, a protein released by glial cells in the brain during stroke. Wax printing allows for creation of precise hydrophilic pathways in which sample fluid can travel within the 3D microfluidic device to react with a variety of proteins and reagents. This technology has the potential to be implemented globally as a point-of-care device for use in developing countries without consistent or reliable access to advanced diagnostic technology. The device is cheap to produce, portable, and results can be determined quickly and qualitatively analyzed using cell phone images, making it an accessible technology for patients around the globe

    On the Aggregation of Subjective Inputs from Multiple Sources

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    When we have a population of individuals or artificially intelligent agents possessing diverse subjective inputs (e.g. predictions, opinions, etc.) about a common topic, how should we collect and combine them into a single judgment or estimate? This has long been a fundamental question across disciplines that concern themselves with forecasting and decision-making, and has attracted the attention of computer scientists particularly on account of the proliferation of online platforms for electronic commerce and the harnessing of collective intelligence. In this dissertation, I study this problem through the lens of computational social science in three main parts: (1) Incentives in information aggregation: In this segment, I analyze mechanisms for the elicitation and combination of private information from strategic participants, particularly crowdsourced forecasting tools called prediction markets. I show that (a) when a prediction market implemented with a widely used family of algorithms called market scoring rules (MSRs) interacts with myopic risk-averse traders, the price process behaves like an opinion pool, a classical family of belief combination rules, and (b) in an MSR-based game-theoretic model of prediction markets where participants can influence the predicted outcome but some of them have a non-zero probability of being non-strategic, the equilibrium is one of two types, depending on this probability -- either collusive and uninformative or partially revealing; (2) Aggregation with non-strategic agents: In this part, I am agnostic to incentive issues, and focus on algorithms that uncover the ground truth from a sequence of noisy versions. In particular, I present the design and analysis of an approximately Bayesian algorithm for learning a real-valued target given access only to censored Gaussian signals, that performs asymptotically almost as well as if we had uncensored signals; (3) Market making in practice: This component, although tied to the two previous themes, deals more directly with practical aspects of aggregation mechanisms. Here, I develop an adaptation of an MSR to a nancial market setting called a continuous double auction, and document its experimental evaluation in a simulated market ecosystem

    Institutional and organizational features of cross-border cargo traffic in the post-soviet space integration terms. Part I

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    The article covers the technical, technological, institutional, and organizational barriers of cross-border transportation of cargo. The study uses an institutional approach as a methodological alternative to other approaches. The study touches on institutional and organizational problems of border crossing checkpoints arrangement, the consequences of the application of unified transport documents and the introduction of electronic communication forms. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of demonstrative actions and the daily practice of reducing the time of customs procedures and reducing transaction costs of cross-border cargo traffic. Herewith it is indicated that the most effective way to improve the efficiency of cross-border transportation of cargo suggests simultaneous implementation of technical and institutional innovations. Emphasis is placed on identifying the institutional and organizational features of the international road transportation of cargo, in particular, the problems of the evolution of the guaranteed customs duties payment institute, the permission system in the implementation of cross-border cargo traffic. The fact that the state support of national entrepreneurs requires a mechanism to ensure the parity of Russian and foreign carriers, at least in the field of cargo transportation for state needs, with the involvement of credit resources of government-linked banks is highlighted. It is underlined that the first step towards improving the institutional environment of international road transportation should envisage the elimination of all informal (shadow) relations in this sphere. The article identifies institutional features of cargo transportation in specific areas such as deliveries by road to China through Kazakhstan, and the challenges and prospects for the use and development of transit potential of Kaliningrad Region. The article shows institutional and organizational characteristics of combined transportation in cross-border traffic. The article concludes that the development of cross-border transportation of cargo and the implementation of transport and transit potential of EAEU member states may and should become a powerful source of income for business entities, budgets of all levels and households, as well as the driving force of industrial and technological upgrading and institutional and organizational evolution of economic systems of the countries and integration associations.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project № 15-06-06939 a «Modelling the cyclical evolution of mutual influence of the national transport system and the state of the markets of goods (services), labor and capital in terms of integration and global instability»)

    A methodology to develop shallow cracks for qualification of a NDT technique

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    Inspection and maintenance are important processes in the aeronautical field. The processes suffered a significant evolution over the years, due to the strong development and growth of aeronautical fleets. To guarantee aircraft safety, all critical damage should be intercepted in due time before it become an irreversible damage and compromise the entire structure. In this dissertation a methodology to create fatigue cracks of a certain dimension to be used on the qualification of NDT processes was developed. The methodology was developed based on numerical approaches, working with 2mm thick cracked specimens. For the qualification of the NDT process, the objective was to create a shallow fatigue crack on a specimen. A fourpoint bending test was modelled to restrain the crack propagation direction through thickness. Abaqus®, a finite element method software, is used to determine the stress intensity factor along the crack propagation, followed by a mathematical approach using Paris Law which is also presented to determine the crack growth along with the number of cycles. Using the software NASGRO® it was possible to determine the number of fatigue cycles that are needed for a crack starting at the initial notch to achieve the desired dimensions. The results portrayed indicate that the four-point bending test is an appropriate choice to create the crack with the imposed dimensions. By the use of the finite element method software, it is observed that the stress intensity factor is higher in the crack tip and it assumes the lower value in the notch tip. With the values of stress intensity factor, a verification study of the values was made in the Paris Law domain. A relation between the number of fatigue cycles and the values of stress intensity factor was achieved, meaning that, with the increase of fatigue cycles, the stress intensity factor also increases and consequently, the crack tends to develop into the thickness specimen.Inspeções e manutenções são processos importantes na indústria aeronáutica. Os processos sofreram uma evolução significante ao longo dos anos devido ao forte desenvolvimento das frotas aeronáuticas. Para garantir a segurança da aeronave, todos os danos críticos devem ser intercetados no tempo devido antes de se tornarem danos irreversíveis que comprometam toda a estrutura. Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para criar fendas de fadiga de uma certa dimensão para serem usadas na qualificação de processos de inspeção não destrutivos. A metodologia foi desenvolvida tendo por base métodos numéricos, trabalhando com provetes de espessura de 2mm com entalhe pré-existente. Para a qualificação dos processos de inspeção não destrutivos, o objetivo passou por criar uma fenda de fadiga não penetrante no provete. Um teste de flexão a quatro pontos foi modelado para restringir a direção da propagação da fenda em espessura. Abaqus®, um software de modelação de elementos finitos, é também usado para determinar o fator de intensidade de tensão ao longo da propagação da fenda, seguida de uma abordagem matemática usando a lei de Paris é também apresentado para determinar a propagação da fenda com o número de ciclos. Usando o software NASGRO® foi possível determinar o número de ciclos de fadiga que são necessários para que uma fenda iniciada no entalhe inicial se propague até à dimensão pretendida. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o teste de flexão a quatro pontos é uma escolha apropriada para criar a fenda com as dimensões impostas. Com o uso do software de modelação de elementos finitos, foi observado que o fator de intensidade de tensão é maior na fenda final e assume o menor valor para a fenda inicial. Com os valores do fator de intensidade de tensão, foi feito um estudo de verificação dos valores no domínio da Lei de Paris. Uma relação entre os ciclos de fadiga e os valores do fator de intensidade de tensão foi alcançada, significando que, com o aumento dos ciclos de fadiga e os valores do fator de intensidade de tensão também aumenta e consequentemente, a fenda tende a desenvolver ao longo da espessura do provete

    The competitiveness of logistics service providers : an investigation in China and the UK

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    Applying Logistics to the Service Sector

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    서비스 부문은 매우 광범위하고 지속적으로 성장하고 있다. 전통적으로 우리는 제조업 내에서 물류를 보아왔다. 그러나 서비스 부문의 규모와 중요성은 서비스 부문에 물류를 도입할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하고 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 서비스 내에서 가능한 물류 해결책을 조사하여 서비스 부문에 물류 원리를 적용하고 평가함으로써 얻을 수 있는 혜택과 이익을 도출하는 것이다. 이 논문이 다루는 내용은 다음과 같다: &#8226일반적인 개선 제안과 의료기관 및 교육기관에 대한 개선 제안 이 논문의 연구결과는 서비스 분야에 물류를 도입함으로써 얻는 유익하고 경제적인 이점들이 주목할 만하다는 것을 보여준다.이익 분석, 비용 분석과 가능한 비용 절감 &#8226서비스 산업에서 적용 가능한 물류 솔루션의 분석 &#8226프로세스 향상 기술의 분석 &#8226서비스의 특성 &#8226Table of Contents i List of Figures iii List of Abbreviations v 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Definition of Logistics 1 1.2. Definition of Services 2 1.2.1. Nature and classification of Services 2 1.2.2. Characteristics of Services 3 1.3. History of Logistics 5 1.4. The study task & Methodology 6 2. The Service Sector 8 2.1. The growth of Service Sector 8 2.2. Competition, customer satisfaction & Service quality 9 2.3. The eight components of Integrated Service Management 11 3. Available Process Improvement methods within Service Sector 13 3.1. What is Process Improvement? 13 3.2. Service as a system 13 3.3. The Advantage & Challenge of the Service Sector 15 3.4. Process Improvement Techniques applicable in Service Industries 16 3.4.1. Total Quality Management 17 3.4.2. Total Quality Service 22 3.4.3. Benchmarking 24 3.4.4. The critical incident technique 26 3.4.5. JIT & Lean Manufacturing 26 3.4.6. Six Sigma 29 3.4.7. Constraint Management 31 3.4.8. Reengineering 32 3.4.9. Time Based Competition & Quick Response Manufacturing 33 3.4.10. ISO 9000 37 3.5. Importance of Performance Measurement 38 4. Alternative Logistics solutions introduced in Service Sector 39 4.1. Supply chain activities 40 4.1.1. Facility & Location 40 Location Analysis 40 Continuous flow 42 Manufacturing cells 42 4.1.2. Inventory 43 4.1.3. Transportation 44 4.1.4. Purchasing 45 4.1.5. Customer Service 46 4.2. Service Response Logistics 47 4.2.1. Capacity, scheduling strategies 47 4.2.2. Distribution channels and operating hours 52 4.2.3. Managing Productivity 53 4.2.4. Improved information & communication 54 4.2.5. Product Design for SO/ Process Simplification or streamlining 54 4.3. The Role of IT 56 5. Benefits and Cost Analysis 60 5.1. Benefits and Possibilities of Cost Savings 60 5.2. Definition of Quality Costs or Costs of Poor Quality 62 5.3. The Process-Cost Approach 67 5.4. Activity Based Costing 68 6. Analysis and Recommendations 71 6.1. General 71 6.2. Healtcare 72 6.2.1. Useful Process Improvement Techniques 72 6.2.2. Supply Chain Logistics 74 6.2.3. Service Response Logistics 74 6.2.4. Cost Analysis & Saving Possibilities 76 6.3. Education 77 6.3.1. Supply Chain Logistics 77 6.3.2. Service Response Logistics 78 6.3.3. Cost Analysis & Saving Possibilities 79 7. Conclusions 81 7.1. The method 81 7.2. My work 81 8. References 83 List of Appendices 8