5 research outputs found

    A method for context-based adaptive QRS clustering in real-time

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    Continuous follow-up of heart condition through long-term electrocardiogram monitoring is an invaluable tool for diagnosing some cardiac arrhythmias. In such context, providing tools for fast locating alterations of normal conduction patterns is mandatory and still remains an open issue. This work presents a real-time method for adaptive clustering QRS complexes from multilead ECG signals that provides the set of QRS morphologies that appear during an ECG recording. The method processes the QRS complexes sequentially, grouping them into a dynamic set of clusters based on the information content of the temporal context. The clusters are represented by templates which evolve over time and adapt to the QRS morphology changes. Rules to create, merge and remove clusters are defined along with techniques for noise detection in order to avoid their proliferation. To cope with beat misalignment, Derivative Dynamic Time Warping is used. The proposed method has been validated against the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and the AHA ECG Database showing a global purity of 98.56% and 99.56%, respectively. Results show that our proposal not only provides better results than previous offline solutions but also fulfills real-time requirements.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    ECG signal denoising using a novel approach of adaptive filters for real-time processing

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) is considered as the main signal that can be used to diagnose different kinds of diseases related to human heart. During the recording process, it is usually contaminated with different kinds of noise which includes power-line interference, baseline wandering and muscle contraction. In order to clean the ECG signal, several noise removal techniques have been used such as adaptive filters, empirical mode decomposition, Hilbert-Huang transform, wavelet-based algorithm, discrete wavelet transforms, modulus maxima of wavelet transform, patch based method, and many more. Unfortunately, all the presented methods cannot be used for online processing since it takes long time to clean the ECG signal. The current research presents a unique method for ECG denoising using a novel approach of adaptive filters. The suggested method was tested by using a simulated signal using MATLAB software under different scenarios. Instead of using a reference signal for ECG signal denoising, the presented model uses a unite delay and the primary ECG signal itself. Least mean square (LMS), normalized least mean square (NLMS), and Leaky LMS were used as adaptation algorithms in this paper

    Quality Assessment of Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Signals by Noise Detection using Optimal Binary Classification

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    In order to improve the diagnostic capability in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram signal and to reduce the noise signal impacts, there is a need for more robust models in place. In terms of improvising to the existing solutions, this article explores a novel binary classifier that learns from the features optimized by fusion of diversity assessment measures, which performs Quality Assessment of Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Signals (QAAES) by Noise Detection. The performance of the proposed model QAAES has been scaled by comparing it with contemporary models. Concerning performance analysis, the 10-fold cross-validation has been carried on a benchmark dataset. The results obtained from experiments carried on proposed and other contemporary models for cross-validation metrics have been compared to signify the sensitivity, specificity, and noise detection accuracy

    Positive and Negative Evidence Accumulation Clustering for Sensor Fusion: An Application to Heartbeat Clustering

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    In this work, a new clustering algorithm especially geared towards merging data arising from multiple sensors is presented. The algorithm, called PN-EAC, is based on the ensemble clustering paradigm and it introduces the novel concept of negative evidence. PN-EAC combines both positive evidence, to gather information about the elements that should be grouped together in the final partition, and negative evidence, which has information about the elements that should not be grouped together. The algorithm has been validated in the electrocardiographic domain for heartbeat clustering, extracting positive evidence from the heartbeat morphology and negative evidence from the distances between heartbeats. The best result obtained on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database yielded an error of 1.44%. In the St. Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics 12-Lead Arrhythmia Database database (INCARTDB), an error of 0.601% was obtained when using two electrocardiogram (ECG) leads. When increasing the number of leads to 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, the algorithm obtains better results (statistically significant) than with the previous number of leads, reaching an error of 0.338%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first clustering algorithm that is able to process simultaneously any number of ECG leads. Our results support the use of PN-EAC to combine different sources of information and the value of the negative evidenceThis research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Commission, Grant Nos. RTI2018-095324-B-I00, RTI2018-097122-A-I00, and RTI2018-099646-B-I00S

    A Method for Context-Based Adaptive QRS Clustering in Real Time

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