13 research outputs found

    Ontologies and Unified Modeling Language: an approach to representation of domains of knowledge

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    This article emphasizes the use of Unified Modeling Language, UML in the specification of models based on ontologies in the representation of domains of knowledge, emphasizing the importance of semantic and of treatment of standardized language so the knowledge of the domain can be organized and shared. Finally, this article aims to establish a connection between the themes: the object oriented modeling and ontologies.Este artigo destaca o uso da Unified Modeling Language, UML na especificação de modelos baseados em ontologias na representação de domínios de conhecimento, enfatizando a importância da semântica e do tratamento da linguagem padronizada para que o conhecimento do domínio possa ser organizado e compartilhado. Finalmente, este artigo tem como objetivo estabelecer uma conexão entre as temáticas: modelagem orientada a objetos e ontologias

    Interoperability frameworks for competencies and learning outcomes: databases vs ontologies

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    The changes introduced into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by the Bologna Process, together with renewed pedagogical and methodological practices, have created a new teaching-learning paradigm: Student-Centred Learning. In addition, the last few years have been characterized by the application of Information Technologies, especially the Semantic Web, not only to the teaching-learning process, but also to administrative processes within learning institutions. On one hand, the aim of this study was to present a model for identifying and classifying Competencies and Learning Outcomes and, on the other hand, the computer applications of the information management model were developed, namely a relational Database and an Ontology

    Towards Sharing Rules Between OWL/SWRL and UML/OCL

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    The paper presents a metamodel-driven model transformation approach to interchanging rules between the Semantic Web Rule Language along with the Web Ontology Language (OWL/SWRL) and Object Constraint Language (OCL) along with UML (UML/OCL). The solution is based on the REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML), a MOF-defined general rule language, as a pivotal metamodel and the bidirectional transformations between OWL/SWRL and R2ML and between UML/OCL and R2ML. Besides describing mapping rules between three rule languages, the paper proposes the implementation by using ATLAS Transformation language (ATL) and describes the whole transformation process involving several MOF-based metamodels, XML schemas, EBNF grammars


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    The engagement in professional risk management is today a fact for most large organizations. In order to satisfy regulation and auditing requirements, an important step thereby is the identification and documentation of risks in an organization and the definition of measures for their mitigation. Thereby, the use of enterprise models provides the foundation for a systematic and holistic analysis of processes, organizational structures and IT systems. In the approach at hand we build upon the SeMFIS approach for semantic annotations of enterprise models with concepts from an OWL2 ontology. By providing an ontology for representing risks and mitigation measures, this additional information can be represented through annotations in arbitrary types of enterprise models without having to adapt the originally used modeling language. In addition, the approach provides a visual modeling language for representing rules according to the SWRL specification. This permits to process the semantic information provided by the annotations. The usage of the approach is illustrated through an example from the domain of risk-aware business process management. Upon the representation of risks in business processes using the semantic annotation approach, it is shown how SWRL rules can be used to automatically generate configurable risk reports

    Інструментальні засоби міграції даних із реляційної бази даних до онтології .owl формату

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    Обсяг дипломної роботи складає 61 сторінок, 20 рисунків, 4 додатки та 10 посилань. Мета роботи — cтворити програмний додаток, який дозволяє перенести дані із реляційної бази даних до онтології .owl формату. У ході роботи було розглянуто редактор онтологій Protégé та плагіна Ontop Проаналізовано підходи до конвертації типів даних з онтології в реляційну базу даних та їх недоліки. Розроблено систему перенесення даних з реляційної бази даних до онтології. Результати дослідження доповідалися на одній науковій конференції.Volume of the thesis is 61 pages, 20 figures, 4 annexes and 10 references. The purpose of the work is to create a software application that allows you to transfer data from the relational database to the .owl format ontology. In the course of work, the ontology editor Protégé and Ontop plug-in Ontop were analyzed. Approaches to converting types of data from ontology into a relational database and their disadvantages were analyzed. A system for transferring data from a relational database to an ontology has been developed. The results of the study were reported at one scientific conference.Цель работы - создать программное приложение, которое позволяет перенести данные с реляционной базы данных в онтологии .owl формата. В ходе работы были рассмотрены редактор онтологий Protégé и плагина Ontop Проанализированы подходы к конвертации типов данных из онтологии в реляционную базу данных и их недостатки. Разработана система переноса данных из реляционной базы данных в онтологии. Результаты исследования докладывались на одной научной конференции

    A Metamodel and UML Profile for Rule-extended OWL DL Ontologies

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a MOF compliant metamodel and UML profile for the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) that integrates with our previous work on a metamodel and UML profile for OWL DL. Based on this metamodel and profile, UML tools can be used for visual modeling of rule-extended ontologies.

    A Metamodel and UML Profile for Rule-extended OWL DL Ontologies

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a MOF compliant metamodel and UML profile for the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) that integrates with our previous work on a metamodel and UML profile for OWL DL. Based on this metamodel and profile, UML tools can be used for visual modeling of rule-extended ontologies.

    Development of a semantic knowledge modelling approach for evaluating offsite manufacturing production processes

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    The housing sector in the UK and across the globe is constantly under pressure to deliver enough affordable houses to meet the increasing demand. Offsite Manufacturing (OSM), a modern method of construction, is considered to be a key aspect in meeting these demands given its potential to increase efficiency and boost productivity. Although the use of OSM to increase the supply of affordable and efficient homes is getting popular, the focus has been on ‘what’ methods of construction are used (i.e. whether implementing OSM or traditional approach) rather than ‘how’ the alternative construction approach shall be done (i.e. choice of OSM method to meet set objectives). There have been criticisms of the approaches used by professionals implementing OSM methods as some of these approaches are non-structured and these methods have been criticised for being similar to the conventional onsite methods with little process gains. There are previous studies that have compared the performance of OSM and other modern methods of construction with conventional methods of construction. However, there is hardly any attempt nor quantitative evidence comparing the performance of various competing OSM approaches (i.e. methods with standardised and non-standardised processes) in order to support stakeholders in making an informed decision on choices of methods. In pursuit of the research gap identified, this research aims to develop a proof-of-concept knowledge-based process analysis tool that would enable OSM practitioners to efficiently evaluate the performances of their choice of OSM methods to support informed decision-making and continuous improvement. To achieve this aim, an ontology knowledge modelling approach was adopted for leveraging data and information sources with semantics, and an offsite production workflow (OPW) ontology was developed to enable a detailed analysis of OSM production methods. The research firstly undertook an extensive critical review of the OSM domain to identify the existing OSM knowledge and how this knowledge can be formalised to aid communication in the OSM domain. In addition, a separate review of process analysis methods and knowledge-based modelling methods was done concurrently to identify the suitable approach for analysing and systemising OSM knowledge respectively. The lean manufacturing value system analysis (VSA) approach was used for the analysis in this study using two units of analysis consisting of an example of atypical non-standardised (i.e. static method of production) and standardised (i.e. semi-automated method of production) OSM methods. The knowledge systematisation was done using an ontology knowledge modelling approach to develop the process analysis tool – OPW ontology. The OPW ontology was further evaluated by mapping a case of lightweight steel frame modular house production to model a real-life context. A two-staged validation approach was then implemented to test the ontology which consists of firstly an internal validation of logic and consistency of the results and then an expert validation process using an industry-approved set of criteria. The result from the study revealed that the non-standardised ad-hoc OSM production method, involving a significant amount of manual tasks, contributes little process improvement from the conventional onsite method when using the metrics of process time and cost. In comparison with the structured method e.g. semi-automated OSM production method, it is discovered that the process cost and time are 82% and 77% more in the static method respectively based on a like-to-like production schedule. The study also evaluates the root causes of process wastes, accounting for non-value-added time and cost consumed. The results contribute to supporting informed decision-making on the choices of OSM production methods for continuous improvement. The main contributions to knowledge and practice are as follows: i. The output of this research contributes to the body of literature on offsite concepts, definition and classification, through the generic classification framework developed for the OSM domain. This provides a means of supporting clear communication and knowledge sharing in the domain and supports knowledge systematisation. ii. The approach used in this research, integrating the value system analysis (VSA) and activity-based costing (ABC) methods for process analysis is a novel approach that bridges that gaps with the use of the ABC method for generating detailed process-related data to support cost/time-based analysis of OSM processes. iii. The developed generic process map which represents the OSM production process captures activity sequences, resources and information flow within the process will help in disseminating knowledge on OSM and improve best practices in the industry. iv. The developed process analysis tool (the OPW ontology) has been tested with a real-life OSM project and validated by domain experts to be a competent tool. The knowledge structure and rules integrated into the OPW ontology have been published on the web for knowledge sharing and re-use. This tool can be adapted by OSM practitioners to develop a company-specific tool that captures their specific business processes, which can then support the evaluation of their processes to enable continuous improvement

    Konzeptuelle Modellierung mit UML und OWL – Untersuchung der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede mit Hilfe von Modelltransformationen

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    Heute wird für konzeptuelle Modellierung sowohl die Unified Modeling Language (UML) als auch auch die OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) verwendet. Beide Sprachen entstammen verschiedenen Technologieräumen und setzen unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob und wie sich konzeptuelle Modelle, die in der einen Sprache geschrieben sind, in konzeptuelle Modelle, die in der anderen Sprache geschrieben sind, überführen lassen. Dadurch würden für ein Modell Verfahren und Software-Werkzeuge beider Technologieräume verfügbar. Für die automatische Transformation wurde – anders als bei bisherigen Arbeiten – eine Herangehensweise gewählt, die von konkreter Syntax bzw. XML-Serialisierung abstrahiert und auf Ebene der Metamodelle von UML und OWL arbeitet. So lässt sich unabhängig von einzelnen Beispielmodellen zeigen, welche Modellelemente transformiert werden können und welche nicht. Für eine Vielzahl von Modellierungskonzepten wird eine formale Beschreibung gegeben und untersucht, wie sich das jeweilige Konzept mit UML bzw. OWL repräsentieren lässt. In den Fällen, in denen die Semantiken der Repräsentationen in beiden Sprachen hinreichend ähnlich sind, um – unter Beibehaltung der Semantik – eine Transformation durchführen zu können, werden die Transformationen ausführlich sowohl als Freitext als auch formal in Form deklarativer QVT-R-Transformationsregeln beschrieben. Da sich diese Regeln nur auf Elemente der Metamodelle beziehen, sind die Transformationen unabhängig von einzelnen Modellen (Instanzen dieser Metamodelle). Dadurch, dass die Transformationen in beide Richtungen vollständig und formal in QVT-R aufgeschrieben vorliegen, lassen sich die Überlegungen nachvollziehen und bei Bedarf schnell an einzelnen Beispielen testen. In dieser vollständigen und formalen Beschreibung unterscheidet sich diese Arbeit von anderen Arbeiten, die solche Beschreibungen nicht oder nur in Fragmenten enthalten. Während sich in UML beschriebene Datenmodelle bis auf wenige Einschränkungen (abstrakte Typen, bestimmte Arten der Generalisierung, Erweiterung durch Stereotypen) relativ gut mit Ontologien darstellen lassen, ist die Transformation allgemeiner OWL-Ontologien in UML-Datenmodelle nicht immer möglich. So stellt z.B. die automatische Klassifizierung von Objekten eine Schwierigkeit dar. Aber selbst in diesen Fällen ist oft eine Transformation möglich, wie bei Kardinalitätsbeschränkungen, die innerhalb von Vererbungsbeziehungen auftreten. Ein Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Praxis der Deutschen Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ZBW) zeigt, wie gut sich die Transformationsregeln auf konkrete Modelle anwenden lassen und so ohne große Verluste einen Wechsel von einem Technologieraum zum anderen möglich machen