2,178 research outputs found

    Mesh-of-Trees Interconnection Network for an Explicitly Multi-Threaded Parallel Computer Architecture

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    As the multiple-decade long increase in clock rates starts to slow down, main-stream general-purpose processors evolve towards single-chip parallel processing. On-chip interconnection networks are essential components of such machines, supporting the communication between processors and the memory system. This task is especially challenging for some easy-to-program parallel computers, which are designed with performance-demanding memory systems. This study proposes an interconnection network, with a novel implementation of the Mesh-of-Trees (MoT) topology. The MoT network is evaluated relative to metrics such as wire area complexity, total register count, bandwidth, network diameter, single switch delay, maximum throughput per area, trade-offs between throughput and latency, and post-layout performance. It is also compared with some other traditional network topologies, such as mesh, ring, hypercube, butterfly, fat trees, butterfly fat trees, and replicated butterfly networks. Concrete results show that MoT provides higher throughput and lower latency especially when the input traffic (or the on-chip parallelism) is high, at comparable area cost. The layout of MoT network is evaluated using standard cell design methodology. A prototype chip with 8-terminal MoT network was taped out at 90nm90nm technology and tested. In the context of an easy-to-program single-chip parallel processor, MoT network is embedded in the eXplicit Multi-Threading (XMT) architecture, and evaluated by running parallel applications. In addition to the basic MoT architecture, a novel hybrid extension of MoT is proposed, which allows significant area savings with a small reduction in throughput

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Highly Parallel Processing of Relational Databases (Thesis)

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    A performance model of communication in the quarc NoC

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    Networks on-chip (NoC) emerged as a promising communication medium for future MPSoC development. To serve this purpose, the NoCs have to be able to efficiently exchange all types of traffic including the collective communications at a reasonable cost. The Quarc NoC is introduced as a NOC which is highly efficient in performing collective communication operations such as broadcast and multicast. This paper presents an introduction to the Quarc scheme and an analytical model to compute the average message latency in the architecture. To validate the model we compare the model latency prediction against the results obtained from discrete-event simulations

    Unifying mesh- and tree-based programmable interconnect

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    We examine the traditional, symmetric, Manhattan mesh design for field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) routing along with tree-of-meshes (ToM) and mesh-of-trees (MoT) based designs. All three networks can provide general routing for limited bisection designs (Rent's rule with p<1) and allow locality exploitation. They differ in their detailed topology and use of hierarchy. We show that all three have the same asymptotic wiring requirements. We bound this tightly by providing constructive mappings between routes in one network and routes in another. For example, we show that a (c,p) MoT design can be mapped to a (2c,p) linear population ToM and introduce a corner turn scheme which will make it possible to perform the reverse mapping from any (c,p) linear population ToM to a (2c,p) MoT augmented with a particular set of corner turn switches. One consequence of this latter mapping is a multilayer layout strategy for N-node, linear population ToM designs that requires only /spl Theta/(N) two-dimensional area for any p when given sufficient wiring layers. We further show upper and lower bounds for global mesh routes based on recursive bisection width and show these are within a constant factor of each other and within a constant factor of MoT and ToM layout area. In the process we identify the parameters and characteristics which make the networks different, making it clear there is a unified design continuum in which these networks are simply particular regions

    Quarc: a novel network-on-chip architecture

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    This paper introduces the Quarc NoC, a novel NoC architecture inspired by the Spidergon NoC. The Quarc scheme significantly outperforms the Spidergon NoC through balancing the traffic which is the result of the modifications applied to the topology and the routing elements.The proposed architecture is highly efficient in performing collective communication operations including broadcast and multicast. We present the topology, routing discipline and switch architecture for the Quarc NoC and demonstrate the performance with the results obtained from discrete event simulations

    The k-ary n-direct s-indirect family of topologies for large-scale interconnection networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1640-zIn large-scale supercomputers, the interconnection network plays a key role in system performance. Network topology highly defines the performance and cost of the interconnection network. Direct topologies are sometimes used due to its reduced hardware cost, but the number of network dimensions is limited by the physical 3D space, which leads to an increase of the communication latency and a reduction of network throughput for large machines. Indirect topologies can provide better performance for large machines, but at higher hardware cost. In this paper, we propose a new family of hybrid topologies, the k-ary n-direct s-indirect, that combines the best features from both direct and indirect topologies to efficiently connect an extremely high number of processing nodes. The proposed network is an n-dimensional topology where the k nodes of each dimension are connected through a small indirect topology of s stages. This combination results in a family of topologies that provides high performance, with latency and throughput figures of merit close to indirect topologies, but at a lower hardware cost. In particular, it doubles the throughput obtained per cost unit compared with indirect topologies in most of the cases. Moreover, their fault-tolerance degree is similar to the one achieved by direct topologies built with switches with the same number of ports.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01 and by Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Peñaranda Cebrián, R.; Gómez Requena, C.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). The k-ary n-direct s-indirect family of topologies for large-scale interconnection networks. Journal of Supercomputing. 72(3):1035-1062. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1640-z10351062723Connect-IB. http://www.mellanox.com/related-docs/prod_adapter_cards/PB_Connect-IB.pdf . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Mellanox store. http://www.mellanoxstore.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Mellanox technology. http://www.mellanox.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Myricom. http://www.myri.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Quadrics homepage. http://www.quadrics.com . Accessed 22 Sept 2008TOP500 supercomputer site. http://www.top500.org . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Balkan A, Qu G, Vishkin U (2009) Mesh-of-trees and alternative interconnection networks for single-chip parallelism. IEEE Trans Very Large Scale Integr(VLSI) Syst 17(10):1419–1432. doi: 10.1109/TVLSI.2008.2003999Bermudez Garzon D, Gomez ME, Lopez P, Duato J, Gomez C (2014) FT-RUFT: a performance and fault-tolerant efficient indirect topology. 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    Quarc: a high-efficiency network on-chip architecture

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    The novel Quarc NoC architecture, inspired by the Spidergon scheme is introduced as a NoC architecture that is highly efficient in performing collective communication operations including broadcast and multicast. The efficiency of the Quarc architecture is achieved through balancing the traffic which is the result of the modifications applied to the topology and the routing elements of the Spidergon NoC. This paper provides an ASIC implementation of both architectures using UMCpsilas 0.13 mum CMOS technology and demonstrates an analysis and comparison of the cost and performance between the Quarc and the Spidergon NoCs