1,823 research outputs found

    A biologically inspired spiking model of visual processing for image feature detection

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    To enable fast reliable feature matching or tracking in scenes, features need to be discrete and meaningful, and hence edge or corner features, commonly called interest points are often used for this purpose. Experimental research has illustrated that biological vision systems use neuronal circuits to extract particular features such as edges or corners from visual scenes. Inspired by this biological behaviour, this paper proposes a biologically inspired spiking neural network for the purpose of image feature extraction. Standard digital images are processed and converted to spikes in a manner similar to the processing that transforms light into spikes in the retina. Using a hierarchical spiking network, various types of biologically inspired receptive fields are used to extract progressively complex image features. The performance of the network is assessed by examining the repeatability of extracted features with visual results presented using both synthetic and real images

    Information recovery from rank-order encoded images

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    The time to detection of a visual stimulus by the primate eye is recorded at 100 – 150ms. This near instantaneous recognition is in spite of the considerable processing required by the several stages of the visual pathway to recognise and react to a visual scene. How this is achieved is still a matter of speculation. Rank-order codes have been proposed as a means of encoding by the primate eye in the rapid transmission of the initial burst of information from the sensory neurons to the brain. We study the efficiency of rank-order codes in encoding perceptually-important information in an image. VanRullen and Thorpe built a model of the ganglion cell layers of the retina to simulate and study the viability of rank-order as a means of encoding by retinal neurons. We validate their model and quantify the information retrieved from rank-order encoded images in terms of the visually-important information recovered. Towards this goal, we apply the ‘perceptual information preservation algorithm’, proposed by Petrovic and Xydeas after slight modification. We observe a low information recovery due to losses suffered during the rank-order encoding and decoding processes. We propose to minimise these losses to recover maximum information in minimum time from rank-order encoded images. We first maximise information recovery by using the pseudo-inverse of the filter-bank matrix to minimise losses during rankorder decoding. We then apply the biological principle of lateral inhibition to minimise losses during rank-order encoding. In doing so, we propose the Filteroverlap Correction algorithm. To test the perfomance of rank-order codes in a biologically realistic model, we design and simulate a model of the foveal-pit ganglion cells of the retina keeping close to biological parameters. We use this as a rank-order encoder and analyse its performance relative to VanRullen and Thorpe’s retinal model

    A Nonlinear Model of Spatiotemporal Retinal Processing: Simulations of X and Y Retinal Ganglion Cell Behavior

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    This article describes a nonlinear model of neural processing in the vertebrate retina, comprising model photoreceptors, model push-pull bipolar cells, and model ganglion cells. Previous analyses and simulations have shown that with a choice of parameters that mimics beta cells, the model exhibits X-like linear spatial summation (null response to contrast-reversed gratings) in spite of photoreceptor nonlinearities; on the other hand, a choice of parameters that mimics alpha cells leads to Y-like frequency doubling. This article extends the previous work by showing that the model can replicate qualitatively many of the original findings on X and Y cells with a fixed choice of parameters. The results generally support the hypothesis that X and Y cells can be seen as functional variants of a single neural circuit. The model also suggests that both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing bipolar cells converge onto both ON and OFF ganglion cell types. The push-pull connectivity enables ganglion cells to remain sensitive to deviations about the mean output level of nonlinear photoreceptors. These and other properties of the push-pull model are discussed in the general context of retinal processing of spatiotemporal luminance patterns.Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (BR-3122); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    Computing motion in the primate's visual system

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    Computing motion on the basis of the time-varying image intensity is a difficult problem for both artificial and biological vision systems. We will show how one well-known gradient-based computer algorithm for estimating visual motion can be implemented within the primate's visual system. This relaxation algorithm computes the optical flow field by minimizing a variational functional of a form commonly encountered in early vision, and is performed in two steps. In the first stage, local motion is computed, while in the second stage spatial integration occurs. Neurons in the second stage represent the optical flow field via a population-coding scheme, such that the vector sum of all neurons at each location codes for the direction and magnitude of the velocity at that location. The resulting network maps onto the magnocellular pathway of the primate visual system, in particular onto cells in the primary visual cortex (V1) as well as onto cells in the middle temporal area (MT). Our algorithm mimics a number of psychophysical phenomena and illusions (perception of coherent plaids, motion capture, motion coherence) as well as electrophysiological recordings. Thus, a single unifying principle ‘the final optical flow should be as smooth as possible’ (except at isolated motion discontinuities) explains a large number of phenomena and links single-cell behavior with perception and computational theory

    A Neural Model of Surface Perception: Lightness, Anchoring, and Filling-in

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    This article develops a neural model of how the visual system processes natural images under variable illumination conditions to generate surface lightness percepts. Previous models have clarified how the brain can compute the relative contrast of images from variably illuminate scenes. How the brain determines an absolute lightness scale that "anchors" percepts of surface lightness to us the full dynamic range of neurons remains an unsolved problem. Lightness anchoring properties include articulation, insulation, configuration, and are effects. The model quantatively simulates these and other lightness data such as discounting the illuminant, the double brilliant illusion, lightness constancy and contrast, Mondrian contrast constancy, and the Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet illusion. The model also clarifies the functional significance for lightness perception of anatomical and neurophysiological data, including gain control at retinal photoreceptors, and spatioal contrast adaptation at the negative feedback circuit between the inner segment of photoreceptors and interacting horizontal cells. The model retina can hereby adjust its sensitivity to input intensities ranging from dim moonlight to dazzling sunlight. A later model cortical processing stages, boundary representations gate the filling-in of surface lightness via long-range horizontal connections. Variants of this filling-in mechanism run 100-1000 times faster than diffusion mechanisms of previous biological filling-in models, and shows how filling-in can occur at realistic speeds. A new anchoring mechanism called the Blurred-Highest-Luminance-As-White (BHLAW) rule helps simulate how surface lightness becomes sensitive to the spatial scale of objects in a scene. The model is also able to process natural images under variable lighting conditions.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Multi Resonant Boundary Contour System

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    A Neural Model of First-order and Second-order Motion Perception and Magnocellular Dynamics

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    A neural model of motion perception simulates psychophysical data. concerning first-order and second-order motion stimuli, including the reversal of perceived motion direction with distance from the stimulus (I display), and data about directional judgments as a function of relative spatial phase or spatial and temporal frequency. Many other second-order motion percepts that have been ascribed to a second non-Fourier processing stream can also be explained in the model by interactions between ON and OFF cells within a single, neurobiologically interpreted magnocellular processing stream. Yet other percepts may be traced to interactions between form and motion processing streams, rather than to processing within multiple motion processing strea.ms. The model hereby explains why monkeys with lesions of the parvocellular layers, but not the magnocellular layers, of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) are capable of detecting the correct direction of second-order motion, why most cells in area MT are sensitive to both first-order and second-order motion, and why after APB injection selectively blocks retinal ON bipolar cells, cortical cells are sensitive only to the motion of a moving bright bar's trailing edge. Magnoccllular LGN cells show relatively transient responses while parvoccllular LGN cells show relatively sustained responses. Correspondingly, the model bases its directional estimates on the outputs of model ON and OFF transient cells that are organized in opponent circuits wherein antagonistic rebounds occur in response to stimmulus offset. Center-surround interactions convert these ON and OFF outpr1ts into responses of lightening and darkening cells that are sensitive both to direct inputs and to rebound responses in their receptive field centers and surrounds. The total pattern of activity increments and decrements is used by subsequent processing stages (spatially short-range filters, competitive interactions, spatially long-range filters, and directional grouping cells) to dntermine the perceived direction of motion