8 research outputs found

    A model to optimize the airport terminal departure operations

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    Abstract The rapid increase in passenger traffic on the one hand and the slow expansion of airport capacity on the other have over the years limited the airport's capability to maintain satisfactory service to the customer. The main objectives of airport operators are the cost effectiveness and the customer satisfaction. These two indicators are related to the first two phases of an airport terminal departure operations that involve the check-in controls and the security controls. This paper proposes an optimization model that, given a certain layout and a passengers flow, decides the number of check-in desks and security control checkpoints to minimize a cost function. The cost function considers the costs of check-in and security control checkpoints and an estimate of the passenger dissatisfaction. The model develops an optimization algorithm that integrates a simulation module. The optimization algorithm is based on the surrogate method that minimizes the cost function that does not have a closed-form expression. To this reason, the simulation module reproduces the real scenario of the terminal operations and the passengers behaviour and calculates the value of the cost function. Tests have been conducted considering the real case study of Napoli-Capodichino (IT) airport

    Revealing Influencing Factors of Check-in Time

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    Air passengers are particularly faced with uncertainty during their travel. Information regarding the expected check-in time is not sufficient enough. In many cases, there is no infrastructure to measure the time of check-in process and to inform passengers. The aim of our research was to elaborate a method based on historical data in order to reveal the influencing factors and their effects on time elements (queuing and service time). We have considered various air-carrier operational types, periods of the year and destinations. The cases of each type and their combinations have been fully investigated. The most important influencing factors are: passenger numbers, baggage to passenger ratio, ratio of wheelchair passengers and the number of open check-in counters. The results serve as input data for prediction of check-in time in a personalized passenger information service

    Evaluasi Model Queque: Multi Channel, Single Phase Antrian pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the Queue model: Multi Channel, Single Phase customer queue at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Ahmad Yani Makassar Branch Office. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. This study uses primary data sources, primary data collects data by means of a direct survey of the queues at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Ahmad Yani Makassar Branch which calculates the number of customers who transact for 5 days from January 9 to January 13 2023 starting at 08.00 -15.00 WITA. The sample of this study is a random sample which is a customer who was queuing at that time. The data processing method in this study is to analyze customers using the Multi Channel, Single Phase (M/M/s) queuing line. The results of the research data show that the busyness of bank queues occurs at 08.00-09.00 WITA, with a percentage of 72.75%, with an average number of customers of 26 people. While the longest waiting time for customers to be served occurs at 08.00-09.00 WITA around 7.365 minutes in the service system.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi model Queue : Multi Channel, Single Phase antrian nasabah Pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Ahmad Yani Makassar ”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer, pada data primer mengumpulkan data dengan cara survei langsung pada antrian yang terdapat di Bank Rasdkyat Indonesia Cabang Ahmad Yani Makassar yang dimana menghitung jumlah nasabah yang bertransaksi selama 5 hari pada 9 Januari-13 Januari 2023 yang dimulai pada pukul 08.00-15.00 WITA. Sampel dari penelitian ini merupakan sampel acak yang merupakan nasabah yang mengantri pada saat itu. Metode pengolahan data pada penelitian ini dalam menganalisis nasabah menggunakan jalur antrian Multi Channel, Single Phase(M/M/s).             Hasil penelitian data menunjukkan kesibukan antrian bank terjadi pada pukul 08.00-09.00 WITA yakni dengan persentase 72,75%, dengan rata-rata jumlah nasabah 26 orang. Sementara waktu menunggu nasabah untuk dilayani paling lama terjadi pada pukul 08.00-09.00 WITA sekitar 7,365 menit dalam sistem layanan. Kata Kunci : Multi Channel, Single Phas

    Conveying Message Distortion: A Synchronous and Asynchronous Approach to Effective Aviation Communication Services

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    The study focuses on message distortion in aviation communication services, seen from the problem of using the media both synchronously and asynchronously. In doing so, 65 articles from reputable international journals, international journals, and accredited national journals were analyzed. The constructivism paradigm involves multidisciplinary information systems, communications, and media services. Excellent service in aviation is hampered by message distortion from customer service and customers exchanging information because communication media is dominated by asynchronous communication. The combination of approaches using synchronous and asynchronous media bridges the problem of message distortion in aviation communication services. Message distortions include physical disturbances, semantic disturbances, cultural and language differences, no feedback, status or position level differences, and information overload between communicators and communicants

    The capacitated Lot Sizing model: A powerful tool for logistics decision making

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    Starting from the seminal intuitions that led to the developments of the Economic Order Quantity model and of the formulation of the Dynamic Lot Sizing Problem, inventory models have been widely employed in the academic literature and in corporate practice to solve a wide range of theoretical and real-world problems, as, through simple modifications to the original models, it is possible to accommodate and describe a broad set of situations taking place in complex supply chains and logistics systems. The aim of this paper is to highlight, once more, the powerfulness of these seminal contributions by showing how the mathematical formulation of the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem can be easily adapted to solve some further practical logistics applications (mainly arising in the field of coordination of transportation services) not strictly related to manufacturing and production environment. Mathematical formulations and computational experiences will be provided to support these statements. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Allocation of Ground Handling Resources at Copenhagen Airport

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