487 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the Takács Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Fluid flow models in performance analysis

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    We review several developments in fluid flow models: feedback fluid models, linear stochastic fluid networks and bandwidth sharing networks. We also mention some promising new research directions

    Two-dimensional fluid queues with temporary assistance

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    We consider a two-dimensional stochastic fluid model with NN ON-OFF inputs and temporary assistance, which is an extension of the same model with N=1N = 1 in Mahabhashyam et al. (2008). The rates of change of both buffers are piecewise constant and dependent on the underlying Markovian phase of the model, and the rates of change for Buffer 2 are also dependent on the specific level of Buffer 1. This is because both buffers share a fixed output capacity, the precise proportion of which depends on Buffer 1. The generalization of the number of ON-OFF inputs necessitates modifications in the original rules of output-capacity sharing from Mahabhashyam et al. (2008) and considerably complicates both the theoretical analysis and the numerical computation of various performance measures

    Stochastic Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Fluid-Flow Models in the Design and Analysis of Web-Server Farms

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    A Web-server farm is a specialized facility designed specifically for housing Web servers catering to one or more Internet facing Web sites. In this dissertation, stochastic dynamic programming technique is used to obtain the optimal admission control policy with different classes of customers, and stochastic uid- ow models are used to compute the performance measures in the network. The two types of network traffic considered in this research are streaming (guaranteed bandwidth per connection) and elastic (shares available bandwidth equally among connections). We first obtain the optimal admission control policy using stochastic dynamic programming, in which, based on the number of requests of each type being served, a decision is made whether to allow or deny service to an incoming request. In this subproblem, we consider a xed bandwidth capacity server, which allocates the requested bandwidth to the streaming requests and divides all of the remaining bandwidth equally among all of the elastic requests. The performance metric of interest in this case will be the blocking probability of streaming traffic, which will be computed in order to be able to provide Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Next, we obtain bounds on the expected waiting time in the system for elastic requests that enter the system. This will be done at the server level in such a way that the total available bandwidth for the requests is constant. Trace data will be converted to an ON-OFF source and fluid- flow models will be used for this analysis. The results are compared with both the mean waiting time obtained by simulating real data, and the expected waiting time obtained using traditional queueing models. Finally, we consider the network of servers and routers within the Web farm where data from servers flows and merges before getting transmitted to the requesting users via the Internet. We compute the waiting time of the elastic requests at intermediate and edge nodes by obtaining the distribution of the out ow of the upstream node. This out ow distribution is obtained by using a methodology based on minimizing the deviations from the constituent in flows. This analysis also helps us to compute waiting times at different bandwidth capacities, and hence obtain a suitable bandwidth to promise or satisfy the QoS guarantees. This research helps in obtaining performance measures for different traffic classes at a Web-server farm so as to be able to promise or provide QoS guarantees; while at the same time helping in utilizing the resources of the server farms efficiently, thereby reducing the operational costs and increasing energy savings

    Sharp Bounds in Stochastic Network Calculus

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    The practicality of the stochastic network calculus (SNC) is often questioned on grounds of potential looseness of its performance bounds. In this paper it is uncovered that for bursty arrival processes (specifically Markov-Modulated On-Off (MMOO)), whose amenability to \textit{per-flow} analysis is typically proclaimed as a highlight of SNC, the bounds can unfortunately indeed be very loose (e.g., by several orders of magnitude off). In response to this uncovered weakness of SNC, the (Standard) per-flow bounds are herein improved by deriving a general sample-path bound, using martingale based techniques, which accommodates FIFO, SP, EDF, and GPS scheduling. The obtained (Martingale) bounds gain an exponential decay factor of O(eαn){\mathcal{O}}(e^{-\alpha n}) in the number of flows nn. Moreover, numerical comparisons against simulations show that the Martingale bounds are remarkably accurate for FIFO, SP, and EDF scheduling; for GPS scheduling, although the Martingale bounds substantially improve the Standard bounds, they are numerically loose, demanding for improvements in the core SNC analysis of GPS

    Some aspects of traffic control and performance evaluation of ATM networks

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    The emerging high-speed Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks are expected to integrate through statistical multiplexing large numbers of traffic sources having a broad range of statistical characteristics and different Quality of Service (QOS) requirements. To achieve high utilisation of network resources while maintaining the QOS, efficient traffic management strategies have to be developed. This thesis considers the problem of traffic control for ATM networks. The thesis studies the application of neural networks to various ATM traffic control issues such as feedback congestion control, traffic characterization, bandwidth estimation, and Call Admission Control (CAC). A novel adaptive congestion control approach based on a neural network that uses reinforcement learning is developed. It is shown that the neural controller is very effective in providing general QOS control. A Finite Impulse Response (FIR) neural network is proposed to adaptively predict the traffic arrival process by learning the relationship between the past and future traffic variations. On the basis of this prediction, a feedback flow control scheme at input access nodes of the network is presented. Simulation results demonstrate significant performance improvement over conventional control mechanisms. In addition, an accurate yet computationally efficient approach to effective bandwidth estimation for multiplexed connections is investigated. In this method, a feed forward neural network is employed to model the nonlinear relationship between the effective bandwidth and the traffic situations and a QOS measure. Applications of this approach to admission control, bandwidth allocation and dynamic routing are also discussed. A detailed investigation has indicated that CAC schemes based on effective bandwidth approximation can be very conservative and prevent optimal use of network resources. A modified effective bandwidth CAC approach is therefore proposed to overcome the drawback of conventional methods. Considering statistical multiplexing between traffic sources, we directly calculate the effective bandwidth of the aggregate traffic which is modelled by a two-state Markov modulated Poisson process via matching four important statistics. We use the theory of large deviations to provide a unified description of effective bandwidths for various traffic sources and the associated ATM multiplexer queueing performance approximations, illustrating their strengths and limitations. In addition, a more accurate estimation method for ATM QOS parameters based on the Bahadur-Rao theorem is proposed, which is a refinement of the original effective bandwidth approximation and can lead to higher link utilisation

    Wireless Throughput and Energy Efficiency under QoS Constraints

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    Mobile data traffic has experienced unprecedented growth recently and is predicted to grow even further over the coming years. As one of the main driving forces behind this growth, wireless transmission of multimedia content has significantly increased in volume and is expected to be the dominant traffic in data communications. Such wireless multimedia traffic requires certain quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. With these motivations, in the first part of the thesis, throughput and energy efficiency in fading channels are studied in the presence of randomly arriving data and statistical queueing constraints. In particular, Markovian arrival models including discrete-time Markov, Markov fluid, and Markov-modulated Poisson sources are considered, and maximum average arrival rates in the presence of statistical queueing constraints are characterized. Furthermore, energy efficiency is analyzed by determining the minimum energy per bit and wideband slope in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Following this analysis, energy-efficient power adaptation policies in fading channels are studied when data arrivals are modeled as Markovian processes and statistical QoS constraints are imposed. After formulating energy efficiency (EE) as maximum throughput normalized by the total power consumption, optimal power control policies that maximize EE are obtained for different source models. Next, throughput and energy efficiency of secure wireless transmission of delay sensitive data generated by random sources are investigated. A fading broadcast model in which the transmitter sends confidential and common messages to two receivers is considered. It is assumed that the common and confidential data, generated from Markovian sources, is stored in buffers prior to transmission, and the transmitter operates under constraints on buffer/delay violation probability. Under such statistical QoS constraints, the throughput is determined. In particular, secrecy capacity is used to describe the service rate of buffers containing confidential messages. Moreover, energy efficiency is studied in the low signal-to-noise (SNR) regime. In the final part of the thesis, throughput and energy efficiency are addressed considering the multiuser channel models. Five different channel models, namely, multiple access, broadcast, interference, relay and cognitive radio channels, are considered. In particular, throughput regions of multiple-access fading channels are characterized when multiple users, experiencing random data arrivals, transmit to a common receiver under statistical QoS constraints. Throughput regions of fading broadcast channels with random data arrivals in the presence of QoS requirements are studied when power control is employed at the transmitter. It is assumed that superposition coding with power control is performed at the transmitter with interference cancellation at the receivers. Optimal power control policies that maximize the weighted combination of the average arrival rates are investigated in the two-user case. Energy efficiency in two-user fading interference channels is studied when the transmitters are operating subject to QoS constraints. Specifically, energy efficiency is characterized by determining the corresponding minimum energy per bit requirements and wideband slope regions. Furthermore, transmission over a half-duplex relay channel with secrecy and QoS constraints is studied. Secrecy throughput is derived for the half duplex two-hop fading relay system operating in the presence of an eavesdropper. Fundamental limits on the energy efficiency of cognitive radio transmissions are analyzed in the presence of statistical quality of service (QoS) constraints. Minimum energy per bit and wideband slope expressions are obtained in order to identify the performance limits in terms of energy efficiency

    Simple models of network access, with applications to the design of joint rate and admission control

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    At the access to networks, in contrast to the core, distances and feedback delays, as well as link capacities are small, which has network engineering implications that are investigated in this paper. We consider a single point in the access network which multiplexes several bursty users. The users adapt their sending rates based on feedback from the access multiplexer. Important parameters are the user's peak transmission rate p, which is the access line speed, the user's guaranteed minimum rate r, and the bound ε on the fraction of lost data. Two feedback schemes are proposed. In both schemes the users are allowed to send at rate p if the system is relatively lightly loaded, at rate r during periods of congestion, and at a rate between r and p, in an intermediate region. For both feedback schemes we present an exact analysis, under the assumption that the users' job sizes and think times have exponential distributions. We use our techniques to design the schemes jointly with admission control, i.e., the selection of the number of admissible users, to maximize throughput for given p, r, and ε. Next we consider the case in which the number of users is large. Under a specific scaling, we derive explicit large deviations asymptotics for both models. We discuss the extension to general distributions of user data and think times