123 research outputs found

    Overview of the BioCreative III Workshop

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The overall goal of the BioCreative Workshops is to promote the development of text mining and text processing tools which are useful to the communities of researchers and database curators in the biological sciences. To this end BioCreative I was held in 2004, BioCreative II in 2007, and BioCreative II.5 in 2009. Each of these workshops involved humanly annotated test data for several basic tasks in text mining applied to the biomedical literature. Participants in the workshops were invited to compete in the tasks by constructing software systems to perform the tasks automatically and were given scores based on their performance. The results of these workshops have benefited the community in several ways. They have 1) provided evidence for the most effective methods currently available to solve specific problems; 2) revealed the current state of the art for performance on those problems; 3) and provided gold standard data and results on that data by which future advances can be gauged. This special issue contains overview papers for the three tasks of BioCreative III.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The BioCreative III Workshop was held in September of 2010 and continued the tradition of a challenge evaluation on several tasks judged basic to effective text mining in biology, including a gene normalization (GN) task and two protein-protein interaction (PPI) tasks. In total the Workshop involved the work of twenty-three teams. Thirteen teams participated in the GN task which required the assignment of EntrezGene IDs to all named genes in full text papers without any species information being provided to a system. Ten teams participated in the PPI article classification task (ACT) requiring a system to classify and rank a PubMed<sup>®</sup> record as belonging to an article either having or not having “PPI relevant” information. Eight teams participated in the PPI interaction method task (IMT) where systems were given full text documents and were required to extract the experimental methods used to establish PPIs and a text segment supporting each such method. Gold standard data was compiled for each of these tasks and participants competed in developing systems to perform the tasks automatically.</p> <p>BioCreative III also introduced a new interactive task (IAT), run as a demonstration task. The goal was to develop an interactive system to facilitate a user’s annotation of the unique database identifiers for all the genes appearing in an article. This task included ranking genes by importance (based preferably on the amount of described experimental information regarding genes). There was also an optional task to assist the user in finding the most relevant articles about a given gene. For BioCreative III, a user advisory group (UAG) was assembled and played an important role 1) in producing some of the gold standard annotations for the GN task, 2) in critiquing IAT systems, and 3) in providing guidance for a future more rigorous evaluation of IAT systems. Six teams participated in the IAT demonstration task and received feedback on their systems from the UAG group. Besides innovations in the GN and PPI tasks making them more realistic and practical and the introduction of the IAT task, discussions were begun on community data standards to promote interoperability and on user requirements and evaluation metrics to address utility and usability of systems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this paper we give a brief history of the BioCreative Workshops and how they relate to other text mining competitions in biology. This is followed by a synopsis of the three tasks GN, PPI, and IAT in BioCreative III with figures for best participant performance on the GN and PPI tasks. These results are discussed and compared with results from previous BioCreative Workshops and we conclude that the best performing systems for GN, PPI-ACT and PPI-IMT in realistic settings are not sufficient for fully automatic use. This provides evidence for the importance of interactive systems and we present our vision of how best to construct an interactive system for a GN or PPI like task in the remainder of the paper.</p

    Automatic categorization of diverse experimental information in the bioscience literature

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    Background: Curation of information from bioscience literature into biological knowledge databases is a crucial way of capturing experimental information in a computable form. During the biocuration process, a critical first step is to identify from all published literature the papers that contain results for a specific data type the curator is interested in annotating. This step normally requires curators to manually examine many papers to ascertain which few contain information of interest and thus, is usually time consuming. We developed an automatic method for identifying papers containing these curation data types among a large pool of published scientific papers based on the machine learning method Support Vector Machine (SVM). This classification system is completely automatic and can be readily applied to diverse experimental data types. It has been in use in production for automatic categorization of 10 different experimental datatypes in the biocuration process at WormBase for the past two years and it is in the process of being adopted in the biocuration process at FlyBase and the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD). We anticipate that this method can be readily adopted by various databases in the biocuration community and thereby greatly reducing time spent on an otherwise laborious and demanding task. We also developed a simple, readily automated procedure to utilize training papers of similar data types from different bodies of literature such as C. elegans and D. melanogaster to identify papers with any of these data types for a single database. This approach has great significance because for some data types, especially those of low occurrence, a single corpus often does not have enough training papers to achieve satisfactory performance. Results: We successfully tested the method on ten data types from WormBase, fifteen data types from FlyBase and three data types from Mouse Genomics Informatics (MGI). It is being used in the curation work flow at WormBase for automatic association of newly published papers with ten data types including RNAi, antibody, phenotype, gene regulation, mutant allele sequence, gene expression, gene product interaction, overexpression phenotype, gene interaction, and gene structure correction. Conclusions: Our methods are applicable to a variety of data types with training set containing several hundreds to a few thousand documents. It is completely automatic and, thus can be readily incorporated to different workflow at different literature-based databases. We believe that the work presented here can contribute greatly to the tremendous task of automating the important yet labor-intensive biocuration effort

    Exploiting and integrating rich features for biological literature classification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Efficient features play an important role in automated text classification, which definitely facilitates the access of large-scale data. In the bioscience field, biological structures and terminologies are described by a large number of features; domain dependent features would significantly improve the classification performance. How to effectively select and integrate different types of features to improve the biological literature classification performance is the major issue studied in this paper.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To efficiently classify the biological literatures, we propose a novel feature value schema <it>TF</it>*<it>ML</it>, features covering from lower level domain independent “string feature” to higher level domain dependent “semantic template feature”, and proper integrations among the features. Compared to our previous approaches, the performance is improved in terms of <it>AUC</it> and <it>F-Score</it> by 11.5% and 8.8% respectively, and outperforms the best performance achieved in BioCreAtIvE 2006.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Different types of features possess different discriminative capabilities in literature classification; proper integration of domain independent and dependent features would significantly improve the performance and overcome the over-fitting on data distribution.</p

    BioDR : semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval

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    In Biomedical research, retrieving documents that match an interesting query is a task performed quite frequently. Typically, the set of obtained results is extensive containing many non-interesting documents and consists in a flat list, i.e., not organized or indexed in any way. This work proposes BioDR, a novel approach that allows the semantic indexing of the results of a query, by identifying relevant terms in the documents. These terms emerge from a process of Named Entity Recognition that annotates occurrences of biological terms (e.g. genes or proteins) in abstracts or full-texts. The system is based on a learning process that builds an Enhanced Instance Retrieval Network (EIRN) from a set of manually classified documents, regarding their relevance to a given problem. The resulting EIRN implements the semantic indexing of documents and terms, allowing for enhanced navigation and visualization tools, as well as the assessment of relevance for new documents.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Maria Barbeito” contract XuntaHUELLA financed by the Consellería de Sanidade (Xunta de Galicia de Galicia

    The TREC 2004 genomics track categorization task: classifying full text biomedical documents

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    BACKGROUND: The TREC 2004 Genomics Track focused on applying information retrieval and text mining techniques to improve the use of genomic information in biomedicine. The Genomics Track consisted of two main tasks, ad hoc retrieval and document categorization. In this paper, we describe the categorization task, which focused on the classification of full-text documents, simulating the task of curators of the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) system and consisting of three subtasks. One subtask of the categorization task required the triage of articles likely to have experimental evidence warranting the assignment of GO terms, while the other two subtasks were concerned with the assignment of the three top-level GO categories to each paper containing evidence for these categories. RESULTS: The track had 33 participating groups. The mean and maximum utility measure for the triage subtask was 0.3303, with a top score of 0.6512. No system was able to substantially improve results over simply using the MeSH term Mice. Analysis of significant feature overlap between the training and test sets was found to be less than expected. Sample coverage of GO terms assigned to papers in the collection was very sparse. Determining papers containing GO term evidence will likely need to be treated as separate tasks for each concept represented in GO, and therefore require much denser sampling than was available in the data sets. The annotation subtask had a mean F-measure of 0.3824, with a top score of 0.5611. The mean F-measure for the annotation plus evidence codes subtask was 0.3676, with a top score of 0.4224. Gene name recognition was found to be of benefit for this task. CONCLUSION: Automated classification of documents for GO annotation is a challenging task, as was the automated extraction of GO code hierarchies and evidence codes. However, automating these tasks would provide substantial benefit to biomedical curation, and therefore work in this area must continue. Additional experience will allow comparison and further analysis about which algorithmic features are most useful in biomedical document classification, and better understanding of the task characteristics that make automated classification feasible and useful for biomedical document curation. The TREC Genomics Track will be continuing in 2005 focusing on a wider range of triage tasks and improving results from 2004

    Multi-dimensional classification of biomedical text: Toward automated, practical provision of high-utility text to diverse users

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    Motivation: Much current research in biomedical text mining is concerned with serving biologists by extracting certain information from scientific text. We note that there is no ‘average biologist’ client; different users have distinct needs. For instance, as noted in past evaluation efforts (BioCreative, TREC, KDD) database curators are often interested in sentences showing experimental evidence and methods. Conversely, lab scientists searching for known information about a protein may seek facts, typically stated with high confidence. Text-mining systems can target specific end-users and become more effective, if the system can first identify text regions rich in the type of scientific content that is of interest to the user, retrieve documents that have many such regions, and focus on fact extraction from these regions. Here, we study the ability to characterize and classify such text automatically. We have recently introduced a multi-dimensional categorization and annotation scheme, developed to be applicable to a wide variety of biomedical documents and scientific statements, while intended to support specific biomedical retrieval and extraction tasks

    A comparison of machine learning techniques for detection of drug target articles

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    Important progress in treating diseases has been possible thanks to the identification of drug targets. Drug targets are the molecular structures whose abnormal activity, associated to a disease, can be modified by drugs, improving the health of patients. Pharmaceutical industry needs to give priority to their identification and validation in order to reduce the long and costly drug development times. In the last two decades, our knowledge about drugs, their mechanisms of action and drug targets has rapidly increased. Nevertheless, most of this knowledge is hidden in millions of medical articles and textbooks. Extracting knowledge from this large amount of unstructured information is a laborious job, even for human experts. Drug target articles identification, a crucial first step toward the automatic extraction of information from texts, constitutes the aim of this paper. A comparison of several machine learning techniques has been performed in order to obtain a satisfactory classifier for detecting drug target articles using semantic information from biomedical resources such as the Unified Medical Language System. The best result has been achieved by a Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning classifier, which reaches 98% of ROC area measure.This research paper is supported by Projects TIN2007-67407- C03-01, S-0505/TIC-0267 and MICINN project TEXT-ENTERPRISE 2.0 TIN2009-13391-C04-03 (Plan I + D + i), as well as for the Juan de la Cierva program of the MICINN of SpainPublicad

    Overview of BioCreAtIvE: critical assessment of information extraction for biology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The goal of the first BioCreAtIvE challenge (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology) was to provide a set of common evaluation tasks to assess the state of the art for text mining applied to biological problems. The results were presented in a workshop held in Granada, Spain March 28–31, 2004. The articles collected in this <it>BMC Bioinformatics </it>supplement entitled "A critical assessment of text mining methods in molecular biology" describe the BioCreAtIvE tasks, systems, results and their independent evaluation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BioCreAtIvE focused on two tasks. The first dealt with extraction of gene or protein names from text, and their mapping into standardized gene identifiers for three model organism databases (fly, mouse, yeast). The second task addressed issues of functional annotation, requiring systems to identify specific text passages that supported Gene Ontology annotations for specific proteins, given full text articles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The first BioCreAtIvE assessment achieved a high level of international participation (27 groups from 10 countries). The assessment provided state-of-the-art performance results for a basic task (gene name finding and normalization), where the best systems achieved a balanced 80% precision / recall or better, which potentially makes them suitable for real applications in biology. The results for the advanced task (functional annotation from free text) were significantly lower, demonstrating the current limitations of text-mining approaches where knowledge extrapolation and interpretation are required. In addition, an important contribution of BioCreAtIvE has been the creation and release of training and test data sets for both tasks. There are 22 articles in this special issue, including six that provide analyses of results or data quality for the data sets, including a novel inter-annotator consistency assessment for the test set used in task 2.</p

    Integrating image caption information into biomedical document classification in support of biocuration.

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    Gathering information from the scientific literature is essential for biomedical research, as much knowledge is conveyed through publications. However, the large and rapidly increasing publication rate makes it impractical for researchers to quickly identify all and only those documents related to their interest. As such, automated biomedical document classification attracts much interest. Such classification is critical in the curation of biological databases, because biocurators must scan through a vast number of articles to identify pertinent information within documents most relevant to the database. This is a slow, labor-intensive process that can benefit from effective automation. We present a document classification scheme aiming to identify papers containing information relevant to a specific topic, among a large collection of articles, for supporting the biocuration classification task. Our framework is based on a meta-classification scheme we have introduced before; here we incorporate into it features gathered from figure captions, in addition to those obtained from titles and abstracts. We trained and tested our classifier over a large imbalanced dataset, originally curated by the Gene Expression Database (GXD). GXD collects all the gene expression information in the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) resource. As part of the MGI literature classification pipeline, GXD curators identify MGI-selected papers that are relevant for GXD. The dataset consists of ~60 000 documents (5469 labeled as relevant; 52 866 as irrelevant), gathered throughout 2012-2016, in which each document is represented by the text of its title, abstract and figure captions. Our classifier attains precision 0.698, recall 0.784, f-measure 0.738 and Matthews correlation coefficient 0.711, demonstrating that the proposed framework effectively addresses the high imbalance in the GXD classification task. Moreover, our classifier\u27s performance is significantly improved by utilizing information from image captions compared to using titles and abstracts alone; this observation clearly demonstrates that image captions provide substantial information for supporting biomedical document classification and curation. Database URL