116 research outputs found

    Convergence of generalized MUSCL schemes

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    Semi-discrete generalizations of the second order extension of Godunov's scheme, known as the MUSCL scheme, are constructed, starting with any three point E scheme. They are used to approximate scalar conservation laws in one space dimension. For convex conservation laws, each member of a wide class is proven to be a convergent approximation to the correct physical solution. Comparison with another class of high resolution convergent schemes is made

    Entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the euler equations

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    In this paper, we derive entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the Euler equations which present the following features: they are based on the internal energy equation (eventually with a positive corrective term at the righ-hand-side so as to ensure consistency) and the possible upwinding is performed with respect to the material velocity only. The implicit-in-time first-order upwind scheme satisfies a local entropy inequality. A generalization of the convection term is then introduced, which allows to limit the scheme diffusion while ensuring a weaker property: the entropy inequality is satisfied up to a remainder term which is shown to tend to zero with the space and time steps, if the discrete solution is controlled in L ∞\infty and BV norms. The explicit upwind variant also satisfies such a weaker property, at the price of an estimate for the velocity which could be derived from the introduction of a new stabilization term in the momentum balance. Still for the explicit scheme, with the above-mentioned generalization of the convection operator, the same result only holds if the ratio of the time to the space step tends to zero

    A Non-dissipative Reconstruction Scheme for the Compressible Euler Equations

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    We present a finite volume scheme, first on the Burgers equations, then on the Euler equations, based on a conservative reconstruction of shocks inside each cells of the mesh. Its main features are the following points. First, the scheme is exact whenever the initial datum is a pure shock, in the sense that the approximate solution is the exact solution averaged over the cells of the mesh. Second, the scheme has in general a very low numerical diffusion and the shocks have a width of one or two cells. Third, no spurious oscillations in the momentum appear behind slowly moving shocks, which is not the case in most of the scheme developed so far. We also present prospective result on the full Euler equations with energy. The wall heating phenomenon, which is an artificial elevation of the temperature when a shock reflects on a wall, is also drastically diminished

    On the convergence of difference approximations to scalar conservation laws

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    A unified treatment of explicit in time, two level, second order resolution, total variation diminishing, approximations to scalar conservation laws are presented. The schemes are assumed only to have conservation form and incremental form. A modified flux and a viscosity coefficient are introduced and results in terms of the latter are obtained. The existence of a cell entropy inequality is discussed and such an equality for all entropies is shown to imply that the scheme is an E scheme on monotone (actually more general) data, hence at most only first order accurate in general. Convergence for total variation diminishing-second order resolution schemes approximating convex or concave conservation laws is shown by enforcing a single discrete entropy inequality

    Consistent Internal Energy Based Schemes for the Compressible Euler Equations

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    La deuxieme partie de ce document reprend un travail déjà exposé dans le dépot hal-01553699Numerical schemes for the solution of the Euler equations have recently been developed, which involve the discretisation of the internal energy equation, with corrective terms to ensure the correct capture of shocks, and, more generally, the consistency in the Lax-Wendroff sense. These schemes may be staggered or colocated, using either struc-tured meshes or general simplicial or tetrahedral/hexahedral meshes. The time discretization is performed by fractional-step algorithms; these may be either based on semi-implicit pressure correction techniques or segregated in such a way that only explicit steps are involved (referred to hereafter as "explicit" variants). In order to ensure the positivity of the density, the internal energy and the pressure, the discrete convection operators for the mass and internal energy balance equations are carefully designed; they use an upwind technique with respect to the material velocity only. The construction of the fluxes thus does not need any Rie-mann or approximate Riemann solver, and yields easily implementable algorithms. The stability is obtained without restriction on the time step for the pressure correction scheme and under a CFL-like condition for explicit variants: preservation of the integral of the total energy over the computational domain, and positivity of the density and the internal energy. The semi-implicit first-order upwind scheme satisfies a local discrete entropy inequality. If a MUSCL-like scheme is used in order to limit the scheme diffusion, then a weaker property holds: the entropy inequality is satisfied up to a remainder term which is shown to tend to zero with the space and time steps, if the discrete solution is controlled in L ∞ and BV norms. The explicit upwind variant also satisfies such a weaker property, at the price of an estimate for the velocity which could be derived from the introduction of a new stabilization term in the momentum balance. Still for the explicit scheme, with the above-mentioned MUSCL-like scheme, the same result only holds if the ratio of the time to the space step tends to zero
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