302 research outputs found

    An investigation into spike-based neuromorphic approaches for artificial olfactory systems

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    The implementation of neuromorphic methods has delivered promising results for vision and auditory sensors. These methods focus on mimicking the neuro-biological architecture to generate and process spike-based information with minimal power consumption. With increasing interest in developing low-power and robust chemical sensors, the application of neuromorphic engineering concepts for electronic noses has provided an impetus for research focusing on improving these instruments. While conventional e-noses apply computationally expensive and power-consuming data-processing strategies, neuromorphic olfactory sensors implement the biological olfaction principles found in humans and insects to simplify the handling of multivariate sensory data by generating and processing spike-based information. Over the last decade, research on neuromorphic olfaction has established the capability of these sensors to tackle problems that plague the current e-nose implementations such as drift, response time, portability, power consumption and size. This article brings together the key contributions in neuromorphic olfaction and identifies future research directions to develop near-real-time olfactory sensors that can be implemented for a range of applications such as biosecurity and environmental monitoring. Furthermore, we aim to expose the computational parallels between neuromorphic olfaction and gustation for future research focusing on the correlation of these senses

    Interfacing of neuromorphic vision, auditory and olfactory sensors with digital neuromorphic circuits

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    The conventional Von Neumann architecture imposes strict constraints on the development of intelligent adaptive systems. The requirements of substantial computing power to process and analyse complex data make such an approach impractical to be used in implementing smart systems. Neuromorphic engineering has produced promising results in applications such as electronic sensing, networking architectures and complex data processing. This interdisciplinary field takes inspiration from neurobiological architecture and emulates these characteristics using analogue Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). The unconventional approach of exploiting the non-linear current characteristics of transistors has aided in the development of low-power adaptive systems that can be implemented in intelligent systems. The neuromorphic approach is widely applied in electronic sensing, particularly in vision, auditory, tactile and olfactory sensors. While conventional sensors generate a huge amount of redundant output data, neuromorphic sensors implement the biological concept of spike-based output to generate sparse output data that corresponds to a certain sensing event. The operation principle applied in these sensors supports reduced power consumption with operating efficiency comparable to conventional sensors. Although neuromorphic sensors such as Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS), Dynamic and Active pixel Vision Sensor (DAVIS) and AEREAR2 are steadily expanding their scope of application in real-world systems, the lack of spike-based data processing algorithms and complex interfacing methods restricts its applications in low-cost standalone autonomous systems. This research addresses the issue of interfacing between neuromorphic sensors and digital neuromorphic circuits. Current interfacing methods of these sensors are dependent on computers for output data processing. This approach restricts the portability of these sensors, limits their application in a standalone system and increases the overall cost of such systems. The proposed methodology simplifies the interfacing of these sensors with digital neuromorphic processors by utilizing AER communication protocols and neuromorphic hardware developed under the Convolution AER Vision Architecture for Real-time (CAVIAR) project. The proposed interface is simulated using a JAVA model that emulates a typical spikebased output of a neuromorphic sensor, in this case an olfactory sensor, and functions that process this data based on supervised learning. The successful implementation of this simulation suggests that the methodology is a practical solution and can be implemented in hardware. The JAVA simulation is compared to a similar model developed in Nengo, a standard large-scale neural simulation tool. The successful completion of this research contributes towards expanding the scope of application of neuromorphic sensors in standalone intelligent systems. The easy interfacing method proposed in this thesis promotes the portability of these sensors by eliminating the dependency on computers for output data processing. The inclusion of neuromorphic Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board allows reconfiguration and deployment of learning algorithms to implement adaptable systems. These low-power systems can be widely applied in biosecurity and environmental monitoring. With this thesis, we suggest directions for future research in neuromorphic standalone systems based on neuromorphic olfaction

    A review of current neuromorphic approaches for vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors

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    Conventional vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors generate large volumes of redundant data and as a result tend to consume excessive power. To address these shortcomings, neuromorphic sensors have been developed. These sensors mimic the neuro-biological architecture of sensory organs using aVLSI (analog Very Large Scale Integration) and generate asynchronous spiking output that represents sensing information in ways that are similar to neural signals. This allows for much lower power consumption due to an ability to extract useful sensory information from sparse captured data. The foundation for research in neuromorphic sensors was laid more than two decades ago, but recent developments in understanding of biological sensing and advanced electronics, have stimulated research on sophisticated neuromorphic sensors that provide numerous advantages over conventional sensors. In this paper, we review the current state-of-the-art in neuromorphic implementation of vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors and identify key contributions across these fields. Bringing together these key contributions we suggest a future research direction for further development of the neuromorphic sensing field

    Artificial Olfaction in the 21st Century

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    The human olfactory system remains one of the most challenging biological systems to replicate. Humans use it without thinking, where it can measure offer protection from harm and bring enjoyment in equal measure. It is the system's real-time ability to detect and analyze complex odors that makes it difficult to replicate. The field of artificial olfaction has recruited and stimulated interdisciplinary research and commercial development for several applications that include malodor measurement, medical diagnostics, food and beverage quality, environment and security. Over the last century, innovative engineers and scientists have been focused on solving a range of problems associated with measurement and control of odor. The IEEE Sensors Journal has published Special Issues on olfaction in 2002 and 2012. Here we continue that coverage. In this article, we summarize early work in the 20th Century that served as the foundation upon which we have been building our odor-monitoring instrumental and measurement systems. We then examine the current state of the art that has been achieved over the last two decades as we have transitioned into the 21st Century. Much has been accomplished, but great progress is needed in sensor technology, system design, product manufacture and performance standards. In the final section, we predict levels of performance and ubiquitous applications that will be realized during in the mid to late 21st Century

    Mimicking the human olfactory system: a portable e-­mucosa

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    The study of electronic noses has been an active area of research for over 25 years. Commercial instruments have been successfully deployed within niche application areas, for example, the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. However, these instruments are still inferior to their human counterparts and have not achieved mainstream success. Humans can distinguish and identify many thousands of different aromas, even at very low concentration levels, with relative ease. The human olfactory system is extremely sophisticated, which allows it to out-­perform artificial instruments. Though limited, artificial instruments can provide a lower cost option to specific problems and can be an alternative to the use of organoleptic panels. Most existing commercial electronic nose (e-­nose) instruments are expensive, bulky, desktop units, requiring a PC to operate. In addition, these instruments usually require a trained operator to gather and analyse the data. Motivated to improve the performance, size and cost of e-­nose instruments, this research aims to extract biological principles from the mammalian olfactory system to aid the implementation of a portable e-­nose instrument. This study has focused on several features of the biological system that may provide the key to its superior performance. Specifically, the large number of different olfactory receptors and the diversity of these receptors; the nasal chromatograph effect; stereo olfaction; sniff rate and odour conditioning. Based on these features, a novel, portable, cost effective instrument, called the Portable e-­Mucosa (PeM), has been designed, implemented and tested. The main components of the PeM are three sensor arrays each containing 200 carbon black composite chemoresistive sensors (totalling 600 sensors with 24 different tunings) mimicking the large number of olfactory receptors and two gas chromatographic columns (coated with non-­polar and polar compounds to maximise the discrimination) emulating the “nasal chromatograph” effect of the human mucus. A preconcentrator based on thermal desorption is also included as an odour collection system to further improve the instrument. The PeM provides USB and Multimedia Memory Card support for easy communication with a PC. The instrument weighs 700g and, with dimensions of 110 x 210 x 110 mm, is slightly larger than the commercial Cyranose 320 (produced by Smiths Detection). This novel instrument generates ‘spatio-­temporal’ data and when coupled with an appropriate pattern recognition algorithm, has shown an enhanced ability to discriminate between odours. The instrument successfully discriminates between simple odours (ethanol, ethyl acetate and acetone) and more complex odours (lavender, ylang ylang, cinnamon and lemon grass essential oils). This system can perhaps be seen as a foundation for a new generation of e-noses

    A hardware-deployable neuromorphic solution for encoding and classification of electronic nose data

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    In several application domains, electronic nose systems employing conventional data processing approaches incur substantial power and computational costs and limitations, such as significant latency and poor accuracy for classification. Recent developments in spike-based bio-inspired approaches have delivered solutions for the highly accurate classification of multivariate sensor data with minimized computational and power requirements. Although these methods have addressed issues related to efficient data processing and classification accuracy, other areas, such as reducing the processing latency to support real-time application and deploying spike-based solutions on supported hardware, have yet to be studied in detail. Through this investigation, we proposed a spiking neural network (SNN)-based classifier, implemented in a chip-emulation-based development environment, that can be seamlessly deployed on a neuromorphic system-on-a-chip (NSoC). Under three different scenarios of increasing complexity, the SNN was determined to be able to classify real-valued sensor data with greater than 90% accuracy and with a maximum latency of 3 s on the software-based platform. Highlights of this work included the design and implementation of a novel encoder for artificial olfactory systems, implementation of unsupervised spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) for learning, and a foundational study on early classification capability using the SNN-based classifier

    Classification of Two Volatiles Using an eNose Composed by an Array of 16 Single-Type Miniature Micro-Machined Metal-Oxide Gas Sensors

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    The artificial replication of an olfactory system is currently an open problem. The development of a portable and low-cost artificial olfactory system, also called electronic nose or eNose, is usually based on the use of an array of different gas sensors types, sensitive to different target gases. Low-cost Metal-Oxide semiconductor (MOX) gas sensors are widely used in such arrays. MOX sensors are based on a thin layer of silicon oxide with embedded heaters that can operate at different temperature set points, which usually have the disadvantages of different volatile sensitivity in each individual sensor unit and also different crossed sensitivity to different volatiles (unspecificity). This paper presents and eNose composed by an array of 16 low-cost BME680 digital miniature sensors embedding a miniature MOX gas sensor proposed to unspecifically evaluate air quality. In this paper, the inherent variability and unspecificity that must be expected from the 16 embedded MOX gas sensors, combined with signal processing, are exploited to classify two target volatiles: ethanol and acetone. The proposed eNose reads the resistance of the sensing layer of the 16 embedded MOX gas sensors, applies PCA for dimensional reduction and k-NN for classification. The validation results have shown an instantaneous classification success higher than 94% two days after the calibration and higher than 70% two weeks after, so the majority classification of a sequence of measures has been always successful in laboratory conditions. These first validation results and the low-power consumption of the eNose (0.9 W) enables its future improvement and its use in portable and battery-operated applications

    Real-time classification of multivariate olfaction data using spiking neural networks

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    Recent studies in bioinspired artificial olfaction, especially those detailing the application of spike-based neuromorphic methods, have led to promising developments towards overcoming the limitations of traditional approaches, such as complexity in handling multivariate data, computational and power requirements, poor accuracy, and substantial delay for processing and classification of odors. Rank-order-based olfactory systems provide an interesting approach for detection of target gases by encoding multi-variate data generated by artificial olfactory systems into temporal signatures. However, the utilization of traditional pattern-matching methods and unpredictable shuffling of spikes in the rank-order impedes the performance of the system. In this paper, we present an SNN-based solution for the classification of rank-order spiking patterns to provide continuous recognition results in real-time. The SNN classifier is deployed on a neuromorphic hardware system that enables massively parallel and low-power processing on incoming rank-order patterns. Offline learning is used to store the reference rank-order patterns, and an inbuilt nearest neighbor classification logic is applied by the neurons to provide recognition results. The proposed system was evaluated using two different datasets including rank-order spiking data from previously established olfactory systems. The continuous classification that was achieved required a maximum of 12.82% of the total pattern frame to provide 96.5% accuracy in identifying corresponding target gases. Recognition results were obtained at a nominal processing latency of 16ms for each incoming spike. In addition to the clear advantages in terms of real-time operation and robustness to inconsistent rank-orders, the SNN classifier can also detect anomalies in rank-order patterns arising due to drift in sensing arrays

    Development of a Portable Electronic Nose System for the Detection and Classification of Fruity Odors

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    In this study, we have developed a prototype of a portable electronic nose (E-Nose) comprising a sensor array of eight commercially available sensors, a data acquisition interface PCB, and a microprocessor. Verification software was developed to verify system functions. Experimental results indicate that the proposed system prototype is able to identify the fragrance of three fruits, namely lemon, banana, and litchi

    Microfluidics in gas sensing and artificial olfaction

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    SCENT-ERC-2014-STG-639123 (2015-2020) UIDB/04378/2020 PTDC/BII-BIO/28878/2017Rapid, real-time, and non-invasive identification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and gases is an increasingly relevant field, with applications in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, or industry. Ideal characteristics of VOC and gas sensing devices used for artificial olfaction include portability and affordability, low power consumption, fast response, high selectivity, and sensitivity. Microfluidics meets all these requirements and allows for in situ operation and small sample amounts, providing many advantages compared to conventional methods using sophisticated apparatus such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This review covers the work accomplished so far regarding microfluidic devices for gas sensing and artificial olfaction. Systems utilizing electrical and optical transduction, as well as several system designs engineered throughout the years are summarized, and future perspectives in the field are discussed.publishersversionpublishe