73,748 research outputs found

    PRETZEL: Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning Prediction Serving Systems

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    Machine Learning models are often composed of pipelines of transformations. While this design allows to efficiently execute single model components at training time, prediction serving has different requirements such as low latency, high throughput and graceful performance degradation under heavy load. Current prediction serving systems consider models as black boxes, whereby prediction-time-specific optimizations are ignored in favor of ease of deployment. In this paper, we present PRETZEL, a prediction serving system introducing a novel white box architecture enabling both end-to-end and multi-model optimizations. Using production-like model pipelines, our experiments show that PRETZEL is able to introduce performance improvements over different dimensions; compared to state-of-the-art approaches PRETZEL is on average able to reduce 99th percentile latency by 5.5x while reducing memory footprint by 25x, and increasing throughput by 4.7x.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 201

    Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification

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    Grammar convergence is a method that helps discovering relationships between different grammars of the same language or different language versions. The key element of the method is the operational, transformation-based representation of those relationships. Given input grammars for convergence, they are transformed until they are structurally equal. The transformations are composed from primitive operators; properties of these operators and the composed chains provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the relationships between the grammars at hand. We describe a refined method for grammar convergence, and we use it in a major study, where we recover the relationships between all the grammars that occur in the different versions of the Java Language Specification (JLS). The relationships are represented as grammar transformation chains that capture all accidental or intended differences between the JLS grammars. This method is mechanized and driven by nominal and structural differences between pairs of grammars that are subject to asymmetric, binary convergence steps. We present the underlying operator suite for grammar transformation in detail, and we illustrate the suite with many examples of transformations on the JLS grammars. We also describe the extraction effort, which was needed to make the JLS grammars amenable to automated processing. We include substantial metadata about the convergence process for the JLS so that the effort becomes reproducible and transparent

    Dialogue with computers: dialogue games in action

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    With the advent of digital personal assistants for mobile devices, systems that are marketed as engaging in (spoken) dialogue have reached a wider public than ever before. For a student of dialogue, this raises the question to what extent such systems are genuine dialogue partners. In order to address this question, this study proposes to use the concept of a dialogue game as an analytical tool. Thus, we reframe the question as asking for the dialogue games that such systems play. Our analysis, as applied to a number of landmark systems and illustrated with dialogue extracts, leads to a fine-grained classification of such systems. Drawing on this analysis, we propose that the uptake of future generations of more powerful dialogue systems will depend on whether they are self-validating. A self-validating dialogue system can not only talk and do things, but also discuss the why of what it says and does, and learn from such discussions

    Does the Box-Cox transformation help in forecasting macroeconomic time series?

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    The paper investigates whether transforming a time series leads to an improvement in forecasting accuracy. The class of transformations that is considered is the Box-Cox power transformation, which applies to series measured on a ratio scale. We propose a nonparametric approach for estimating the optimal transformation parameter based on the frequency domain estimation of the prediction error variance, and also conduct an extensive recursive forecast experiment on a large set of seasonal monthly macroeconomic time series related to industrial production and retail turnover. In about one fifth of the series considered the Box-Cox transformation produces forecasts significantly better than the untransformed data at one-step-ahead horizon; in most of the cases the logarithmic transformation is the relevant one. As the forecast horizon increases, the evidence in favour of a transformation becomes less strong. Typically, the na¨ıve predictor that just reverses the transformation leads to a lower mean square error than the optimal predictor at short forecast leads. We also discuss whether the preliminary in-sample frequency domain assessment conducted provides a reliable guidance which series should be transformed for improving significantly the predictive performance.Forecasts comparisons; Multi-step forecasting; Rolling forecasts; Nonparametric estimation of prediction error variance.

    Linear High-Order Deterministic Tree Transducers with Regular Look-Ahead

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    We introduce the notion of high-order deterministic top-down tree transducers (HODT) whose outputs correspond to single-typed lambda-calculus formulas. These transducers are natural generalizations of known models of top-tree transducers such as: Deterministic Top-Down Tree Transducers, Macro Tree Transducers, Streaming Tree Transducers... We focus on the linear restriction of high order tree transducers with look-ahead (HODTR_lin), and prove this corresponds to tree to tree functional transformations defined by Monadic Second Order (MSO) logic. We give a specialized procedure for the composition of those transducers that uses a flow analysis based on coherence spaces and allows us to preserve the linearity of transducers. This procedure has a better complexity than classical algorithms for composition of other equivalent tree transducers, but raises the order of transducers. However, we also indicate that the order of a HODTR_lin can always be bounded by 3, and give a procedure that reduces the order of a HODTR_lin to 3. As those resulting HODTR_lin can then be transformed into other equivalent models, this gives an important insight on composition algorithm for other classes of transducers. Finally, we prove that those results partially translate to the case of almost linear HODTR: the class corresponds to the class of tree transformations performed by MSO with unfolding (not closed by composition), and provide a mechanism to reduce the order to 3 in this case

    Interactive Strategy-Based Validation of Behavioral Models

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    When behavioral models are derived automatically based on observed stakeholder interactions, requirements engineers need to validate whether the stakeholders agree with the synthesized behavioral models. Allowing stakeholders to experience such models through simulation and animation allows them to comment on, amend to and correct these models. However, to ensure an efficient stakeholder validation, the simulation has to be guided instead of confronting the user with random situations over and over again. In this paper, we present a strategy-driven simulator capable of guiding the execution of behavioral models based on graph transformations. By analyzing either the overall structure of a partial state space (look ahead) or by performing an in-depth analysis of the states therein, the simulator is able to determine which transformations should be executed next to continue on the most promising path through the overall state space. The discussed implementation is illustrated with a case study
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