422,803 research outputs found


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    A person's androgenic gender role can review how the intention to report a victim of sexual harassment is, because in this role, masculine and feminine go hand in hand so that the logic and emotions of the victim of harassment can run well and have high flexibility and adaptability. If someone has a high androgenous gender role, the intention to report sexual harassment will be lower, and vice versa, because someone who does not have an androgenous gender role is more inclined to one thing, be it logic or emotion. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of a person's androgenicity on their intention to report victims of sexual harassment. This research uses a quantitative correlational approach to study the influence of these two variables. The respondents in this research were 100 students taken using the purposive sampling technique. The research instruments used in this study were the Bem Sex Role Inventory and the Sex Harassement Reporting Scale. The data analysis method used was simple linear regression with the help of SPSS 26. The research results showed that androgynous gender roles had a positive effect on the intention to report victims of sexual harassment

    Fuzzy logic based intention recognition in STS processes

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    This paper represents a fuzzy logic based classifier that is able to recognise human users' intention of standing up from their behaviours in terms of the force they apply to the ground. The research reported focused on the selection of meaningful input data to the classifier and on the determination of fuzzy sets that best represent the intention information hidden in the force data. The classifier is a component of a robot chair which provides the users with assistance to stand up based on the recognised intention by the classifier

    GOAL agents instantiate intention logic

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    Abstract. It is commonly believed there is a big gap between agent logics and computational agent frameworks. In this paper, we show that this gap is not as big as believed by showing that GOAL agents instantiate Intention Logic of Cohen and Levesque. That is, we show that GOAL agent programs can be formally related to Intention Logic. We do so by proving that the GOAL Verification Logic can be embedded into Intention Logic. It follows that (a fragment of) Intention Logic can be used to prove properties of GOAL agents. The work reported is an important step towards the application of standard tools from modal logic for e.g. model checking agent programs. Our results also prove useful for extending the expressiveness of the GOAL agent language. This is illustrated by incorporating temporally extended goals into GOAL agents.

    A Defeasible Logic of Policy-based Intention

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    Most of the theories on formalising intention interpret it as a unary modal operator in Kripkean semantics, which gives it a monotonic look. We argue that policy-based intentions exhibit non-monotonic behaviour which could be captured through a non-monotonic system like defeasible logic. The proposed technique alleviates most of the problems related to logical omniscience

    Influence of Institutional Forces on the Intention to Harvest Rainwater in Tanzania: Moderating Effect of Logic

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    The aim of this explanatory study was to examine the moderation effect of logic on the relationship between institutional forces and rainwater harvesting intention. Random sampling technique was applied to obtain a sample size of 390 community members from Nkasi District in Tanzania. In this study explanatory and cross-sectional designs, random sampling, questionnaire survey strategy were applied in selecting 390 respondents. In data analysis, IBM SPSS software was conducted using descriptive and moderated multiple linear regression techniques. The results of the study showed that logic had significant positive moderation effect on the relationship between coercive mechanism and rainwater harvesting intention as well as on the relationship between mimetic mechanism and rainwater harvesting intention. The findings also revealed that logic had significant negative moderation effect on the relationship between normative mechanism and rainwater harvesting intention. The study concludes that coercive and mimetic mechanisms predicts significantly the intention to harvest rainwater with interaction of logic; logic was a significant positive moderator on the predicted relationships. The study recommends that the government and policy makers to design policies that enhances harvesting rainwater in communities. This study offers broad knowledge to investors, policy and decision makers on rainwater harvesting concept for improving water projects and development of the communities. Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, mimetic mechanism, normative mechanism, Logic DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-19-05 Publication date: December 31st 2023

    In Search of an Integrated Logic of Conviction and Intention

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    According to a two-level criterion for combination tests in the field of ordinary language (C-CT), moral 'ought'-sentences may be taken to imply 'I intend'-sentences partly semantically and partly pragmatically. If so, a trenchant linguistic analysis of the concept of moral obligation cannot do without a non-classical logic which allows to model these important kinds of ordinary-language implications by means of purely syntactical derivations. For this purpose, an integrated logic of conviction and intention has been tentatively devised by way of a doxastically, buletically, and pragmatically extended calculus of natural deduction. This system of buletic logic cannot even be launched without one or two derivation rules of deductive closedness. However, these very closedness rules appear to be responsible for buletic paradoxes which are analogous to paradoxes long since known from other, less exotic branches of logic but at first sight look much more virulent. After having scrutinized two potential strategies for coping with the paradoxes of buletic logic, finally we can convince ourselves that these paradoxes, as well as their familiar non-buletic counterparts, are but apparent paradoxes, provided we consistently lean on C-CT and do not let pragmatical considerations intrude into purely logical ones

    Why There Can\u27t be a Logic of Induction

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    Carap\u27s attempt to develop an inductive logic has been criticized on a variety of grounds, and while there may be some philosophers who believe that difficulties with Carnap\u27s approach can be overcome by further elaborations and modifications of his system, I think it is fair to say that the consensus is that the approach as a whole cannot succeed. In writing a paper on problems with inductive logic (and with Carnap\u27s approach in particular), I might therefore be accused of beating a dead horse. However, there are still some (e.g., Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines 1993) who seem to believe that purely formal methods for scientific inference can be developed. It may still then be useful to perform an autopsy on a dead horse when establishing the cause of death can shed light on issues of current concern. My intention in this paper is to point out a problem in Carnap\u27s inductive logic which has not been clearly articulated, and which applies generally to any inductive logic. My conclusion will be that scientific inference is inevitably and ineliminably guided by background beliefs and that different background beliefs lead to the application of different inductive rules and different standards of evidentiary relevance. At the end of this paper I will discuss the relationship between this conclusion and the problem of justifying induction

    Sound ideas and absurd consequences: reflections of a legal historian

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    During the 60 years that I have been writing - and speculating - on public law (my first book on medieval criminal law came out in 1954), I have been repeatedly struck by a particular phenomenon to which I would now like to draw attention: that sound ideas and useful innovations eventually - when relentlessly taken to their extreme consequences and pushed along the abstract lines of their inner logic - lead to absurd or even nefarious results, defeating the original intention

    Using a Logic Programming Framework to Control Database Query Dialogues in Natural Language

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    We present a natural language question/answering system to interface the University of Évora databases that uses clarification dialogs in order to clarify user questions. It was developed in an integrated logic programming framework, based on constraint logic programming using the GnuProlog(-cx) language [2,11] and the ISCO framework [1]. The use of this LP framework allows the integration of Prolog-like inference mechanisms with classes and inheritance, constraint solving algorithms and provides the connection with relational databases, such as PostgreSQL. This system focus on the questions’ pragmatic analysis, to handle ambiguity, and on an efficient dialogue mechanism, which is able to place relevant questions to clarify the user intentions in a straightforward manner. Proper Nouns resolution and the pp-attachment problem are also handled. This paper briefly presents this innovative system focusing on its ability to correctly determine the user intention through its dialogue capability

    Defeasible Logic: Agency, Intention and Obligation

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    We propose a computationally oriented non-monotonic multi-modal logic arising from the combination of agency, intention and obligation. We argue about the defeasible nature of these notions and then we show how to represent and reason with them in the setting of defeasible logic
